Serious replies only, please.
What are his re-election odds with a faltering stock market and pandemic?
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Id say 25%. Before the virus he had a 65-70% chance. Everyone is blaming him for everything. He’s done.
it's the oldest trick in the book, when people are on edge they are less likely to change leaders.
Odds are my digi+s
His goose is cooked
Probably 100%, the Republicans don't hold each other to laws and they obviously have no morals or patriotism at all, I see no reason to think that they'd have a legitimate election.
They're just in smash and grab mode at this point, looting all that they can.
Worse everyday desu
50-50 Dems are retarded and picked biden, the only human whose brain is more rotten than trumps.
>faltering stock market and pandemic
>faltering stock market because of pandemic
Your question is not serious. No one is going to blame him for this bullshit and no one is going to look to Joe Biden to solve this problem. He's a fucking moron.
I bet you think the democrats are any different.
Honest answer, as a Trump supporter, 75%.
The market can easily bounce back, the economy is strong despite the virus, and the virus is unironically under control in the USA.
Also, Biden went far left to get the nomination, once that's exposed in the general he's fucked.
>Everyone is blaming him for everything
I think you mean the same people that always blame him for everything are still blaming him for everything.
totally up in the air at this point. Biden is a really weak candidate and comes off like a bumbling old man half the time and Bernie is a spoiler at this point. Trump is an absolute shit show though, so I'd say it's around 50-50.
If the US recovers over summer, he will gain a major boost if anything. He will go down as the president that navigated one of the worst global catastrophes of the century. If not, well we are all fucked anyway.
The dems fucked up by pushing this nothingburger virus. When you promise mass death and destruction and then only a couple hundred die, you get Trump looking like a hero. Dems are retards
Nigerpublicans boyyeee.
>Quarantine the "blue" zones
>Martial law
>Make sure population there is reduced 50%
100% indeed.
Re-election? Didn't you hear? Society is going to collapse in two weeks.
Everyone? Maybe in cali or portland but no one outside of lefty cities blames trump for the virus I live in a swing state and the general consensus is that it's the chinks fault
Always the same, even money.
US elections are three or 4 states. Predominately white. Rest seldom change.
It comes down to Trump needing to win 2/3 of PA, WI, and MI.
He has WI easily imo, and PA because Biden is far left on many issues PA moderates cares about.
I think he can win MI and even MN too desu.
No one votes left-wing when the economy is doing terrible. Wanting free money only works when there is money to hand out.
Over. He's buttfucked. Hard. Big time.
Tomorrow's markets will be a bloodbath. Maybe like nothing the world has witnessed before.
The fallout from this will last a good, long time and he'll be the scapegoat.
Very high.
People can see through all the panic.
The inverse ratio of "liberals and cuckservatives to available toilet paper and bread" only cements my hatred of these people and makes me want to vote for him more.
The constant whining about "racism" as though it's a bigger threat than the actual fucking virus only make me want another 2016 on steroids.
I hope these faggots kill themselves come November. Shills can't keep up this bullshit panic forever.
when people stop panicking the markets will stabilize. pandemic market models always have a huge spike down and a huge spike up. it usually doesnt last all that long. likely to happen well before the election and he will use this to his advantage. Im a bernie bro and I dont even like trump. but I wouldnt discount him yet, In the eyes of a lot of voters he could be the hero that is restoring the economy after the apocalypse.
Not very good. The economy was what he was counting on to get him reelected and that's in the shitter. And to say he hasn't been out front of the Corona virus situation is a huge understatement.
Except when that leader bungles his response to a looming pandemic.
COVID-19 makes people sick not the fucking stock market, the market is just responding to you not realizing that. Wuhan Flu, like the chinese finger trap, is another chinese invention which trump cannot wrap his head around. This retard is going to pull until he either rips the trap apart or takes a finger off. US is probably going to spend 100x what it would cost to just test everyone and pay for their treatment with this quantitative easing and rate cuts addressed at a symptom of that.
> bungles his response to a looming pandemic
This bullshit again.
If you were talking about Europe it would make sense, but you are not
Pick one
>economy was what he was counting on
That's such a MSM talking point.
