They got him. The damn commies got him.
It’s over
Other urls found in this thread:
>gloves and mask
>still ordering takeout
based brah
damn i could go for some pizza hut right about now
Hello? Based department?
I fugged his sister
She leave a review?
Can I smell your dick?
fug me too pls
reviewbrah is well informed if i remember correctly
now i want deep dish pizza
was she a starfish or what
That looks good as shit right about now. Pizza hut gimmick pizzas make their pizza worth it.
That's a R.I.P
He's autism and on the doesn't take much. Rip chuckie the welder guy.
little brain: lol i bet that guy is a virgin
medium brain: lol reviewbrah is ironically cool
galactic brain: lol reviewbrah is unironically cool as shit
>You bastards Blood will run in the streets to revenge Review Brah.... Fuck You NWO
>Fun Fact journalists will be the 1st to swing from the street lights
Kid was a little faggot anyways, just like his father
"small portion size and the aftertaste was unpleasant. i expected more. the sauce was lacking and had a yellowish discoloration. my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined. this is the last time i will be ordering from tinder."
it doesn’t take a galactic brain to realize that. reviewbrah is really pretty much the only based eceleb
Good I hope he dies soon so his ugly mug can be forgotten
So what is the deal with these faggots always shilling this discord... it always has struck me as suspect with the discord trannies.... there’s no way I’m clicking on that shit Nig or even going because it’s putting you ip address at risk from split dick faggots
Show me on the doll where review bro touched you.
I'm telling on you!
>i'm going to say something edgy to troll these guys
grow up
dont take the bait these edgetards are leaving like i did and just ignore them, they want attention thats all they probably like the guy too, everyone does
how was she?
you know that he hates Yas Forums?
Press F
Good intuition user... ...It IS a honeypot.
I'm still mad that took the Big New Yorker off the menu, that was my favorite item they ever had. That sauce, man, so salty and delicious.
>inb4 they use the same sauce in the stuffed crust pizza
No they fucking don't, I worked there in 2004, the Big New Yorker sauce was a distinct sauce we put only on that pizza and no other, stuffed crust pizzas got the same sauce we put on hand tossed, thin and crispy, and original pan pizzas.
>inb4 it wasn't "real New York style pizza"
I don't give it shit, it was good.
>inb4 you're fat
I certainly am.
baka works
It feels like I shouldn't be attracted to her face. But I am.
The end is NIGH!
I know he looks like goebbels but I didnt realize he was so based and redpilled
She looks 25, what the fuck.
Alcohol and drugs were the cause most likely. Or she is lying about her age.
Prove it, we've never been anything but nice to him.
>Prove it, we've never been anything but nice to him.
He made a video some years ago saying that he was sucked in because Yas Forumsacks were his only friends. Don't have the link
But that doesn't sound like he hates us at all.
He renounced his past beliefs a while ago
Is reviewbruh a white nationalist?
>this faggot
Literally who???
Bad new for you... Tw'ern't a sister.
A meal for two
He used to be pretty plugged into Yas Forums and made lots of based comments here and on but made a big apology video renouncing his former beliefs
No doubt becuase some libshits decided to try and ruin him if he didn't. You don't take the redpill and go back
I think you can probably bluepill yourself again if you take SSRIs and shit and you're young enough that you can just write it off as a phase.
Also if you were a loser and then found friends, maybe.
Maybe if you alter your brain chemistry but that's about it. Once you know the truth you see it all around you, you might even try to pretend you don't see it. But you know.
Short hair > long hair desu senpai
He was donating to steves channel (known TDS libshit)