Would the cops really give a shit? Would anyone? I ask for research purposes.
If someone burned one of these with petrol with someone inside
Research requires rigorous testing.
nah brah murderin hobos aint that cool
What’s worse plastic and burning body smell, or regular homeless stench?
nobody gives a shit about niggers
flame away
I bet the cops would secretly approve. They might even avoid these neighborhoods deliberately on certain nights.
post teh webem
yall wouldnt make dis posgt witout seein it
It would be better to burn a tranny alive IMHO.
Two weeks ago, yes - it'd be front page news. Today? Maybe. This weekend? Doubtful.
>what you do to the least of these, you also do to me
Yes. The cops arresting a shite guy “terrorizing the most vulnerable demographic in the country” would be a huge boon to that departments budget and that captain’s political career. He would be interviewed on the news for his stand against racism and classism.
If you do it, they’ll spend more time trying to catch you than they would on a double homicide in a poor neighborhood.
is that literal feces on a tray off to the left side of his home..? shame..shame
Glow harder
inner city cop here
we would arrest you if we caught you
we wouldnt give a fuck if we had no clear evidence to do anything about it
case would just end up at the bottom of the pile for years
the only problem happens if you do it regularly then some fucking douche politician will send it down the chain to figure it out so he gets brownie points for an election
sounds like something they do in africa , show flag
Homeless stretch by far
No, you cant light homeless people on fire.
no one would tell the difference between arson and the average tuesday night. they set themselves on fire all the time.
With all the heroin nodding crack cooks and DIY electrical wiring those tents do burn up. Best way would be giving away candles.
There are detectives whose job it is to catch you. Resources will be dedicated to track you. The cops might secretly approve, but they will still do their duty and try to find and arrest the perpetrator.
cops no the Jews they would
San Francisco?
How do you just shit right next to your tent?
Poor people are innocent victims. Attacking weak and marginalized people is pathetic disgusting and cowardly.
Why murder someone that has already lost everything
Go burn down something else with more significance.... go torture some billionaire in his home, who has everything to lose, faggot.
most billionaires are white, you dumb nigger
Fight me in real life
hey piggy, here's a question. these tent dwelling street shitters clog up sidewalks all over the place. other day i had to go 2 blocks around because they set up in the underpass at 4th ave on BOTH sides and i didn't want to take the stairs because they're covered in pee and smell really bad. why don't you do shit about this? why is this allowed? why are you pigs sitting on your fat asses while hobos take over the city? REMOVE THEM. THAT'S YOUR JOB, IRL JANNIE, CLEAN IT UP. cops never do SHIT. you fucks were nowhere near mcstabbys until 9 people got shot and it got on national news, and then momma jenny forced you to go break it up. where were you before that? huh? people dealing in broad daylight and you fat pigs sit around doing nothing at all.
you're a bunch of god damned worthless welfare queens. crime all over the city, broad daylight, people using illegal drugs in the street, and where are the cops? sitting in their air conditioned vehicles stuffing their faces.
Do it, fuck homeless niggers theh are useless piece of shit that will never contribute to anything but 'pls gib me free stuff cuz im a retard that pop drugs and dont wanna work' and they are dirty shit and that have no rederming qualities. Also im a cop and me and my coworkers talk about our disdain for these sack of shit all the time, as long as you dont get caught and we dont see you in the act we wont do a thing.
yeah most billionaires are white
Checked your pair and your id, all females ITT must show tits
I saw a video of a guy doing that and then running away on a bridge underpass
even if theyres muh joos theyre doing more for the country than the homeless niggers.
who will run google if the 2 jewish billionaires that own it are gone? how many people will lose their jobs if google is gone?
use your fucking brain. USA is no place for niggers. if youre a nigger you fucking die on the streets, get a job nigger.
