I took this from Reddit. I kinda agree with her logic. Why do we need to bail out whenever a viable business has tough time for a couple of weeks? Why can't they have their own safety nets while making 30-40% gross margins?
I took this from Reddit. I kinda agree with her logic...
Because she's right. Businesses should build up reserves to survive downturns on their own rather than expect the taxpayers to bail them out. Or ask their billionaire friends to bail them out, not us. It's retarded.
Because fuck socialism now go to work
because if big businesses fail your 3 months of savings become worthless anyway
>I took this from Reddit.
Go back there faggot!
So I need to pay to have nominally profitable companies around and they can take none of the risks I take myself?
If you told her the truth she would reject it and call you a nazi
if you die nobody cares and nothing happens
if industry tanks, the whole country gets destroyed
i know they dont teach anything about economics in school because its just meant to brainwash you into being a poor dependant wageslave for life but get it together you're old enough to do your own research cunt
governments incentivise businesses by giving them breaks because they produce jobs and products for exports- they help the economy
governments disincentivise being wagie because you contribute fucking nothing except to your own life, thats why you have to pay high taxes, because you are a drain on society, unlike businesses owners, who promote growth and wealth for a nation
Thats not socialism. It aligns closer with libertarianism than socialism desu senpai
She looks like a cunt but i agree with the premise
Individuals are like cells
Big companies are like organs
Losing some cells isn't a big deal. Failure of multiple organs is a disaster.
Yeah, I get that I'm unimportant. But these are companies that were making billions every year. Why can't they take a risk for some time?
Because they own the legislators
seriously, this. i wish the kneejerk reaction to critisism of corporatism and boot-licking wasn't, "omg you're a communist, go donate to bernie again". i can criticise both extremes.
they shouldn't go under from 1-2 months of stunted income, especially not with the record breaking profits of the past years. maybe they should have been more financially responsible.
protip: the point of capitalism is that shitty businesses DO go out of business. that's the fucking point. fucking retard australian, go light your shitty island on fire again.
>bootlicker loves licking boots
>what would america be without walmart and mcdonalds?!?!?!?!
idk, probably what it was in the early 1900s and late 1800s-- a bastion of progress and prosperity driven by actual capitalism, not corporate welfare.
Businesses provide things for the betterment of society. Jobs, goods, services. Lazy fuckwads don't.
Therefore subsidies for businesses often are executed to better society and keep people working and services flowing in times of economic distress.
I mean I hate welfare in general, but society benefits from far more from corporate welfare than giving lazy faggots an excuse to be just be lazy.
>protip: the point of capitalism is that shitty businesses DO go out of business.
In modern "business friendly" capitalism, they don't. Big businesses can't fail because they're not supposed to. So big businesses can take all the risks they want with no consequence at all. Individuals, well they don't matter as pointed out in this thread.
Where do you niggers come from, pol hates bailouts. We just don't harp on about them because it's more important to get rid of jews.
Because we let the Jews in
Admitting that you use reddit should be a permaban.
>economy good
>more profits for jewish banks
>economy bad
>free money for jewish banks
lets ban usury, problem solved
Lmao you're suck a fucking cucked faggot
(((big corp))) wastes obscene amounts of money on executive salaries, hiring thousands of useless niggers and females so they can virtue signal about diversity, and in general give zero fucks about operating a sustainable and practical business model
I hope every single one of them looses everything and has to suck cocks on Skid Row for food money
It’s not wrong, but they don’t really expect you to take care of yourself either. Not anymore, especially not if you’re white. “I’ll have those niggers voting democrat for 100 years” and all that. The government WANTS to be your parents.
because stupid fucking retards keep letting them get away with it cunt
>I mean I hate welfare in general, but society benefits from far more from corporate welfare than giving lazy faggots an excuse to be just be lazy.
I do not understand. Who said anything about being lazy?
A regular dude, works hard, works for retirement, maxes out 401k, gets jack because he took all the risks, government and his employer says "tough luck".
A company with record highs in the last couple of years fails to make money for one or two months due to very unusual circumstances which are transient. BAIL THEM OUT! PRINT MONEY! QE!
Holy shit you Americans are extremely well primed to be fucked in the ass by corrupt governments. A population so docile and domesticated by capitalism...
>Why should I do what is obviously in my own personal best interest as well as that of any kids, God forbid, for whom I am responsible, if everyone else doesn't have to?
"Real question." Shouldn't she be also posting as "Veritas/@independentvoiceofreason?"
Fucking liberal psychotic scum stop around twitter with self-conferred credentials bitching about their personal failings under the guise of progressive righteousness. Government is their answer to everything until they can't rake in likes cheering it on.
Because it's just victim-blaming I was fired from my job because I was throwing up blood coughing up for weeks. Fuck the USA
>Why can't they take a risk for some time?
because your jewish overlords would prefer you to just fuck off
I was this close to getting out of this shit hole country and every place closed their doors god dammit
>The point
>Your head
>I took this from Reddit.
