Asian man bullied by african americans


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Inb4 niggers were bullying the wrong type of Asian

Also niggers gonna nig


dude is wearing a Thrasher shirt

Based blacks, chinks are the greatest threat on Earth right now

fuck chinks, das rite

asian men are weaker than white women

Given the chance the Asian man would have done the same if the roles reversed.
Both races are terrible for this FYI.

based nogs

This is why we need niggers. Theyll say what whites wont.

Absolutely based blacks.


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China man stealing my tin cans!

>man bullied by african americans
blacks, trying to turn this place into the place they came from

>A bunch of idiots have a heated argument

>"This is a top priority!"

Asshole piece of shit liberals can't bother with actual property damage and violent crimes they instead choose to deal with stupid shit like this.
How do we know the asian guy wasn't being a dick and deserved to be cussed out?
His crying looks forced, hell they could all be in on for some GoFundMe scam. In that case one of them will be dead in a few weeks of a cocaine OD.



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Collecting cans for some money instead of stealing or selling hard drugs, while the niggers steal anything and everything along with sell hard drugs from A-Z.

I would gladly replace every American nigger with an Asian.

why couldn't this chink virus kill niggers?

man that's kinda fucked up

>the nigger cop talking about crime
>ye the video shows some altercation or robbery.
fucking i hate Asians and swinging at them is not racist apparently. niggers defending niggers.

Niggers are the most racist people of all to be honest. If this were a white dude it happened to though, no one would give a fuck.

Based niggers

Black men should show to Asian men who rules America!

am i supposed to care? asian americans vote overwhelmingly dem. they can reap what they sow

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You can't help by pity the poor fucking Chink.
It's not like he's some CCP backed factory owner buying up property and spreading the chink gift.
Poor fuckers collecting cans for a living.

Im sure it will, old ones definitely. Be patient

i like how none of them called it racism
niggers cant be racist apparently

Everywhere niggers behave like niggers

>niggers attacking and mocking an asian
>also niggers: lets film this shit for avidance on facebook!!
niggers are retarded



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I hate old people being bullied no matter their race.

this fuck em

HH/1488 WP

Who’s got the sauce on the video? That shit looks funny as fuck.

We already had this thread

Bullying a homeless dude into tears ain’t based.
Hate niggers and fishheads all the same but this ain’t cool

>*niggers exist and are the most racist creatures in existence*
>le aw look at the cute struggling brown people, the victim looks white and probably supports trump anyway face
>everyone forgets about it tomorrow and continues shitting on trump

Racism is literally not real and you cannot prove it is and it can be proven that no such concept or word existed 300 years ago.

People treat others how they feel they should be treated based on the data available to them. Race informs culture and culture informs behaviour. Racism is a new speak word for "judging people based on how they are most likely to behave" which is a reasonable and rational response, but the new speak word is connected to irrationality and unreasonable thinking by literally nothing except its own repeated claim.

Maybe this man deserved this, maybe he was harassing people. Maybe the man who says he hates Asians in the video is saying that because he has only met Chinese people who hated and attacked him, which makes his response reasonable, and which is also a reasonable response from the Chinese people who treated him badly because the only black people they had known were disrespectful, or because the only data they had access to about blacks was crime stats etc.

Everything is justifiable through the right lens.

You cannot tell people the datasets they interpret their conclusions from are "not representative of reality" and you cannot tell them their conclusions they make from those datasets are "not representative of reality". That's what the term "racist" is. It's telling people their reality is literally wrong and expecting them to apologise for misinterpreting your make believe reality.

That's why racism isn't real. Nobody judges people based on their melanin, nobody is scared of melanin, people judge other people based on their behavior, which you have the data to infer based on their culture, which you have the data to infer based on their class, race, etc.

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lol whatever boomer

i really hated asians for a while but i just don't have it in me to hit someone. Yes if they are an imminent threat I will but when someone is begging for mercy I will show them mercy.

Chinks are yellow kikes.


Bingo. Stereotypes exist for reason.

this is horrible

Niggers are garbage

wtf i love niggers now

Good. Chinks deserve this. I'd be glad to let San Francisco secede so the niggers can beat and mug chinks all day long while whites live among whites

Tasting that white privilege.

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why didn't the chink use kung fu?

What did that Asian man do or say to make those fine young men, that never did anything wrong, mad?

Don't empower niggers, you idiots. They'll feel justified and do it to everyone.

This is what the Yellow Man gets for trying to side with the shitskins against Whites.

THe damage control by niggers in the comment section is quite funny

this happened before the training montage

First time I saw this I was like those fucking niggers...

Now with the Wuhan Flu clan running wild on our asses...

I stopped caring about Wee Dong Khang.

"ching chong ching chong"

>I would gladly have chinks

Found you, Chang.

>enlightened and wise rice farmer harried by ignorant bonobos

a world

should have learned some Karate or kung fu

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Id the chink man doesnt like the indigenous culture maybe be should fuck off back to ying yang yong land

And so what? Should we teach them the right way so people assimilate them with our culture? No fuck off, muslims and blacks should keep doing crimes so our people see the truth.

>Trumpnigger thread literally clapping for Trumpniggers


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Based niggers. Chinks aren't humans, but a mockery of humanity. An anti-humanity if you will. Crafted by the demons who lurk the deepest and darkest depths of Hell itself. These dark powers have unleashed the Chink upon this world, to simply torment the creatures God have beautifully crafted. Therefore, we need niggers to bash the heads of every fullgrown chink if possible, to rid us of this menace once and for all.

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don't feel bad for the chink. He would be doing the same thing to niggers in Africa if given the chance.


Even to this day, humans act like their primitive ancestors
And you lot wonder why we let you suffer and never visit

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>not even once is racism mentioned
if those nogs had been white youd never hear the end of it. fuck that shit

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> in Africa
> in Africa
> in Africa
> in Africa
Be me in africa see a mob of nigs chase one other nog for just stealing bread.

My wife always talks shit about the spics that go through the trash looking for cans and bottles. I always tell her to shut her whore mouth because there are worse things they could be doing for money. So when ever I have cans and bottles I leave them out side the dumpster so it's just less they have to fish for. I can respect anyone who is not doing anything illegal for money.

this was big on asian twitter. a lot of asians saw this and a lot of blacks were deflecting saying asians are racist towards blacks so this isn't a big deal. minority groups in america are waking up to how animalistic blacks are

diversity is his greatest strength