Low. Not even because his base is abandoning him or anything, though I'm sure some are, but rather because his base are aging boomers who are going to get killed by the virus.
>People see through all the panic.
Aren't people the ones panicking?
I honestly have no idea anymore everything has gotten so backwards and become so polarized. I mean the democrats are seriously either nominating a senile pedophile or a commie kike. I would usually say he has zero chance of re-election after everything he fumbled in the past on top of the shit show today. But with who the Democrats are putting up who knows. Maybe 50/50 still.
still 100%
The whole world is on the verge of Martial law so take a guess. Id say close to 200% chance of reelection, for eternity.
He made these mistakes. Tell me if I'm misplacing blame.
1 - Downplaying it rather than being measured
2 - Worst testing response in developed world
3 - The Europe ban with seemingly no foresight of the paniced returning citizens and airport congestion.
Zero. I have now switched parties -- like every other Trump supporter -- over these recent events.
>Everyone is blaming him for everything. He’s done.
Twitter is a fringe minority
Won’t be an election this year, book it.
If he was going up against Bernie, Trump would definitely lose. But since the DNC decided on Biden, Trump still has like a 40% chance of getting re-elected.
I sorry Trump hurt your feelings.
I can’t see how anyone can look at senile Biden and think he’d do a better job
Lol Australia should know
This x100 the dems will be constantly pushing the narrative that trump is t fault and is getting hundreds of people killed. They will also push the muh racism shit over the edge to... its fucking working. People will vote Biden because they will think hey atleast he didn’t fuck up with the virus. That being said this isn’t actually trumps fault but he will be blamed.
Constitution and federal law says otherwise
>Offered test by thew HO didn't take them
>GIven three months of warning about Coron virus did nothing to get ahead ofit
>His messaging completely fucked "ITs' just a hoax"
>Contradicts his own health experts
Yeah that's bungled cock sucker, cry about it.
Everyone knows you maga retards are going to vote for him no matter what. Just like he said he could shoot someone on the street and people would still love him. He was right. The real question is if indpendents will vote for him or not and other sceptical conservatives.
Election is cancelled. Trump is our last president. In 15 days he will be the God Emperor.
>not being an independent
lol look at this guy what a fag
>70 deaths
>months into the "pandemic"
You'd be saying the same low energy shit if we were Italy right now.
>2 - Worst testing response in developed world
Italy is literally only testing severe cases. The virus reactive is extremely difficult to produce.
You don't have to comment leaf
either way its a win-win for him
>gets re-elected, spends the whole next term redirecting any hate to "dems just hate me cuz i won again"
>doesn't get re-elected, blame the dems for the recession and dodge responsibility like its a military draft
>if indpendents will vote for him
I am one, and yea I will.
But seriously, why the fuck would I rather vote for Biden than Trump? If I hated Trump I'd legitimately not vote over voting for a senile child sniffer who is just as far left as a communist.
How often does Trump clog the toilet?
Dude trumps base is even blaming him. Hell tucker Carlson implied trump was at fault in his show a few days ago.... Fox News is throwing trump under the bus to.
I'm sorry your belly is full of Trump's rancid semen.
He'll be the scapegoat. He's responded more-or-less appropriately. Said a few things he shouldn't have but so what. Poor guy is dead meat on a stick already.
Considering that his opponents want open borders, I'd say pretty fucking good.
if people keep the hysteria up, what makes you think there will be an election?
Rarely I assume, he's a stable genius.
Serious answer as a Bernie supporter. 65% chance Trump gets re-elected
I plan on voting for him again. I actually think he's doing the best job he could possibly do with this media created panic. I blame the MSM for all of this, not Trump.
You're a registered independent but I'm willing to bet you are a right-wing individual. considering where you are posting from.
Yup I actually thought he would have resigned by now.
> muh tests
> muh hoax
If he "bungled the response", then why are the hundreds of deaths concentrated in Italy?
by independent you mean you're a nazi?
Retard confirmed.
Every election is always a 50/50 chance. But the chance that anyone will remember any of the stuff going on right now in November is low.
This one is easy. Trump will get reelected cause the real point behind coronavirus is the huge arrests that'll be made in 2-3 weeks. people connected to Epstein's pedo ring.
