No More Firearm Purchases

So I live in PA and my brother in law went to a local gun shop to buy some ammo and according to the guy at the counter the state background check system is down (not sure if intentional or unintentional but regardless) which means effectively right now no one can purchase a firearm. Can anyone else confirm this?

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im too busy looking at boobs an gun :D


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Surprisingly common across the states. Gov website is a piece of shit and held me up for two hours in a Bass Pro once. Yet again, if it's out for more than a day, that's an eyebrow raiser.


I was watching my local news and then looking through various places/other news and there is tons of people buying guns and ammo. They know the boog is coming. They are prepping to pop some gubmint tyrant piggos.

Guys I’m serious can anyone confirm? I know they’re nar tits but let’s stay focused

Never heard of You dont need a background check to buy from a fellow resident of your state.

How tf women so good at hiding their nipples??

This. Support your local American, OP


>the state background check system is down (not sure if intentional or unintentional but regardless) which means effectively right now no one can purchase a firearm.

That's absolute horseshit. If the system is down, they have to sell you the gun, period. That's why occasionally a bad guy can buy a gun legally, because the background check wasn't completed within the amount of time that is considered a "constitutional" delay. Now, they may be choosing to not sell you the firearm without doing the background check, and that's up to them. But the government not being able to perform background checks does not suspend your rights.

I work at a local bank and a customer came in today who owns a small gun shop and he told me he has a friend in Illinois that also owns a firearm store and he was saying that apparently states are going to shut down the background check system so no one can buy anymore guns because sales have been exploding. I didn’t believe him until my brother in law told me this story about an hour ago

Bought a gun in the Pittsburgh area at 10ish this morning it was up then an I went with said gun and ammo in hand

>fake tits

ky here. ccdw holder. I just fill out the paper, they staples copies of ID and ccdw. no call in, get my background check regularly due to ccdw. no fuss, no worries.. assuming the stores have inventory these days, but that's whatever.

Well some people like going to a store and doing it the old fashioned way. A lot of people don’t trust buying guns online.

we just wanna see that pussy since you posted the pussy nobody gives a fuck about what think .

nothing wrong with fake tits roastie
fake tit technology has advanced a lot since the 1970s, fuck off

>buying guns from a legit reseller
>not buying privately
Have fun with the feds impounding your guns on day x because you felt it was necessary to tell them about your arsenal.

That’s my wife asshole

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based bhutan tranny user

anti-semites are going to be extracted and mercilessly killed

Carolina BBQ Boy here, same thing.
Walk in, pick up pistol, slap down cash and CCW permit, fill out 4473, they ring it up.

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Well according to my brother in law there wasn’t shit there to buy not even the ammo he went there for. But he wouldn’t lie to me and the guy at the store wouldn’t either. Maybe it’s just down but I find it to be a funny coincidence given what the dude at the bank told me today

your wife is a slut, I hear people have her nudes and post them to Bhutanese Competitive fishing net tying forums

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The incision scar makes me sick.

Need to coom

Sweet cannon bra

>he doesnt know we've been constitutional carry for almost a year
Not gonna make it

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Yup can confirm. I ordered a gun online last week and went in to my FFL and had to wait in a huge line of panick buyers. They couldn't my background check done because the lines were getting bombarded by calls from all the gun stores in the country. So I have to wait to get my gun now because these fucking panick buying fucks.

>They know the boog is coming
Lol, you people are so childish. There's no boog coming, they are panic buying because leftist MSM hysteria to crash the economy so Trump doesn't get elected.

>Muh SHTF scenario.

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What state are you In

Any recommendations on a cheaper end shotgun?

oh, I know.
that does me no good across state lines. its worth it to me.

Mossberg Maverick 88

not in pennsylvania, also they don't use nics they have their own system

you can do face to face on rifles and shotguns in pennsylvania but not handguns

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Exactly right you can with a long rifle but not a handgun at least in PA

rock island 12g.

Even when it’s happening right in front of your eyes, you decide to sweetie post.

Quads of fours. Checked.

How is that constitutional? It's presuming you're guilty to deny you a constitutional right.

This should honestly only apply to fucking pistols, the gun dealer should give you your long guns.
They're the least regulated and for fucks sake who cares.

