Quick Question

Is it true that we tend to whitewash history a bit too much? Even I have to admit that some of the theories here go a little overboard. ( e.g. Egyptians were white)

Their is NOTHING wrong with admitting that other races are capable of things, I find that the constant denial of this is actually what makes us look bad. It's ok to admit that non-whites have historical past or even season their food better. We don't have to shit our pants over everything.

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>Their is NOTHING wrong with admitting that other races are capable of things
lying is a sin

The truth is that tupac shaker was a white irish man who rapped about the oppression of the american government.

those fucking lips on white skin omfg they dont even look right kek

White people care nothing for this nigger in the present. Why would we ever bother to remember him 2000 years from now?

No, the denial is that whites are somehow the gatekeepers to success and actively keeping others from succeeding, when in fact across the entirety of human history it's literally only ever been whites that have extended a hand and attempted to coexist with people that are different.

I always thought Jesus was white because every illustration of him is so.

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I mean actually relivent ones.
Not some worthless gangbanger who talks about irrelevant shit only 80 IQ people find value in.
I mean give me something to value something ACTUAL.

In 2000 years, no one is going to know who Tupac was.

You faggots make me laugh. You really think the picture and idols you guys have are a real depiction?? On a second note that counts as idolism literally by having supposed pictures and statues. I’m sure Jesus wouldn’t approve and also KEK at stupid MUTTS who think white people come from that part of the world

>Egyptians were white
Egyptians aren't white but the ptolmaic dynasty sure as shit were. Cleopatra was white.


Why would white people want to take ownership of a ballet dancer that became a nigger rap thug?

In 2000 years nobody is going to give a fuck about rap

Ptolemaic dynasty was greek


Fpbp. Yas Forums is a Christian board, and therefore, a board of truth

Tupac was a nigger and died like a nigger. There, I'd say that just about sums it up lads.

>Is it true that we tend to whitewash history a bit too much?
No. American history would be exactly the same if blacks never came here.

>looks at Japanese portrayal of jesus
>head implodes due to black hole of intelligence finally breaking through his skull

Early Egyptians WERE white

>niggers be mad black familly gets whiter by the year

Nope, Egyptians aren't white. The anicents egyptians were closer to Europeans and Turks tho than to the people living in current Egypt acording to the only full genom study done on mummies.

Many Jews and globalists try to blackwash our history and heritage tho.

No sane person here thinks Egyptians were white. All people are saying is that Egyptians weren't black niggers.

Niggers do this, Asians even do this and I've even seen Native artwork depicting Jesus as one of their own. It's not like it's a white only thing.


"The surprising ancestry of ancient Egyptians: First ever genome study of mummies reveals they were more Turkish and European than African"

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Egyptians were egyptians not white or black.

Ancient egyptians were arabs. Not white, not black. The Romans made Jesus white and now black people act like we are constantly stealing black historical figures for our own. We want nothing to do with niggers, presently or historically.

looks white to me


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People wash people's color all the time; it's a back and forth game.

Like when Katara was White or when Starfire was a black hooker.

No one says the Egyptians were white. Revisionist blacks say they were black. The truth is Egypt was a center of commerce and very cosmopolitan with people from many cultures.

Douchebags like you keep posting the same shit just to try and make someone angry, which is fine, but at least generate some new content.

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Wrong. Ancient Egyptians were definitely not Arab.

still looks like a nigger

Greeks were white. Alexander the Great was a green eyed blonde and his sister was a redhead.

The size difference is quite significance

Yes. Greeks are white. But there is of course a crossover (mixed races spectrum) with greeks who aren't really greeks but call themselves that.

Egyptians weren’t niggers either though, I thought that they were the people’s who made up the Nubians, whom got their asses kicked by superior Egypt? Iirc you can see this reflected in Egyptian art as the Nubians are depicted as substantially darker skinned?

am i missing something here? its just a picture of tupac

kek. now people are finding ancient syrian music that is nice peaceful flute music. Imaging the anthropologist in the future finding note for some nigger rap

>muh dik muh dik fuck 1000 ho bitches then pop a xan damn Im the man muh dik pussy dick shit fart dick nigguh niggu nigger

Right. Modern "Greeks" are basically heavily mixed with semitic blood.

One thing more is that Europeans, have stood for 90% of all important inventions and scientific discoveries. So while we should acknowledge inventions from other races, we are just way better.