What user, you thought that was over? Hell no. This will get people at their homes watching the news as they see people they loved be taken to jail for pedo crimes. Get ready for it because it's coming. All those China videos were a psyop job. Do you see videos like that coming from western countries? Nope! Do you see Russia doing it's job with the oil prices as a big fuck you to Saudi Arabia (the other country with deep ties to the pedo industry)? Yes!
Wake up anons. See the truth
That'd be a good best. I'm right of center on most issues and nationalist. But not a "conservative".
If the virus lasts till november, 0%
If it doesn't, the odds are the same as before the virus. The American public has an extremely low attention span.
Reality? Against Biden? He has 90% of win; where he dies the other 10%.
No, more national constitutionalism than national socialism. So to the left yea I'm a russian nazi raciss bot.
Crashed economy and pandemic response that can be called flat-footed at best *should* have been enough to kill his chances in November. Instead, the Dem opposition once again is going to put forth an unelectable candidate and Trump will get his 2nd term by default.
Literally anything other than a dementia patient or a septuaginarian communist could have beaten Trump. A non-gay equivalent of Booty Judge, even a complete plank of wood like Klobuchar could have won, but that's not the choice you'll get.
Unless Bernie or Biden die before November and their chosen negress running mate becomes the presumptive candidate, the Dem shitshow will still somehow be less palatable than another 4 years of Trump.
So you don't have an answer to that lol
Trump cancelled flights from China way before Italy did
better than sleeepy Joe you degenerate data mining faggot
People are going to forget a pandemic that will be going on in august and a stock market crash 6 months from now? Fuck /pol is retarded.
Only literal retards (liberals and cuckservatives) are panicking.
The rest of us are just waiting for this shit to pass.
and yet, he still responded to it 6 months faster than obama did to h1n1
weird how you ignore that
50/50 only cause Biden is retarded.
What election and when
The virus is expected to slow down during the summer. And then it might pick up after the summer again and go on in 2021.
And as it mutates it might even become a yearly event, although more people will be immune or resistant next time.
Everyone with a functional brain and not on the CCP payroll is blaming China.
Does anyone here remember Trump was acquitted of impeachment in FEBRUARY?
It'll be memoryholed in a few weeks.
>Crashed economy and pandemic response
I mean really, who is the "golden standard" people are comparing Trump to?
The economy of Europe has crashed twice as hard as the american one
you got me, I can't answer nonsense.
It's not looking good turn on CNN, NBC or even BBC and you'll he's being torn apart and the general public doesn't appear to be found of him
>a pandemic that will be going on in august
It'll be over in 2-3 months.
Dilate tranny, you don't have arguments beyond "AARRGHH ORANGE MAN BAD"
That's pure horseshit.
It's really sad. Trump was just a little bit less controlled for a minute there. Now we will get Biden, who literally cannot comprehend the idea of not being owned let alone be willing to fight his owners. To go from almost having a man of the people and then watch Biden rise. It is a new level of mass debasement. I'd rather have an insane ideologue like Bernie at this point. At least we would ruin everything on our own terms.
>absolute fucktard who has no concept of how short the Murica memory is
Match me bro, Bernie can still win
>What are his re-election odds with a faltering stock market and pandemic?
Depends on how well and fast he's able to turn the corner on the outbreak and how bad Biden shits the bed on the campaign trail.
Moon Jae-In was immensely hated in Korea after Daegu started reporting hundreds of cases a day, and now he's becoming popular thanks to the government seemingly starting to put the genie back into the bottle there.
>Everyone is blaming him for everything.
That's been every day for four years.
The sad thing is whatever happens during a president's term is the president's fault. Do Alien Invaders come to Earth and dust to make 90% of the population that's the president's fault. Does a solar eclipse blackout the Sun for a century, yep president's fault.
Just the way it is it's also the way that if we had a strong economy and the president kept it going it's the president's fault. If a miracle drug is discovered that gives immortality presidents fault.
Also if God is giving us a plague like this may be a good idea to vote for the other guy
At least Pence seems competent at the podium. The orange clown is a joke.
No Henry. That's blanes goose
What? They are gonna vote for Biden to take the lead here?