Went to multiple gun shops today for ammo, including Cabelas and Scheels, Scheels was the only one who wasn’t down to bare minimum or completely sold out. I was just looking for 9mm. Shotgun shells are still available in bulk though because they’re stupid expensive.

How much 9mm do you have stashed


Walmarts here in Delaware are saying they will not be selling it either. Interesting

Just purchased in GA, I have my CWL so that bypasses the FBI instant background check, but can confirm from the shop owner that he had 4 pending backgrounds he was waiting to get back a result on. Also, busiest he has ever been including holidays.

even cabalas? where are you? Man since obama they would carry those 250 count tubs of ammo

Nice try


This is called "default proceed." If the check takes longer than 3 biz days the arms dealer may (his/her discretion) sell the gun(s).

Okay Karen.

Was just trying to talk to a fellow gun enthusiast. Wanted to compare stashes. I have about 1000 rounds. Not the best but makes me feel more comfortable than some.

>So I live in PA
>not already armed to the teeth

You a nigger, or what?

Thanks fren

I’m under your amount. Just to protect my prep from nogs when the EBT gets shut off.

Stop telling people this is why we can have nice things

kek, sorry I am surprised there is enough of a population to support a cabelas there. Anyway you should have an ammo for already due to obama.

I have guns yes I have ammo. But still this is the kind of shit that will throw people over the edge. They’ll be like WHAT SO NOW I CANT BUY ANYMORE GUNS OR AMMO and then flip out and try coming into my house to take my shit

The feds can barely trace guns dumbass

I understand buddy

Idiots using gendered language will be the first against the wall in the boogaloo.

I live in PA. I can confirm this. Purchased a firearm last week and it took them like 5 minutes to process my clean record. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the system was down.

CT user here. Our gun stores are flooded with people. many making their first firearm purchase. hopefully this will wake these morons up to how shit our laws are.

i have will never have enough ammo or guns but i dont feel the need to purchase any today.
cant find 5.56 anywhere though.

I can purchase a firearm because I don’t need a background check. Background check is my license to carry dipshit. You don’t know shit about FFL transfers bud. Quit spreading disinformation.


PICS might be down because of overwhelming demand, if so it'll be back up tomorrow

its at the dealers discretion to sell guns when PICS/NICS is down, but if i was a dealer i wouldnt be risking my FFL to sell some schmuck a $300 gun

NICS is working fine

Good God

This is one thing I can't imagine why own guns and not enough bullets? There are things I understand waiting to buy or panic buying but guns and ammunition aren't one of them usually by the time you feel like you need to be armed you definitely should be I even stock bullets for guns I know my friends have I don't have an ar I use 7.62 but have somewhere around 500 rounds of 5.56 just in case

I have a license to carry too asshole but they have always run a background check on me I’m not spreading false information I started the thread asking a question because that’s what I heard today

I have roughly 9 leftover bullets... no gun, sold to make rent... 3 tipless arrows .... and an old rusty bow that no longer draws.

Come at me glow niggers!

I'm gonna have to blow spitwads at raiders. Guess your straw ban is not so hot now, cuckifornians.

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incredible digits. shit flag tho.

>msm trying to crash the economy

the economy crashed last week, incase you werent paying attention

>be az
>literally rolled into a gun store and stocked up on ammo on Friday

Feels good

Armslist is literally nothing but a bunch of fudds and wannabe jews demanding at least 10% over market for absolute trash. You'd be better served buying a problem solva from your local crack dealer.

If this gets bad enough, LGSes will start to not care, anyway. Besides, if you have yet to buy a gun, neck yourself.

The economy is only half way to the crash site, which is convenient because we have precisely enough gas to get us there. Hope you're trading options.

MO/KS reporting in
ran across to Kansas gunstore today and bought a shotgun. no issues

after Obama I have ammo and mags for guns I dont even own. I was about to buy some guns for fun but now Im sure there will be a panic price bump...

Gun costco is already having a shit time fulfilling orders. Js run Freedom Group (now Remington Outdoors) which owns a bunch of firearms companies. Guns will moon in the coming months.

>buy some ammo and according to the guy at the counter the state background check system
fuck do you need a fucking "background check" to buy fucking ammo for is this shit bait?