It was only a matter of time before Blumpf showed his true colors

It was only a matter of time before Blumpf showed his true colors.

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Racist as fuck

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It's a Chinese virus, call it what it is. Faggot kikes on Twitter will whine no matter what.

Literally Hitler is literally calling on Americans to gas the Chinks!!!

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> a the


That's my thought. It's a virus.... which has originated in china.... A BMW is a car, which (historically) originated in Germany. I'm aware they make SUVs im South Carolina now. It literally is a chinese virus, much like ebola was african, or a Volvo is swedish.

wtf i love the zionvranist again

Chinese Virus? I origianlly read it as CHEESE virus lmfao. either way, fuck the cheeseheads, and fuck the chinks, amirite?

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I don't why but I suddenly have hardon for freedom

Chinese hate people who stand out, especially their own kind. Its only a matter of time before Eugene Gu gets exposed by some bored chinese who will inevitably find out this clown. A simple google search will do the job.
I cant wait to see how he likes his chinese brothers.

Good. Fuck the Chinese, they deserve and are overdue for their semi-centennial culling. Unfortunately the West is also a cesspool and is in need of a reboot as well.

Governments are too powerful and alongside oligarchies people have no say. You can't be a productive person in the West without paying most of your income to insurance corporations, fees, taxes, and half of it goes toward untermensh retards who receive all the benefits from the welfare system. Fuck chinks fuck niggers fuck trannies fuck southern 'conservatives' fuck city 'liberals' the same all you faggots still listen to the same nigger music like the good goy cattle you are. Fuck this gay earth and fuck you too, fuck you most of all you piece of shit.

>a the

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Yeah, red, white, and blue, you fucking commie.

>China origin virus ID: 19
>China Virus
It’s literally in the name what’s wrong with people

> LITERAL global pandemic and imminent economic crisis
> Oh no: The worst dear I've had has come to life. ORANGE MAN SAID POLITICALALLY INCORRECT THING

he literally wrote "it's not a chinese" then tried to correct himself and failed

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What's Ebola?

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Did Eugene beat his wife or something

Uhh, dude on twit er, AIDS came from african nogs fucking african monkeys.. u know, in africa.

Says the guy who got kicked out of his residency program.

You mean before he showed China's true colors. Everyone bitching about this being racist is a shill for the CCP.

What a good idea. This guy is on our side and he doesn't even know it.
Also it was called Africa AIDs when it was new to the west, then the PC faggots and their jewish handlers got rid of that too.

white peoples disease.
like most of the bioweapons people like the salibury team supposedly research for 'benefits.'

Yes, AIDS stands for African Immunity Deficiency Syndrome. In the old racist parlance it was called GRIDS, Groid/Retard Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.

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Somebody needs to tell the chinese that releasing bioweapons tends to irk your trading partners

Hmmm, hello, is this the BASED department?

yes, I`m calling about Trump`s twitter, AGAIN

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Why is Gu calling him a docotr.

finally, FINALLY, we have PROOF that Ddreumphf is a 100% confirmed racist! I assume the police will be arresting him shortly.

I have the weirdest feeling that Eugene Wu is actually a gay Jewish man. Don't know why, may actually be a doctor, just something there says short, gay, Jewish hipster dude.

Eugene Gu is, and always will be, a faggot

Waitasecrightnao... intellectual dishonesty from a leftist commie cunt??

When someone comes for this little dick faggot, no one of his twitter buddies will care.

And the Irony is that probably the CCP will be the one to come for him.

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>AIDS stands for African Immunity Deficiency Syndrome
do the kangz know this?

We wish

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I can't wait until the subversive CCP propaganda network within media is uncovered and exposed for the world to see.

It's literally the Chinese virus. All these major flu like viruses come from China, SPECIFICALLY because of their disgusting food handling and hygiene habits. This is irrefutable.

Nah its not.


He should call it the Chink Stink Flu

"Spanish Flu" (started in China)
>Not Racist.
"MERS" Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome.
>Not Racist.
"West Nile"
>Not Racist.
Ebola (named after a river in the Congo)
>Not Racist.
"Chink Virus"
Letting the Chinks progress beyond Opium Dens and Rice was a mistake.

But it is a Chinese virus

Also F China

I hope they nuke and kill China. Don't even care if NWO takes over, just kill them all.

>trump tweets "chinese virus"
>sjw shills tweet "chinese virus"

Remember, the chinese are the yellow jew.

How about "Slant-Eyed Sickness"?




The Zerg Jew. Their victim complex rivals that of the Jew as does their deception tactics.
Only there are a couple billion Zerg kikes and only a few million kikes.

well the chinese were trying to blame america for the virus so....

>this woman kidnapping perpetrator of domestic abuse

pic related: feel free to share this whenever you see eugene the race hustling bitch boy

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How to bait: 101

Is anybody else starting to legitimately hate the Chinese? I can't believe we sided with them in WW2, how fucking naive we were.

We could also call it Chinkitis

I am calling it the Kung Flu. Is that better?

When can we deport Eugene?

you don't screw with the Gu fucko.

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Fuck china
Nuke china