What's up with all the sign language interpreters?

I have never met someone that only understands sign language. So why are so many "based" government doing this stupid bullshit?

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>I have never met someone that only understands sign language.
Not all deaf people can read lips, user

can they read fucking subtitles?

Why not just use subtitles? It's 2020, you retarded boomers.

Subtitles on live TV are delayed. ASL translators are faster.

He's desperate and that fat good-ol-boy has stake at "bob evans"
He's losing his shit knowing that 'establishment' will go out of business

They've been doing that literally forever are you retarded?

Imagine having to wait a few more seconds than everyone else. Fucking entitled deaf fags

>So why are so many "based" government doing this stupid bullshit?
Laws are in effect that you HAVE to provide access to info for those with disabilities, so they do things like this to show they are trying to comply.

Special ed fag here. They have translators around. They’re better than the diversity hires they use for captioning, that fuck up all the time. Might as well use them.

One bad side effect of the mexicanization of America is quite a few can’t.

Hey idiot, there are people who are fucking deaf out there.

Deep fake prevention???

Hey, it creates jobs for people who know ASL. Nothing wrong with that in my book.

So just use subtitles, cheaper so we can afford our Israeli donations.

There's more people that speak Spanish yet I don't see the government, nor do I want the government to, translate everything into spic.

So they are welfare niggers?

Americans with Disabilities Act.

I never before realized how badass ASL intrepreters are.

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Careful though: they have beastly tempers.

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I mean this from the bottom of my heart.

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cautiously checked

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For real though why do they make these faces?
Is it just to convey the emotion of the words or is that part of how you're supposed to sign it?

Closer to Hasidic Jews on a budget . They actually do shit, but are ridiculously insular. Not too bad, but heaven help you if you don’t get your kosher approval.

Maybe being hearing-impaired they are used to using facial expressions to communicate more information more than the average person?

Maybe its like with guitar players, who make lots of funny faces because they are so deeply feeling their playing?

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check out this gem from the minnesota announcements. this bitch went crazy for a good half an hour.

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Do you not understand demographics?

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BoJo's was great

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If you're semi-deaf, people's facial expressions fill in the blanks of the consonants which are hard to pick up on.

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the more emotion you put into signing, the more enjoyable it is to read

>do not want

Bolsonaro's wife works with deaf people.

The facial expressions are meaningful. They work as adjectives, adverbs, ect.

Like the difference between
>anal rape surprise

>anal? Rape surprise!

>anal rape! Surprise!

Have you never met a deaf-from-birth person, retard?
My ex is an interpreter. Makes pretty good money, but it's like consulting work: it's not a regular paycheck.
Think of it kinda like punctuation and the nuance of speech inflection: the look on the face and how forceful the movements are the difference between "I feel great." and "I feel GREAT"

>Have you never met a deaf-from-birth person, retard?
Nope. I'm 30 years old and have lived in multiple states and countries. Don't they go to special schools, away from normal people?

Based and spbp

Except it looks fucking stupid

They can but they choose not too. The whole sign language shit is like a culture to the deaf retards. It shouldn't exist anymore with technology but they forcefully keep it alive because they want to be special little snowflakes.

If the government paid people to randomly dig holes and fill them back up would you support it because it "creates jobs".

Some do, yeah.
My ex went to Madonna University in Michigan; it has a huge deaf culture.

Imagine if you couldn't hear inflection in someone's voice.

as you can see, just one small word separates the US from absolute lunacy

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Subtitles are delayed, most are done in advance for normie sitcoms, etc.
t. worked with ASL major with big tits

blind cant read dumbass

sign language interpreters gotta eat too.. nobody on this site should be too mad that somebody has a job based on a very specific skill set

that governor is mentally retarded. just sayin

don't be so mean. I thought the same but when I took a sign language class I found it's sometimes more efficient than spoken languages. really a fun language to chat with too. and it's crazily easy to learn without worrying about your accent problem compared to learning spoken languages

>tfw both of parents are deaf but you didn't learn sign language and got by on lip reading

Leave your moms basement and go outside.