Take yourself back there, this website is in the quarantine zone.
hahahaha this /thread
Most of them can survive these few months. They don't want to see their revenues decrease though so they beg for money from the government. Gotta please those shareholders after all.
Notice muh conservatives are awfully quiet about muh welfare.
means we are about to see a 300 billion corporate stimulus package.
I’m comfy in a way, in another not so much.
God is going to deal with American greed, injustice, indifference and sexual immorality. Particularly of His Church which should know better. One way or another.
It sucks many peoples lives are going to be thrown into chaos, and paradigms shattered, but sometimes after so many warnings by God and His prophets, punishment must come.
Our people and our leaders need to put on sackcloth with dust on their heads and lead us in repentance like in the days of Jonah.
To keep the economy running properly you homo, it is a net financial gain to bail out these companies. If industry and trade collapses the country collapses. Please do not quote Reddit, i find it morally objectionable, and intellectually deplorable.
This. Most of what passes for business, healthcare and education is a skimming operation run with government approval.
Unless you start assassinating high profile jews, then Jews will always steal.your money and give it to other Jews.
It's YOUR FAULT that you are treated like trash by the system. Buy a gun and go change history.
Businesses are different from individuals in that they have to compete with other businesses. A very conservative business could keep 3 months of cash in reserve, but they'll be behind their competitors on price or innovation. A consumer buying something doesn't really care if the place they are buying from is in a good financial state, only that the product is good and/or cheap.
As an individual, you aren't really competing against others in the same sense. While spending money can certainly help you with social status, it isn't a make or break thing in most cases. If you're working in IT making 6 figures and drive a 10 year old Ford Focus, you may get some weird looks, but it's not really going to fuck with your life much.
Those billions are loans.....
I have enough savings to last me two years. What is her fucking problem?
That will be devalued as soon as everyone loses their jobs and the economy tanks retard.
>doesn't understand deflation
because the government knows that the businesses will keep people occupied long enough not to destroy cities. If the businesses fail all the niggers and spics will destroy every city so it is better to keep the food and water coming than to have to pay trillions in clean up from a societal collapse
The USA does not care about the individual, we are pawns to them and they are not afraid to sacrifice thousands for millions
Implying I I'm going to sit here and waste my time entertaining your argument go fuck yourself retarded. I hope you and your family get this disease and enjoy it with all the money you have
I put my savings into the stock market...
Imagine ever experiencing deflation in fiat land.
>works hard
Do you have a reserve fund to smooth out any bumps in the road to economic independence?
No? then you should work harder for one.
OK commie.
Because Capitalism lol.
>Not real capitalism
You just sound exactly like the left posting this.
Humans are flawed thus any system made by humans will also be flawed. Well, i guess it depends on who you ask - i myself am currently enjoying capitalism. I live in a cozy house, i can sit on my butt and literally order tonnes worth of food to my doorstep on the same day, i can get fat or not, i can freely watch the most degenerate porn in a few clicks, i can buy technology our ancestors never would have thought of, and i can can basically do any degenerate shit i want without having to worry about some authoritative fascist making my decisions for me.
All that sure beats living in slum housing listening to a shitty radio all day and being put in a camp because your leader is an autist control freak that has OCD for race.
>corporate welfare
get a load of this faggot.
There's no actual money in the economy. This is the Debt Bubble, crashing to the sound of coughing.
>nominally profitable
No no, they are very profitable. They shut down when they become nominally profitable.
Because CEO’s need to make 2000x everyone else you twat.
I saw this too. Cringe.
because we live 2 weeks away from having no money and back to candles and oils we go. since 1945 really.
That's a good question jacii
She's right. We need REAL socialism.
Corporations should be allowed to fail not only does it fuck us by bailing them out but we are left with a company that is not providing optimal service to the consumer. Let the free market be free.
It's called leverage. A business takes on debt, but uses that debt to generate returns. For example, a debt with 10% interest due, but generates 25% returns. A business with a large asset to liability ratio is running inefficiently.
Individuals are NOT a business and don't need to behave the same way.
trips speak facts
No, if you told her the truth she'd be shot in the fucking head by a kabal of jews
I mean it is gross hypocrisy though.
Bailing out businesses IS SOCAILSIM. Full stop. I mean it is literally socialism. The most socialist socialism that can exist.
Whether you think socialism is bad or not is a totally different question.
Libertarianism means no matter how huge and important and no matter the circumstances, businesses and corporate live and die totally your own. That is the only actual capitalism, the only real free market, the only real Darwinism.
If you think that's bad, you are to some degree a big S Socialist. You are. Like you can call yourself a Christian but believe there's no God and Jesus never existed, you can pretend you're a Capitalist and support government bailing out and helping and supporting businesses with taxpayer money, but you're not. That's just a lie. You are a socialist.