Basically zero, "0". Supporting anecdotal evidence not required.
Clinton dealt with SARS and we didn't have an economic breakdown.
So let's compare bananas to bananas.
Clinton had a pandemic team ready he had tests ready, close down airports quick enough that the disease didn't spread into America. all of these things Trump could have done and he didn't
>What are his re-election odds with a faltering stock market and pandemic?
Strong, because you don't elect le socialist softly softly leaders at a time of crisis. You elect the bolshy thug that's willing to make bull-headed decisions instead of waiting for all the facts to come in (i.e. until it's too late).
Serious replies only, remember.
Yup. No way anyone but his most loyal followers vote for him again. He can kiss moderates and right leaning dem vote goodbye.
his approval has gone up
It's true though. Obama didn't declare a national emergency for H1N1 for months only after many died.
Can you imagine if these are the numbers for Trump?
>an estimated 60.8 million H1N1 cases and 12,469 deaths from April 2009 to April 2010
After two months were at 70 deaths and 4000 cases.
Yeah, nice to hear. Hey sorry about calling you a retard earlier fren.
People who can think for themselves realize
>The US was more proactive than Europe, Canada, a host of other countries
>Trump is not responsible for a natural disaster
>He doesn't deserve all the credit for a good economy or all the blame for a bad one
He's also seen as a strong leader whether you like him or not.
Two months ago he was 95% going to win. Today I'd say 50/50. By November, if we are fairly successful in our damage control, I'd say 80%+. Promises of universal free healthcare and other free shit from Dems could hurt him if the economy is still in the shitter.
100%. I don't even like him and I know he stands no chance of losing.
People that didn't vote for him will continue to not vote for him. Meanwhile Trump ran on a platform of "China bad, Globalism bad" and guess what China and Globalism are whats fueling this crash. Market is crashing bc China went off line for a month and thats what caused this to happen, 30+ years of Globalism means that everyones supply chains are tied to China. This is a result that many have warned could happen, including Trump. The narrative should be pushed that "globohomo did this" because its the fucking truth and Trump has been warning about this possibility since day one and the (D) party is owned by China.
How did he bungle specifically?
Ya, because Biden isn’t trump they will say. Trumps done. He will forever be known as the Nero of America. Even though it’s not his fault.
That's ok buddy.
>People can see through all the panic.
If they could there wouldnt be a panic.
>fired the pandemic team in 2018
>refused to acknowledge the virus calling it a hoax and bragged about it to spite libs at his rallies
>still not testing citizens so the numbers look low
>only gave a fuck because muh stocks
Shit is happening so fast and fucked up. Lots of people are going to die, and a shitton of businesses are going to crash. People will be pissed. This disaster response legit scares the fuck out of me. The country would be dumb as fuck to vote him in again, if we even have an election.
Total bullshit. Only his most loyal followers actually approve of him at this point.
>This situation is the same as SARS
Basically this.
honestly after underminding his base for 4 straight years and acting as the king of all jews, its pretty low.
i mean come on, the only campaign promises he kept are the ones he promised to israel.
20% at most.
^ this guy ain't wrong. Aside from the fox news faithful who still believe this stuff's a hoax by democrats and the Chinese at least.
He managed to fuckup the normies and low information voters. During an election year no less.
if the dems gotta loose they'll have to work even harder than just getting biden.
That, is of course, if something even worse doesn't happen next month.
no it isn't, it's an undeniable fact
Azar declared covid a public health emergency on Jan 31, 2020.
Trump declared covid national emergency on March 13, 2020.
Obama's HHS secretary declared H1N1 a public health emergency April 26, 2009.
Obama declared H1N1 a national emergency on Oct. 24, 2009.
Long after millions of Americans were already infected.
>Thinks anyone will vote for Biden who doesn't really have loyal followers beyond old boomercrats that will be dead from COVID-19 by fall
People are getting seriously ticked off at the media making this out to be such a humungous disaster solely because of Trump where I live so chances are it's pretty good he'll be reelected.
But SARS didn't cause an economic meltdown in Europe and Asia
You are the one comparing apples to bananas
I mean, the spread pattern is similar. The only difference is... well... the president gutted the CDC beforehand and fucked himself, and us.