
it is suspected that pittsburgh is to be under martial law soon

i am guessing there is something more going on than this bullshit virus that at worst case scenario caused pneumonia. opinions?

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>am guessing there is something more going on than this bullshit virus
The virus is worse than what we are being told. Which leads me to believe it really is a bio weapon.

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my theory is china was experimenting with it and it got out of hand

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I'm from Pittsburgh and I've heard nothing about this, source?

my fiancé got it from someone on social media, hence why it is suspected

make a list of the preppers and boomers in your area and raid them for supplies

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pic I’ve scavenged. unsure of legitimacy

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wondering if real, I'm in Pittsburgh and heard nothing except this so far

Whoa there! That's near the southside/water front area for sure. But I haven't heard anything. Need timestamp.

Supposedly WestPenn is inundated with sick people amd they are testing but results wont be in for a few days. UPMC has set up a testing location in South Side but you need a doctor's referral. It probably looks like an abandoned warehouse but national guard is most likely on sight. 100 APCs rolled through Youngstown Monday afternoon.

guess we'll find out if we're gonna get cuckolded by the government once again

fuck yinzer trash

that's what i heard too. i live an hour outside of pittsburgh and go to nursing school at the hospital, and the suspected case that was "negative" had to be quarantined and waited a week for results, and we can't even get tested around here either

Take your meds, yinzer schizo

They should just drop a huge bomb on Pittsburgh like in that Dustin Hoffman virus movie.

Me and my gf were gonna come get vegan brunch in the city this weekend for her birthday
Sad bro hope yinz are well

Get fucked Pittsburgh. You are a filthy city filled with rude assholes. Rural PA is okay though

Moving military vehicles by rail is pretty common. They roll through my way twice a year... timing is weird but it could just as easily be nothing

good thing i'm backwoods rural pa living in the vicinity of amish then

You should not be aht and abaht. Just put on some Donny Iris, pop an Iron City and you'll be alright.

timestamp as asked, post says 7 hours ago. I capped it at 7:57 EST. I’m from a backwoods ass town about 70 miles east of shittsburgh. personally, I say level the fucking place. It’s a cesspool of (((them)))

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Pitt is the sister city of Wuhan so there should be a lot of cases. I thought it was really odd all the cases were only on the Eastern side of the state.

Pennsylvania Dutch and Fancy Dutch are some the earliest and best americans. They truly settled this country.

>it is suspected that pittsburgh is to be under martial law soon
according to whom

Guess I'll just die?

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>Moving military vehicles by rail is pretty common
When I was a kid occasionally I saw tanks traveling by rail behind my house
it was pretty cool

this is according to some shithead on Facebook, which is a completely reliable source. I’m obviously kidding, however at this point and time it’s pure speculation

>pittsburgh is to be under martial law soon
Actual Pittsburgh user here (Wexford area), Idk where you got that idea. Sure, every store has been emptied despite only having 6 confirmed cases in the county, but I have been looking at the local news pretty frequently and haven't seen anything to suggest this.

i'm from a depressed as fuck steel town outside of pittsburgh and we are not used to this. the only viruses we are used to are hiv and hepatitis c from all the crackheads running amuck

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Whole lot of those in PA. Hopefully you're not only known for getting flooded.

>live west of pittsburgh
>job was declared essential
Oh well, I'd have to use pto time anyway if there was a lockdown but I was kinda wishing for it.

finally someone knows about the travesty of my city

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Any of you anons in the North hills area?
I just got VPN access and will be working remotely for the next few weeks
This is a discord I made a while ago but haven't shilled too much (and its practically dead) but maybe you want to talk there?

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Is it 1998 there or something?

Is your nursing school still making you do stuff? I have to go to fucking clinicals and all the staff went on this spiel about how this is a "noble profession" and how this is what we'll have to deal with in the real world. That's real cool, but I'm paying tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of getting sick right now.

Maybe that Project Zypher shit is real, they're supposedly going to start mass killing people who watched Alex Jones or heard some shit about Isreal or something like that.

agreed. desu this exact freakout happens on social media every few months when a big shipment gets recorded.

oy vey

Just because we’re sister cities doesn’t mean mass flocks of people are eager to come to the Burgh. Wuhan is easily 20 times larger than Pittsburgh and is a major industrial powerhouse of China, while Pittsburgh just has healthcare and technology. Tourism isn’t a strong suit here.

they're still making us do clinical and theory right now, but are discussing closing the school because all of the nursing programs around us have switched to online clinical

>That's real cool, but I'm paying tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of getting sick right now.

Yes, that's your job.

I cannot believe how good the CDC and WHO are at pulling the wool over people's eyes. Last week all my professors were saying that classes being cancelled was an "unlikely event". Fucking ridiculous. This is the critical nursing judgement that's running amok in hospitals.

I'm from the burgh and I sincerely don't care. The people I care about are quarantined and protected. Everything else can burn, none of my business.

Though, our tech sector does have a lot of Chinese students who likely went home for the Chinese New Year before lockdowns took place. Perhaps you’re on to something, user.

my clinical unit had to be displaced because the floor was fuckin quarantined like this is some bs. they consider us a liability and won't even give us to violent patients

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It means the universities in your two cities go out of their way to mix with each other. So you get lots of young wuhan chinkos.

Wise words there m8 I’ll settle down for a tick

I've heard the same thing about my state from both my sister and mother, they both have friends who "know someone who works in the government/military" who told them it was going to happen

Close down the bars and State Stores and the alcoholics will perish

Or the looting begins quicker.

I’m always down to take things that aren’t mine.

it's already getting there. population control at its finest

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Post quarantine meals mates what we eating tonight

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You sound high melanin.

I was just activated. They're shutting down states within 48 hours. Golf, Tango, Foxtrot, Omega 8669

Not yet. But liquor stores close tomorrow. Get your vodka Pittsburgh bros

Nobody cares about smelly ass Pittsburgh you french fry sandwich Primanti fuck

This so much

What took a dump in your bowl?

Neck yourself you Philthydelphian niggerman.

holy shit bro, I live in youngstown. any sauce?

pendot has now closed too

Your mum

Its because the Cracker Plant isn't following orders. It is a petri dish for disease. Many filthy rednecks from around the states have temp jobs there. They go home and come back weekly. Many are sick with colds and flu. I haven't heard of any Gook Flu cases there yet.
t. Yinzer