Brit/pol/ - Brannigans Edition

>Devastating reason behind PM's statement - Experts warns of 250,000 deaths

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wow hi

At least Pingu and friends are having a good time

Has owen jones worked out his 5 demands yet?

boris has the blood of millions on his hands. that piece of shit deserves worse than this virus.

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I'm glad to say I don't get this

Calm down, you spastics.

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>dude just give up 18 months of your life lmao


Nth for Nadiya Hussein's willy.

this is on track to be bigger than the black death, especially since it's never going to go away and reinfection is always worse than the last time.

What would you say to Based Churchill if you met him?

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Literally everything you just posted is horseshit.

You are mad

Ever tried to suck your own willy m8, that's what i'd say to him.

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aaaaaaaaa christ a zombie aaaaaaaaaaaa

We're gonna overtake italy aren't we lads?

Sweetness I was only joking

when was the last time they shut the entire world down over an infectious disease?

same thing i say to my dad every time i see him. Stop being a piss head and embarrassing us.

Now I know how Joan of Arc felt

Pasta lad is a dirty Blur fan

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Blur/Pulp/Oasis is the pleb trinity, Terrorvision is the patrician choice.

>"fuck off you zionist cunt"

Imaging being an alchie during a world war as leader. I wonder if he ever had the shakes or withdrawals during a meeting or whatever, or had one of those restless alcoholic sleepless nights which fills you with anxiety the next day. I suppose his guiders would do the heavy work for him but still. Having to give a speech or whatever while sweating and not being able to speak properly.

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no corona county reporting in

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I am master dropout neet atm with few (no) friends. Living in shared accommodation with students who hate me and do not talk to me.
Only reading about all this Coronavirus shit online. Like, are people still at work? What is going on? The toilet paper in the shops are gone. I have stocked up on brown rice and some other non perishable goods.

Are people still at work?

I think we can all agree that after this silliness we’re going to need to dig up MacArthur, attach jumper cables to his nipples and resurrect him to do what he was stopped from doing.

90s and early 00s was the last time it was great to be young and British. 1998 and 2002 world cups were good.

Shit mate

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That of Hephaestion and Alexander was the strongest and loveliest bond in history

not going to lie lad i've cried my eyes out to slide away quite a few times over a girl i lost

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china deserves to be a glowing crater for causing this. deport all chinks.

I have a pretty NEET-y life outside of work and all my shifts have been cancelled so I've only popped out once or twice this week. Middling North Wales town. Shops have been busy as fuck like the run-up to christmas, roads are much more empty than usual. Atmosphere seems a bit tense, I've noticed shop cashiers are all looking miserable and nervous as fuck. The university and everything to do with it is shutting down which is a pretty big deal here.

I'm not a huge Smiths fan but these are the best songs imo:

Also this one is pure doomercore, it's about the Moors murders:

Slide Away, tune.


I wonder when we all get together and give China a great big hug for it's present.

A new yellow peril, sinophobia or Chinese exclusion act would be lovely.

But would likely just help prop up American hegemony

I am not a doomer but I listen to sad songs often.

A nuclear hug?

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Fed up now lads

I phoned NHS 111 to tell them that I farted and it really stank and they told me that I was wasting their time.

With what

Just fed up

Strawman of Akkad new vid addresses demographics along with hand wringing about muh Hitler, Nazis (yes little carl is frightened of actual WW2 naziz in his dreams) and muh black British who have a right to be here because of the empire n shit. liberals are the problem. they have no solutions. sitting on a fence and casting out your judgements and virtue signalling is not a solution but at least he has mentioned that there is actually a problem and it's not all naziz in his dreams. talk to an etho nationalist mate

>link not provided

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Got called a racist in Greggs today

lad just said fuck on LBC

Yeah except the coronavirus has only just started. Many more deaths, that sphere will get bigger, you low IQ spazz

Tell us what happened lad.

>talk to an etho nationalist mate
He has, many times

Sargon is content milking boomers for their grandkids inheritance money, he's not going to go full wignat and end up losing his gravyboat

Beautiful thoughts sweetly conjured by old music

>It could last 18 months: Top scientists warn Prime Minister that vaccine remains key to a return to normal life... but it might not be available for more than a year
it's going to take a lot longer than 18 months to make a vaccine for this thing, if it's even possible thanks to ADE and the whole reinfection thing.

I've heard the word shit a few times at early hours in the morning and the presenter just let it go too without acknowledging it. I don't get why you can't swear on radio after 9pm

How did the presenter react to it?

He's still winning bros

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Was being racist

>As long as it's my kind of multiculturalism it's OK.
>Anyone can be English!
>See I'm on your side!

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In greggs?

cut him off straight away

Keep that comfy running high spagbro. Your britfag frens will get you through.

>I don't get why you can't swear on radio after 9pm
Does the watershed even apply any more? I remember bastard and even wanker being used a lot on some late shows etc, don't recall a fuck mind.



Hard times create strong men

based and gardener pilled

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For me it's Supergrass

Why did Shipman kill so many people?

coz ee wannid 2?

I love you but you've broken me :(

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Did his suicide get taken off his total? Or added to it?

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