20% of People DO NOT Poo in the Shower

Which of you faggots do not poop in the shower?


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>not a coom edit

Kek, nice one pedro

Surely they must mean a post poo shower where you scrub poo from your asshole?

The absolute state of mexicanTs

I love a good waffle stomping user


If you can't poo in the loo, what else can you do?


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This is why we need corona virus.

If you pee in the shower you aren't white, and you'll get the rope.

this has to either be fake or include mostly non-whites in the survey

Where else do you poo?

80% of people are fucking gross.

Best post.

Poo pooing in the shower? Isn't that like the opposite of taking a shower in the first place?

Don't shit in the shower, it makes it fucking stink.

Why buy that fake sham poo when you can use real poo.

They ones who bought all the TP

not buying this tacobro ..nice try

>poo in the shower
how would such a thing even work on a regular basis? and don't tell me you just stomp it down the drain, let's be honest, the shit would still stick on the grates and stink the whole fucking house up

Of how many? What people? Where? What the fuck?

I don't poo in the shower. Who the fuck does?

I shit in the shower once, one of the biggest I've ever done in my life too. It was 2 years ago. I had had a very bad perianal abscess and developed a fistula on my ass cheek, I had surgery and they slashed s giant gash in me from the fistula to my asshole, about 3 inch long and 4 inches deep and ran a plastic tie thru the hole, into my rectum, back out of my asshole and tied it together.

After he surgery, they warned me about constipation and told me to take a ton of stool softeners. The anesthesia slows down your body and makes your poop hard. So I had a huge hard turd in me and a massive wound around my ass that made pushing out poop insanely painful like shitting a knife. Not to mention the poop would move the plastic ziptie thru the wound.

I didn't shit for 5 days, became incredibly painful. Doctor gave me the choice between driving 30 min to him to do a "digital extractions' aka he scoops my shit out with his finger, vs me taking a few enemas.

I started with one, waited 15 minutes and couldn't poop so I added another and another. Finally I let out a hard little painful nug of poop. I was crying from the pain and turned on the shower to clean myself off since I couldn't just wipe shit into the hash.

As soon as the hot water hit my stomach, I felt an urge, and I couldn't get out in time. I shit a massive amount of feces into the shower, a huge mound the most shit I've ever seen in my life, it was a fucking ant hill. I used paper towels to try and pick it up and throw it into the toilet but then I just kept farting out water so I stayed in the shower until it was time to shit again and then dropped another massive pile of custard onto the shower floor.

That was 2 years ago, now I use that tub to wash my 1 year old son in.


thank you for your service


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disgusting people having diarrhea

Poe's law is extremely strong around here, but I know that this has to be a joke. Not that I have enough faith in humanity to believe it absurd that 4 out of 5 people in Mexico don't shit themselves on purpose - but that I'm too skeptical that 4 out of 5 Mexicans actually shower in the first place.

>use that tub to wash my 1 year old son in

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I shit in the shower because I also enema in the shower.

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Heterosexual post

Shart in walmart my frien


I dont think you're supposed to power hose your colon clean

At least I'm not full of shit like you!

Pissing maybe but poo is fucking weird. Also these people must have shitty diets if their poo can fit in the drains like that.

>attach it to the fucking plumbing of your house

how much water can your ass take in?

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Nice one jorge

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about 4 quarts


What does pumping fluoride, copper, and lead into your anus feel like

I've shat in the shower like three times in my life. Pushing shit down the drain is not a fun task and I would not recommend taking a doo in the showeroo

bags of salty milk and coins

I'm sorry guys, but I prefer pooping into my hands and then throwing over the shower rod so I can hear it splat on the tiles, very satisfying to me. I figured it wasn't technically shower pooping as there was no waffle stomping involved, I usually just pick up the poop and shove it into the sink drain as I'm not allowed to use the toilet anymore because my poops are too big.

I actually started shitting in the shower a couple weeks ago after developing a hemmy.
I squat, shit in my hand, toss it in the toilet and then wash off. No TP needed.
Hemmorhoids been healed up a few days, but I think I'll just keep doing such.
Feels good man


I dumped a bitch for that like 12 years ago

Sometimes I shit in the shower when I get mad at my roommates

Wtf I've never pooped in the shower except one time by accident due to enema.
Once, by accident. Never on purpose! Wtf

Feels clean for buttsex. For men and ladies.

Meanwhile in India, 80% of people shower in the poo.

I've been taking full shits in the shower since I was a kid. I always used to get yelled at, because I would take off my clothes before sitting on the toilet. I figured why not just do it in the shower then.
As long as the water is hot you can push the shit through the drain with your foot (waffle stomping), then wash your ass. Two birds with one stone. Today it actually pays off since my toilet is always clean when guests arrive. I never have to clean it.
>and we do other surprising things in the shower
I coomed for the first time in the shower, pluck my pubic hair in the shower, and sleep in a hot shower after a night of drinking.

I've never even heard of someone doing this, ever. Whoever wrote that article has a shit fetish.

I shit in shower and piss in sink. Just like God intended

wouldn't know, i use well water.

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>there are people who don't poop in the shower

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Never played a good ol' fashion game of waffle stomper in the tub?

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Almost all mexican poo in the shower, this is fact.

>zip tied asshole

Because their drainpipes are 3/4” instead of 1.5”+, cheap bastards

Fuckin Poortawrikan Hoowores

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>80/20 rule
>80% plebs
>20% patricians

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i'm thinking new copypasta material possibly

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I poop while I walk. I'm basically like a horse.

Cool. 80% of people have anal sex then. I hope they at least clean up properly afterwards.

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Where my fellow waffle stompers