What should I stock up on, Yas Forums?

What should I stock up on, Yas Forums?

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toilet paper

yes people stock up on literally the most spoilage-prone product there is

Not dairy or bread. I can't believe people are cleaning out highly perishable items lol

Look a Venezuelan grocery store on a normal day.

orange juice apparently

I stopped by Walmart today. Shelves were bare for:
Bottled water
Toilet paper
Moat canned goods
Most ammunition

What am I supposed to do, shit my pants now?

Whatever is actually left that will you eat and won't expire for the next month or two

Nothing because the shelves are bare now. Ration your shit or you'll starve.

Have sex virgin

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Orange juice on the right

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Get saved

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Dog and cat food.

eggs last for something like a year if you oil them and refrigerate them

paper towels, no joke

I stocked up on doritos and root beer

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This. Might as well hope that all the vitamin c you consume will heighten your immune system.

Lead. Shoot yourself in the face.


Shelves are full of em!

Well I guess whatever that is on the left and right.

big bags of mini eggs. those things are good shit

A job user there will be none in three months. Get a job now!

Why was the orange juice left unscathed?

Whatever is left.
Buy up all the lightbulbs and make those faggots wipe their ass in the dark.

buy some big fat juciy nothingburgers

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Idunno why people are shit talking those who purchased perishables. I did on my last trip to the store so I could live comfy like normal. I'll eat all of that and hope that this is over by then (it won't be) and then I can get in to the boring shelf stable stuff.

You can buy a bidet attachment on Amazon for $30, or you can pick up a detachable showerhead at Walmart for about the same. The bidet has the advantage of being right there in the toilet, whereas the showerhead has the advantage of being able to rinse your pooper with warm water. Just make sure to do a single TP wipe before washing off if you go the shower route, so any dingleberries get knocked off

I guess the vitamin C shilling the industry did when they noticed they weren't getting a boost from the virus didn't work.

>eating bread

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Looks like you're about to become a fellow wafflestomper

Welcome comrade

No. Shit in the ammunition, retard

All that orange juice

Guns and ammo you fucking retard

The vitamin c should make the shit go right down the shower drain.

We're all gonna make it

An ounce or two of foresight

>mfw stores still filled with shit everywhere
is this all a lie i dont see these bare shelves except for toilet paper

Time machines

People are panic buying cat food too. There was still a good amount left, but I've never seen the cat food shelves that depleted.

Well you can freeze bread, dunno what they're planning on doing with milk and the kind of cheeses that require refrigeration though.

Address book of people who stockpiled food

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Orange drank


Short-sighted fools, all of them. Capitalize on their stupidity and their ignorance.

oh dont worry they're now buying all the infant formula because it lasts longer than powdered milk. kids are going to starve so boomers can try and have wheat bran with formula only to realize its fucking disgusting

my local super 2 days ago
the paper panic 2.0 was over 2 weeks ago.

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just go in the morning

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Seem to be only Walshart where people went apeshit.

Other grocery stores are fine except for TP, and the amounts of meat are less than usual but not wiped right out.

this is only the result of shilling and media deceit to whip up a panic so trump is not reelected



And (you) fell for it reddit: These anons and mossad-Russian-chinks destroyed Yas Forums

99% 1-post

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Ensure/Boost drinks. Seriously. Everyone seems to have completely ignored them.

Why is milk running out?

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Why do Americans refrigerate eggs tho? You only need to refrigerate for the last 7-10 days of their shelf life

Bullets and you know it’s true

4 more Russian-chinkLEAF

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fuck off panic shill, you are as transparent as you are stale

>went to walmart
Shit empty
>drive over to place where old people generally live to shop
Tons of shit in stock because they are too scared to go out

Think ya damn niggas

first they came for toilet paper and i said nothing, for i shit upon the designated streets. then they came for the packaged meat and replenished the aisle with Doritos. i scream and God won't listen because we are the virus and CoronaChan is his cure and Holy messenger. for had we not been such cancer, God would not have sent CoronaChan as a curse upon us.

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Just walk into traffic, it's already over.

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Just buy a tub of protein powder

Is that supposed to be some Brazilian logic?

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fuck off monkey man

stuff like slimfast power is good, its dry so i imagine it will store longer and you can just mix it in with milk or water an get a shitload of nutrients

also deenz


The eggs in America are washed which makes them perishable at room temperature

If you keep your eggs cool they have to stay cool, otherwise you get condensation on them and water on the surface of eggs can allow bacteria to get in. The EU response was "well just never cool them then" whereas the US said "but cooling them makes them last longer".

In america they remove the outer membrane of eggs when they wash them, limiting their shelf life and ruining their natural bacterial barrier. But the shells look whiter so win?

desu twitter of all places is more tolerable now than this shithole
only come here for really whacky stuff
a replacement website for free speech or a purge of shills here can't come soon enough

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Toilet paper. nylon stockings. hair wax.

orange juice bad

buy like 10 giant jars of peanut butter and youre set for the whole fucking apocalypse my dude

bitches will gather in line for miles to lick your nutter butter

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Orange juice and dip apparently.

Based WW2 vet