Kid to be charged as adult in Gamestop robbery

" According to police, while the clerk was turned away from the counter, the teenager pulled a handgun from his pants, went behind the clerk and grabbed her around the neck while placing the handgun to her head.

The teen allegedly stole approximately $450 from two cash registers, had $59.99 loaded onto a PlayStation+ card and $74.99 onto a PS4 NBA 2K20 card for in-game purchases. He also took the store’s cordless phone valued at $50.

The teen was arraigned by Butler County Juvenile Court Judge Ronald Craft last week. Craft ordered him to remain in the county juvenile detention center until his pre-trial hearing on March 16. "

Yeah it's mad bad what this kid did, but is it really right to charge him as an adult? Why does the American legal system love to charge kids as adults with crimes?

And why are kids walking around robbing gamestops?

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I couldn't even figure out how to use a scanner back then

cant they just say nigger ?

Probably not his first crime. Also NBA 2k20, you know what that means.

Definitely doesn't sound like nigger business.

Guess his mom actually was aware that he in fact, didu sumfin.

He probably worked a retail job before. Minors can work in the US and many are forced to work to support they family's. So he probably worked as a cashier somewhere

>Why does the American legal system love to charge kids as adults with crimes?
>And why are kids walking around robbing gamestops

Answered your own question. If he's old enough to commit armed robbery and threaten to kill a lowly minimum-wage worker, guess what? He's a bit old to be claiming "kid" status.

He's obviously very mature for his age. Mature enough to spend the rest of his life in prison.

He is still a kid because of his age. A more appropriate punishment is some time in juvenile detention and then enrolling him into a program.

But America would rather spend more money on putting kids in jail than use some money on programs to help youth recover.

Anyone above the age of 9 should be charged as adults. If you didn't learn right from wrong before the age of 10 you're a lost cause.

>muh programs!!
They do nothing for low impulse control apes like this. Send him to prison or execute him, there are no other options.

You point a gun at someone, that should count as attempted murder, which should be punishable by death.

Not true, you arent fully develop until at least 21 thats why u cant buy alcohol until 21. Back when I was 15 I made very intricate drawings in my notebook on how to blow up and shoot up my school (based from games like counter strike) but now I can see that was a horrible idea and wrong etc because I am adult now. However, anyone under 21, their brain isnt developed yet.

>in-game purchases

This kid committed armed robbery for some pixels

>ohh feel bad for da po' chilluns
>The "child" pulled a fucking loaded gun on the clerks
Niggers start doing adult crime in middle school so they get charged like adults when they commit those crimes.
>Hurrr how do you know he was black
>$75 onto a PS4 NBA 2K20 card
>Robbed a store in broad daylight
>Didn't think he'd get caught with multiple witnesses
That's how.
>Put a loaded gun to a girl's head
>But he was just a boy!
I hope he enjoys his life in prison. Fuck off.

>NBA 2k20
Case closed, it was a nigger,

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Gamestop robbery camera:

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If you've got a gun then you're an adult. Yeah even a loli is an adult if she threatens her parents with a pistol for not buying her a pony.

>is it really right to charge him as an adult?

Frankly they should hang him.

If your parents didn't teach you manners and self-control before you reach the age of 10 you're a lost cause. Rehabilitation is a myth. Your future is predestined at conception.

This. People don't change. Their circumstances can change but they themselves do not change.

Looks like another gentle giant.

Man, this nigger looks more old than me and i have 23.

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>grabbed her around the neck

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Guess the race.

>Hurrr how do you know he was black
He bought two gift cards and used, or planned to use, them on a PS4. That alone is plenty of evidence.

>NBA 2K20

Anybody want to guess the race

do big boy crime, do big boy time


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He's 18 as of March 5th

Prosecutors will request a teen charged last week for allegedly robbing a GameStop in Fairfield be tried as an adult.

The teen, who turned 18 on Thursday, was arrested on March 5 after his mother turned him in for alleged robbing the store that morning.The Fairfield High School student was recognized by his mother and others after they saw the surveillance photo released by Fairfield police, according to police. He is charged with aggravated robbery.

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it's wrong to charge any kid as an adult you fucking idiots


So he committed the crime on his 18th birthday and therefore should be tried as an adult due to being an adult?
Man. Imagine calling in your 18th with prison. That's something else.


