Can someone explain exactly how socialism and communism differ?

Is the former really just a means to bring about the latter?

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i would cum in 2 seconds

trips of based and truthpilled

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one uses propoganda against you and the other you are the propoganda

One is run by fags, the other by trannies.

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they dont.
the road to communism is through democracy, then socialism, then communism.

lobsters? dogs? lobsterdogs?

This is /pol of course not.


Got get eaten by a dingo

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Yes the goal of socialism is to be an intermediary between capitalism and communism, easing the transition. Communism is classless, stateless (no states or borders), and moneyless society.

Socialism = Losers want free shit that they don't deserve
Communism = Losers want free shit that they don't deserve, but this time they will actually kill you to get it.

Socialism is wealth distribution communism is the government owns and operates everything.

Somebody didn't have basic cable in the late 90s while going through puberty.

Communism arise due to violent revolt, whereas socialism is democratically introduced. However, mankind being mankind, violence is always inevitable. Do you understand?

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Jennifer Connelly. Actress. Maybe one of the most beautiful people in the world. Raised orthodox Christian, has white kids.

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Socialism is run by a State and Communism is when the state magically disappears. Communism is basically Anarchy

Sure thing, bud. Communism is socialism after the bodies start to pile too high.
It’s kinda like how a prostitute is just called a hooker after she’s found dead in the trunk of a car.

Socialism is whenever the goverment does something using stolen money and communism is supposed to be stateless and achieved after a socialist goverment gives the power to the people which is totally possible by the way

Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and Fidel Castro were the absolute pinnacle in anarchism on this earth.

The labyrinth girl ate cum to get that role. Just like natalie Portman did a gangbang to get that stupid role in thor. Fact

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The most retarded and impossible form of anarchy ever invented and of course it was on (((purpose))).

Not true, they were Socialists. Nestor Makhno was the last real Anarchist and he ended up getting chased out of his own country

Communism is a political position and socialism is an economic one.



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possibubbly in practice, mediated by what has come since. but in theory no. socialism predates communism by decades, chartism is the original core out of which full socially focused policies began to flow.
Nationalism is socialism, internationalism is communist.

Look at the spelling you brainlet. Geez...

Socialism is sucking cock but not admitting you're gay
Communism is sucking cock for food.

Noice offering fella. learn to meme, I just signed up to your deal.

how do i fix the problem of instantly discarding someones opinion just because of how they look? While it's never steered me wrong yet, it's pretty annoying and seems illogical.

Basically people use the word to mean multiple things.

By a technical and earlier definition the former is a way to bring about the latter.

Some people no just mean it as anything that's government-run or publically-owned, as in they use it in place of the word socalised.

Now even further though, people are using Democratic Socialist when technically they mean Social Democrat.

Go to leftypol and ask this question.

Nobody here knows wtf they’re talking about when it comes to things like that

>Raised orthodox Christian, has white kids.
Yeah, no one cares faggot. We just wanna fap.

Kill your self

Communism - "Your shit belongs to us and we're going to pretend you're part of the party, but you're just a worker."
Socialism - "Same as the above except we lie a lot more to keep you more complacent."

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Bernie just uses Democratic Socialist as a half-euphemism because boomers have an allergy to the word "socialism."

Has she a dick?

No but she is a jew

socialisn is like getting ass raped by a chink dick and communism is like getting jackhammered by a nigger dick. either way its rape.

You are an underage zoomer, but I forgive you.

even hotter

I've never seen an internalized feeling I have put into words like this.

pol isn't all bad

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A Jew I would betray my Asian (Finnish) race for:

Both hate whites and serve the interests of jewish capitalists so there is no distinction

Yeah, here's a full explanation:

Still a jew .

Socialism is Bourgeoisie Communism.

In communism the state owns everything and you have a centrally planned economy. In socialism you still have a ruling class of wealthy elites and private ownership but everyone is taxed to shit so that the working classes subsist more off the welfare state than they do their meager wages. The rich maintain their positions of power and the workers are kept comfortable enough that they won't revolt while at the same time their capacity to amass wealth and compete with the elite is destroyed by the heavy taxation of the welfare state.

Any system where the state says the working classes are so poor that they need its help and yet still wealthy enough that they can justifiably be taxed should immediately draw your skepticism.

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It's "Democratic Socialism" until they have enough power to send any dissenters to the gulag. Then they can call it Communism.

That'd be like forcing a man to hike a mountain. might require a little effort but they're generally eager to do it.

They don't. Socialism is a smokescreen for communism.

I care. I guess you'll have to call me Nohbdy

It's all the same shit
>Right wing: **my** resources go to my extended family / local community, small amount to the state.
>Left wing: **your** resources go to low productivity, high fertility, strangers.

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You're nobody.


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The spelling

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