1 we want to do it as much as you yourself want to do it, if you wont do it i dont care to do it
2 politicians dont want us doing it because it makes the city look bad so we just have to ignore them unless we dont have a choice
3 theres nothing that can really be done, no where to put them no where to take them nothing to help them thanks to the types of policies in place where i am at least
4 you choose to live this life around that trash, if its such an issue just leave to somewhere better retard, there are so many things you can do yourself but all you wanna do is cry about THE GOBBAMENT to solve your problems
5 i can tell youre a libtard who is mad his hipster areas smell like shit, try not voting in stupid ass policies that create this situation in the first place pedro
>no one posting the webm of the dude doing exactly that
Yas Forums is dead
I saw a video of a police cruiser running over a homeless guys tent. Cops hate hobos and will ticket them or harass their asses. They won't care if a tent gets burned down.
just shoot them and throw the body out in the woods somewhere, no one will find it. no one will miss 'em. there's not even a count of the hobos. just do it one by one. you're lazy and incompetent. if i did my job as badly as you do yours i'd be FIRED. you have one fucking job, keep the city safe. people get assaulted by hobos every day. where the cops at? handing out parking tickets.
you're an overweight meter maid.
edit:thank you kind sir for the reddit gold, i didnt expect this to blow up, thank you kindly stranger
Print out fliers that say "Stomp Out Homelessness" and "Antihomeless Aktion" with the bottom of a boot as a logo.
Watch as the paranoid homeless chimp out.
get a gun and protect yourself if its so dangerous or better yet do something with your life and leave Pedro, you fail to realize that the job we do is the job we are told to do if you got an issue take it up with the people you voted into office, all im seeing are the tears of some poor hipster who cant afford to live in an area not covered in shit, you may as well be in those tents with them kid
Don't kill homeless dude. Most kids on the chang are a death of a parent away from being on the streets.
Was waiting for this webm to pop up in this thread
you're a dirty lazy pig who can't read between the lines. NO ONE would shed a tear if the hobos disappeared overnight. round them up, drive to the desert, and do away with them. you don't even need to shoot them, just leave them in the back of a trailer in the sun for a week or two. lazy pig.
>b-b-b-b-but daddy didn't specifically tell me to clean THAT puddle of shit
you're a helpless infant. know what i heard, they have an IQ cap on police recruitment. anyone with an IQ over 90 won't make it in!
you're so useless people don't even bother calling the police over anything anymore. it's anarchy, but you fat freeloading pigs still collect a paycheck for unchecked egregious incompetence.
Potentially based.
>Would the cops really give a shit?
This was the question that Raskolnikov asked himself in Crime and Punishment but in regard to some old hag.
btw nobody died and the guys who did it were caught
>most vulnerable saints living among us
They really do use this retarded language quite often (pic related)
if nobody would care why arent you out doing it? youre calling me dirty and lazy but youre the one crying for BIG DADDY to come save you from something you yourself admit can be done... why not just do it kid?
btw saying "people dont bother calling the police anymore" is proof youre a nigger... cause only niggers dont call police. go back to your tent Dequan and shit in your pan.
If you're white you've already been marked for extermination, therefore they'll use any excuse to destroy you, especially something like this.
based fatty of cleansing and arson-homicide
> 9 people shot
I unironically resigned from my job that day. I lived downtown near the shootings. Was sick of Seattle already but that shooting was the last straw. Moved as far away from that fucking shithole as I could.
One of the best decisions I ever made.
Cop is right. Just leave the place. Let it fucking burn. Especially now.
When the cities descend into chaos, it is a rare chance to clean them up.
DAILY REMINDER: you might be killing a future Hitler by doing this.
Why don't you do it then?
Piggles is saying that if you don't get caught, nobody will do anything.
hey. sooooo-iiiii piggy piggy piggy. take note.
But what if this is how one becomes future Hitler?
It's a good time for research since gas prices are down a bit.