>kid put a gun to someones head
basically execution style alright, Id try him as an adult

Exactly. Even sociopaths can be virtuous if they're given proper upbringing, and all they need is Ayn Rand to achieve that, but that's only because they learn how much they can profit by being selfish within the law. Genes play a huge role in behavior and some people are beyond saving, but in most cases parents have 10 years to prepare their children accordingly, otherwise they become a ticking time bomb.

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>armed robbery on camera when you're 17.99 years old.
play stupid games win stupid prizes.

I mistyped, he committed the crime literally 7 days before his 18th birthday, and he's trying to claim that he's a kid and he shouldn't be charged as an adult because he turned 18 a week after committing the crime.

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what, when you were a teenager? were you retarded? they are designed to be so easy teenagers and other underdeveloped individuals can use them.

Fuck you faggot. If some nigger kid kills you I hope they let him go scot free

You sound impulsive yourself tbqh. Forced labor is a much better option than the death penalty, it's both safer (in case of wrongful conviction) and more productive to society.

These videos show how braindead blacks are, they always go ooga booga during crimes rather than just finish the crime quickly then move on like an actual white criminal.

>>you know what that means
In the detective field we call that "a hunch"

>$74.99 onto a PS4 NBA 2K20 card for in-game purchases

Lmao I wonder what race this enterprising young man belongs to

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If you're an adult by the time they drag you into court then you should probably be charged as is assuming they took a reasonable amount of time to process it.

>Yeah it's mad bad what this kid did, but is it really right to charge him as an adult?
The only reason you're saying this is because you know he's a nigger.

>Butler County

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precisely. Based bonglander.

Niggers reach physical maturity about two years earlier than humans yet they have to wait until 18 to be considered adults.

The most appropriate response is lethal injection, actually.

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>And why are kids walking around robbing gamestops?
>had $59.99 loaded onto a PlayStation+ card and $74.99 onto a PS4 NBA 2K20 card for in-game purchases.
Because niggers are violent.

>had $59.99 loaded onto a PlayStation+ card and $74.99 onto a PS4 NBA 2K20 card for in-game purchases.
Now that’s some next level robbing

A 17 year old that turns 18 a week after he commits a violent robbery isn't a kid you sympathetic swine

Why do you assume he’s black? Calm those racist tendencies down a notch

>The teen.



> NBA 2K20
yup niggers

>>loaded $74.99 onto a PS4 NBA 2K20 card
Mature enough to commit a crime like this, mature enough to be tried as an adult.

Hang that nigger.

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beth is a nurse now therapy worked on her

>2K 2020
>not a fucking nigger

>I have 23
No es "tengo 23 años" en inglés, es "yo onions 23 años"

>armed robbery
>but he is a kiiiiiiid, dont tream him like an adult
juvenile detention is for fighting and petty stealing, not fucking armed robbery

>the teenager pulled a handgun from his pants, went behind the clerk and grabbed her around the neck while placing the handgun to her head.
He violated the NAP. Should get killed.

He's 18, why wouldn't they try him as an adult? Am I missing something?

>had 74.99$ loaded in pas4 nba 2k20
tell me he is not a nigger

>But America would rather spend more money on putting kids in jail than use some money on programs to help youth recover.
I'd actually rather we throw them into a literal meat grinder when it's 100% backed by bulletproof evidence so there's less shitheads commiting violent crime.

Wrong. If they're old enough to intentionally kill, rob, commit terrorism, etc, they're old enough for a criminal record. You'd change your tune if a 15 year old blew up an abortion clinic.

>yo onions 23 años
Faggot word filters bringing the unintentional hilarity.



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> Armed Robbery
> Aggravated Assault
> Grand Theft
> Felony Illegal Possession of a Firearm
> Aggravated Use of a Firearm in a Felony
> Plays NBA 2k20
>B-b-but he's only a "teen"
19 year old gangbanger, and almost certainly a nigger.
he deserves a tall tree, a short rope, and no appeals.

Your brain doesnt finish developing until later at almost 27

A ticking time bomb, and even if she did something atrocious it would most definitely be covered up to maintain this "rehab works" agenda. Those people can go from normal to vicious in an instant, and all it takes is one sensory input for them to snap.

I forgot that word filter was even in place because it's been 6 years since I've had a Spanish class and I needed to use all my brainpower on speaking bean.

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> drawings are bad
Such is life in America.

Teen committing armed robbery - the mystery stops there.

Kek, ok faggot

He was clearly just getting those things to raise money for his local church and preach the good word of Jesus Christ

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