>West Virginia
kek, aren't they literally the only state without any confirmed cases? Base WVa not giving any fucks while everybody else dies

I took ASL for a quarter in community college. There’s two groups in the deaf community - those who get treatment for being deaf - and those who treat it like a culture and even vilify the deaf people who seek treatment for wanting to be like the hearing. It’s nuts.

Listen here, Jack, lemme set you straight. This thing isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid- nineteen eighty-nine whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. Here's the deal, fat: Cornflake's brother, a fellah we called Dick Diamond, he was a hospital chef. He said the Shanghai Shivers, "Ain't no thang that chicken soup can't fix" you can take that to the bank, buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit, fat. I ain't shaking your daughter's hand, I'd punch her straight in the kisser.

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It is really weird; I have seen firsthand deaf people lose their shit over someone just considering a cochlear implant.

>without worrying about accent problems

There's a million, ever person has their own accent. Technically there is an international sign language but no one uses that. Usual overlap between sign languages from different languages is ~25 %. Even in countries like Austria and Germany which both use german, sign language uses the same sign for the same meaning in only ~50 % of cases.

t. someone who's job it was to compare different sign languages

>They can but they choose not too
Mate they read subtitles/teletext. Sign language is there to help deaf people communicate with each other seamlessly and to give them same social satisfaction we have. Have you tried talking to deaf person with out sign language it's tiring as fuck and vice versa

true. the language has its value, but the culture is cringe

DeafAnon here...

The face expressions you are seeing are called NMS (Non Manual Signals).

One of several components that makes up ASL.


that's basically what HR departments are, senpai


weird kind of virtue signaling.
wouldn't it be still way easier for the deaf to read subtitles someone types as the guy speaks? or use any kind of automatic text-to-speech stuff? super trivial if it's a pre-made speech

There is no "International" sign language but you might be thinking of Universal Sign Language.

Fun fact - ASL is nowhere close to BSL (British) but is VERY close to FSL (France) as ASL is primarily modeled after FSL.

...then don't release live statements?

Based retard

ASL is for the deaf u retard

It's being inclusive to all the deaf niggers that can't read subtitles.

Okay, so, in Little Mermaid why doesn't Ariel just WRITE letters to the white man? She can read and understand his language and she even signs her name in English underwater. It doesn't make any fucking sense.

>Hey, it creates jobs for people who know ASL.
Tell me your ASL so I can get a job, then.

That's right

Disney is retarded... Deaf people, by a large majority, are nearly retarded... IQ's barely about nigs.

Based retard

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user, we're all about to die here.

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what happens if there are proper nouns (like london, wuhan, biden, etc.), and especially if it's a relatively unknown name?

Barely above*** God damn it... I'm a retard but I live with it ;)

Translators fuck up all the time too. Remember when the ASL translator (may have been a different SL but irrelevant) at Mandela's funeral was found out to just be some rando who was making up hand signs?

HR departments are where companies put all the minorites/women they hire to fill diversity quotas.

Why not use captions instead? Are they blind and deaf?

Yes, that's something I've noticed on the side but our main job was to compare other languages to german. As far as I know it's because sign language was mostly taught by local priests initially so it was heavily localised. ASL typically had more overlap with french and spanish than with other languages. Though we only compared italian, french, spanish, polish, british, german, austrian, american and hebrew. Polish had amazingly "much" (compared to the others) in common with austrian, I assume that's also tied to our former territories there.

To be fair, both can work in this situation.

Okay, but there are questions that need to be answered before it all ends.

So that the hard of hearing can hear life-sensitive information you insensitive, racist piece of shit.

Yea, most people have never met a person they cannot communicate with that has a rare disability. Deaf culture is literally cancer, it actively hurts people.

Some deaf couples refuse cochlear implants for their children because deafness is more important to them than their religion. Deafness is a cult.


I dated a sign language interpreter. She had big breasts. There was also a joke about it on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Wonder if it's just common with ASL interpreters.

They can always go back to spelling letters but that obviously slows them down

They have fun with BSL. youtube.com/watch?v=cmQ6o0MHTOA

Most Americans can't climb over the 1 inch barrier.

I can't take any speech or press conference seriously when there's one of these idiots standing by the speaker making these retard gestures.

They would accomplish more than most goverment employees.

>What's up with all the sign language interpreters?

So that deaf people can understand what the Governor is saying. Dumbfuck.