Fuck off kike. Show flag.
based ID and checked.
bellevue is too expensive, man, and i'd be knee deep in chinks and pajeets all day.
mama jenny would put the entire budget on finding me. a cop would know how to get away with it and has the resources, they can steal a gun from evidence and use that. what am i gonna do, ask the hobos to sell me a stolen gun so i can kill the hobos?
if you think the rambling of a nigger is gonna bother me dequan i think you are sorely mistaken
if anything i think youre a little unhinged for me striking a little too close to home :)
LARP or you are a west coast black & white in Southern California or up north.
Past Hitler was homeless at one time, it was what developed his social conscience for his people and his understanding of social ills.
Like I say, you could be killing a future Hitler by doing this.
im white, and you are close, good guess
christ in heaven these people are hideous!
>cop's only job is to put criminals in jail
>criminals are all over the street while cop is fingering his own asshole and picking his nose afterwards
>point this out
>piggy gets mad
Jesus would care, repent
you must be severely autistic to not understand emotions
assuming i am mad with no evidence is baffling at best
you may want to evaluate your posts since those are definitively rage posts dequan
They wouldn't *care*, but they'd have to try and track you down anyway, strictly pro forma. If you got away with it multiple times, they'd start having actual motivation to find you, just because you're making the department look incompetent.
This gentleman makes a compelling argument.
>pig posts miscegenation
great moral standards.
Local police would give zero fucks, FBI would investigate if you made it a habit
Were you racist before you were a cop? until I moved to so cal I was vehemently anti-racist. Something about living here makes you change your mind. Funny, that.
coming from the guy who says its easy to go kill some homeless people and nobody would care
but is too scared to go homeless people nobody cares about while begging from the bottom of his heart for the government to try and fix the problem for him
please dequan, just leave the inner city to somewhere better, i know the welfare may be lower but youll survive
CHP challenger or explorer - have seen the white livery floating around I-5.
yeah, weirdly enough i was a libtard myself during college when i was doing my criminal justice degree
after spending 12 years in the force ive pretty much been conditioned to be a race realist otherwise id probably have been stabbed by a homeless guy or shot approaching a vehicle with black people
I know this shit is getting out of hand but this fucking guy.....what city is this? At the very least i would go up and start collexting the debris in a garbage can and wait for him to do or say something. Typical liberal would get pissy and eventually touch me when i refused to stop. Then i would unleash fury on his goddamn face. I feel for people with legit mental issues or that have gone through terrible tragedies to end up homeless. But these lazy fucking kids living on the street like theyre back at their moms house......im ready to help them become adylts3
There it is. "You're not one of our rich owners, so we don't give a fuck". Bootlickers take note - if you're not a rich kike, they aren't you're friends.
Nope. Go wild user.
Fucking leaf
Fuck em. Abortion is legal, shouldve been aborted
You’re certainly not a Jew.
I'd rather kill the Politicians in power that allow this shit to occur.
I can tell you've been sheltered.
my ex was from so-cal and he was a bleeding heart blm fan. i don't think so, tim. california is a pozz factory. you socal get so asspained about san fransisco being the only pozzed place, but no one else in the country can even tell you apart.
what is so-cal's demographics, 90% spic and 10% hobo? LA is the ground zero of the hobo epidemic.
Sounds like a challenge to me
If it was in Seattle, the cops who patrol probably wouldn't care but the top brass probably would.
No queers allowed
Dont burn homeless. That wont make you famous
actually a crown vic but been a desk jockey for a hot minute as of now
actually if you arent white and a libtard we tend to avoid you if at all possible since youre the reason the place is going to shit
this guy gets it, the situation has nothing to do with us as police but those people you elect, were basically just PR puppets to them and our hands are tied 99% of the time, with stuff such as threatening funding, pensions, etc.
I can smell that picture.
Shits fucked. What country was this?
I doubt you're a cop and I've seen you posting with the pedro addition for quite some time now
larp somewhere else why are you arguing with retards anyway
check your address bar, this isn't the fag board.