The second race which has provided the most is jews, unfortuatley. Ashkenazi jews are very smart on average.

Africans south americans etc on the other hand have contributed with pretty much nothing


who the actual fuck thinks egyptians are white? egypt is right in between sand-nigger and nigger land

No one will be discussing tupac niggur in 2000 years

Oh come on, Abdullah. It isn't too much a stretch to claim jesus was white or had light colored skin. Wasn't the prophet Muhammad supposedly a ginger with white as fuck skin? What about Assad?

Egyptians were white.

Absolutely bullshit. Made up by self-hating whites with university tenure.
No self-respecting white historian denies progress made by other races, but should never apologise for belonging to the one group that hasade the most progress and conquered the rest of the world.
The other stupid issue lefties ignore is the concept that there is no such thing as a homogeneous white culture anyway.
They cry about eurocentricity etc, but damned if I'll ever admit that the frogs or krauts are anything compared to the Anglo.
The biggest problem is that anglos have an overractive sense of empathy which leads to this perpetual guilt complex in pussies who have never had to face any more struggle than picking which poke on to start with.
(charmander BTW)
There is nothing wrong with accepting that some Africans did some cool shit, such as the malians and ethiopians, but pretending that Egyptians were the niggest isn't reality, it is backwashing.
Those cunts were brown - as evidenced by DNA testing on hatchet-slut and tooter-carmen.
Nobody pretends they were white - lefties just see their portrayals by white actors in old movies and think that's what people actually think they looked like.
Like shit, if that's the case, then God looks like fucking Morgan freeman.

Kinda look Irish

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He was a Slav/Thracian iirc.

KEK keep worshiping Jesus statues and the cross and also keep taking Jesus name in the wrong manner u evil fuker. At least have the intelligence to recognise that the representation of Jesus you worship is false, u guys have been lost for a long time

I remember I’ve read a bible verse about Jesus casting away people who take his name and try cast out demons etc or say in Jesus name I rebuke you etc and it applies so scarily to modern day American Christians. You guys are too ignorant to see it though and probably too ignorant to know which verse I’m referring to even though it’s your religion.

this thread is so fucking retarded
i hope corona chan kills all whites

thats pretty ironic. christianity led us to the path of truth, it itself however isnt the truth. but merely a guide

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The thing is we whites have stood for 90% of all important inventions and scientific discoveries and blacks for.... 0.
What exactly is it that we should be in awe of?

Africans have higher testoterone for example, I guess that can be positive is some situations. But it doesn't seem to hinder us from easily conquring them before and win most sports as well.....

>civil war

>got their asses kicked by superior Egypt?
Way more complex than that but somewhat checks out

Ancient egyptians are fucking extinct and nobody knows for sure what they was.

Oh hi there NZ user
>Those cunts were brown - as evidenced by DNA testing on hatchet-slut and tooter-carmen.
They depicted themselves as Redskinned tho

we litterally have their corpses, they werent black thats for sure. atleast the pharoes and elites werent, as is evidence by their hair color

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Well, race and ethnicity aside, we can all rest assured knowing that in regards to the Egyptians, they wuz kangz n sheeeiit.

whoops wrong image

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I have literally posted the source saying they are European and turkish basically. This is from full genom studies on mummies.

>greek "historian"
Oh yes, such a reliable source

I have literally posted the source saying they are European and turkish basically. This is from full genom studies on mummies.

>Egyptians are white
Then what are they leaf? What color are the Egyptians? Tell me Tell me

>What exactly is it that we should be in awe of?
For more than half the gold circulating in europe from the 1100 to the 1400's (which fueled the commercial and naval expansion btw)

>European renaissance is where the majority of famous religious art comes from
>obviously Europeans are going to paint what they know which includes inaccurate foods, tables, silverware etc
maybe if niggers weren't eating shit out of cow's asses and dirt patties their contributions would be acknowledged

> It's ok to admit that non-whites have historical past or even season their food better.
Depends on the non white but generally all non whites have less relevant history than whites do. Whites did everything. Explored everything. Went everywhere. Made everything.
Also we came up with spices.

forged evidence

No one said Egyptians were white we just said they not black.

Did you even study history past high school?

Whatever you say bud

>Did you even study history past high school?
Yea world history is white history.

Friend you got it backwards
Every race wants to be with their own race and fuck on the others
Get a clue