Let's just call it the WUHANIC PLAGUE
Let's just call it the WUHANIC PLAGUE
Wu Flu
>existing anymore
bump 4 u user
Flying Aids from Wuhan
I like Kung Flu more.
It's the gook flu.
Kek but in all seriousness. We can’t let the small eyes get their hands on the endangered animals.
Chinese germ makes the world burn.
Thats what ive been saying!
Wuhan flu!
The official story is that it came from a market in china. Everyone followed the huge outbreak in china.
Calling it anything china is racist.
Also, nigger tongue my anus.
Chinese Coronavirus
We need to think of the most racist names we can for this.
>Flu Tang Clan
>Bat Muncher's pneumonia.
The bamboo burden you picked kike
idk Kung Flu was pretty good.
There was. I was very scared of the exact moment when Trump turned to racism and xenophobia and called the COVID-19 'Chinese virus'. Now that the President has made a conscious decision to follow this dark hatred, we as a nation have great difficulties. Until then, he has been successful and will not cause racial hatred of Asian Americans in terms of the virus. But now he opened the door to hatred and violence, full of hatred and violence against people like me and my family. I was never afraid to become an American.
WuHan Flu ain’t nuttin ta
fuck wit
Even the other boards are calling it Kung Flu, so let's keep it at that.
>Kung Flu
>Egg Flu Young
>Nihao pneumonia
Chinese virus is redundant. All plagues originate in China.
What was that fag’s life like before Trump? I swear that guy has a fucking public diary where he writes about Trump every single day.
Hey guy, I think you're in the wrong neighborhood.
Lets all just agree to call it the Chink Virus
COVID 19 literally stands for Chinese Origin Virus ID 19...
Fucking kek
Chinese virus. On repeat. A billion fucking times you bat eaters. Except it was Iran who brought it to China. But you are still bat eating scum suckers. Chinese virus.
>Trumpniggers trying so hard to slide economic crash threads with their twitter faggotry
kung flu
Anyone not calling it the Wuhan flu is a shill. webm unrelated
>a series of Yas Forums posts will stop people from realizing the economy is tanking
what's it like to operate at such a high intelligence
This warms my heart. Thank you user.
kung fu lung flu
Chinese disease
THE CHINESE JUST COST THE DOW TO DROP OVER 10000 POINTS IN 2 MONTH...fuck china and fuck the libs for been okay with moar of china bullshit
Kung flu
These niggers could literally have chinese soldiers killing them and they'd be apologizing as they're dying.
Wu Ping Cough
More like Wuhanic Panic. This shit is so fucking stupid.
Anti-seize, nice. Can't believe I didn't think of that.
Just because you won't die doesn't mean you won't end up in ICU.
This shit will fuck you up for a week.
going to hell now thx
I have been calling it the chink stink
I wonder if him and that chin freak get together and suck dick.
Wu Ping Coff
The Adrenal Flu
You faggots are pathetic talking shit about China all the time, and showing the same webms everytime because you know damn well that 90%+ of chinese are not like that. If anything you would find just as much retards like that in the US, it's just not being filmed.
Chinese Virus
I hear you can get Chink Flu from fucking dogs. Better watch out.
DAILY REMINDER: Chinks on course to spread a disease further afield than the niggers have done so with AIDS, and kill off more loved ones as a result - everybody will miss their grandparents, nobody misses a faggot.
Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". OK, here's the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.
You chinks made this shit can't you grind up a tiger dick and make a potion or something?