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Other urls found in this thread:

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>Ryke Geerd Hamer (17 May 1935 – 2 July 2017) aged 82
>Hamer claimed that his method is a "Germanic" alternative to mainstream clinical medicine, which he claimed is part of a Jewish conspiracy to decimate non-Jews.

Hello...? What have we here?

checked and bumped

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Kushner should just come out already.

Attached: 2ea7mu.jpg (360x240, 24.76K)

he will never claim you as his son user, let it go

i fucking hate qtards so goddamn much

Attached: 1577010774287.gif (236x250, 1.47M)

Can you boomers please just stay in your containment thread?

>panic in Washington
Just fuck off already christ

stop being gay user, they can't all be blacked threads

Why nigger bitch?

Attached: DeNirooo.png (410x394, 185.91K)

A rustling wind
Leaves on the ground
CARs driVIng bY
Hold tight and wait

I wish i was retarded /schizo enough to fall for the Q larp, it looks pretty fun lmfaoo.


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They are generally the dumbest people.

A "QProof" is something that shows Q has insider knowledge or is an insider. This is not one of them, and anons like you on /qresearch/ and retards on twitter who call anything a "QProof" make it hard for people to understand real proofs.
/ptg/ hates Q

>tfw no Qgf

Attached: qtitstrump.jpg (500x375, 131.95K)

>you Q faggots were actually not larping schitzos
Jesus fuck my world views are shattering

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because a post from over a year ago has the word rat in it and now google shows the democratic logo as a rat? is that the proof? was there supposed to be another post that somehow tied the two together? not very convincing desu.

Faint smell of methane
A little sulfur too
Took a big shit
In my right shoe.


It's looking like a bright future user.

Attached: 1489781114535.png (531x502, 315.41K)


Holy shit A rat just flew over my house

You're like 2 years late bro, I don't know what to tell you.

I want Q fags to die.

GodLikeProductions Schizophrenics please return to your hive


That’s some shit proof

I want newfags to die. Neither of us will get our wish.

>falling for the "convinced a new supporter" LARP
two shills detected
you are kicked out of Q club. bye fags.

go to right now and reread old drops for added effect

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I never cared much for Q and the Q posting and his followers but in the last few days they are starting to be the most insufferable faggots on the board
you cunts make me hate trump ever time you post, thats the faggot level you are at.

because they are arrogant boomers who did not lurk, fell for the first psyop they ever came across, and now everyone suffers

>/ptg/ hates Q
Why? Both groups are the same delusional boomers and redditors that came from T_D in 2016.

Good faggot go die with the pedos

Take your meds.

Look at all the kikes ITT. HILARIOUS.

>a bunch of low IQ anti-Q spam threads get posted
>a pro-Q thread makes you seethe
Q started here dumbass. I assume you didn't know that.

>I never cared much for Q and the Q posting and his followers but in the last few days they are starting to be the most insufferable faggots on the board
>you cunts make me hate trump ever time you post, thats the faggot level you are at.
I just can't stand them. Just look at this cunt

kike detected.
You are also kicked out of the Q club.


Anti Q shills are sus.. Why the fuck do you care so much? Filter Q

Q predicted this. March Madness

Why does this Q dude type like a retard? All his posts are pseudo cryptic bullshit, like hes some kind of god amongst men. What a cunt. If Q is the good guy, fuck me dead.

filter your life

>be me
>read this post
>I go to
>first post is telling me HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton I presume) is in custody
>she's walking free
what the fuck was that ? are you trolling ?

Crazy how she didn't run this season. Even though she bascially ran every season since Bill.

Attached: Untitled.png (499x767, 436.7K)

She's under investigation.

Look, here's the simple fact.

Qtards are hedging all of their hopes on this million to one chance that their delusions are not a complete larp, and three years of nothing they have been promising happening actually happening has made it incredibly difficult to bear them.

Yet also, the fantasy they live in where this shit all plays out like some 64-D chess game a presidential term in the making that sees 40 years of swamp atrocity brought to light and justice at long last served is still what deserves to happen and, if there was a God, will.

Anti flat earthers are so sus... why the fuck do you care so much?
Filter flat earth posters

Imagine being so much of a schizo that people ridiculing you and debating against you are the "proof" you're right

Qtards will hang

Q-larp is Mossard faggotry that boomers just can't resist. Kill yourself.

There is a rat problem

Sidney Powell on Anthony Weiner laptop

Attached: 1583722719152.jpg (400x400, 17K)

>has no idea what Q is
>posts random shit anyway

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Digits and he dies from adrenochrome withdraw

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Are you serious right now? Shut the fuck up, kike. Q is a Mossad operation that has stupid boomers trusting a "faggot ass plan" that leads to nothing happening.

Has to be that way. If he just gets on and starts flooding the boards with actual classified intel, or slanderous info, he'd get busted.

He(they) are walking a fine line between jail and freedom, while guiding us toward enlightenment about the deep state.


>has no idea what Q is
>posts random shit anyway
Q will continue to call out mossad, anons will continue to spread information about it, and you'll continue to seethe cunt.

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Another March Madness (1/2)

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time is a flat circle user
you'll see

This so much.

Attached: 1584390628167.jpg (720x720, 84.8K)
Is my guess at what made the cops throw up

>omg you Qtards are shitting up the board
Literally dont click on these threads you reddit dweller.

>10,000 blacked, "is coffee good for you", and other slide threads are ok
>1 pro Q thread makes them freak out
That's how it is here lmfao.

>Exodus 1:1
>These are the names of the sons of Israel who went to Egypt with Jacob, each with his family

really makes you think