Mom he posted it again

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There it is. I’ve been deathly afraid of this exact moment where Trump turns to racism and xenophobia and calls COVID-19 the “Chinese Virus.” We are in deep trouble as a nation now that President of the United States makes the conscious decision to go down this dark path of hate. He has been very good up until this exact moment not to inflame racial hatred against Asian Americans when it comes to the coronavirus. But now he has opened the floodgates of hate and violence against people like me and my family. I have never been this scared to be an American.

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>chinese virus
political scam artist to the very end

Fuck off chingchong. You deserve it.

>I have never been this scared to be an American.
Literally shaking, huh?

Kek nice bait

okay zhang chang mc bat eater

> Chinese Virus?!
I was okay with he was racist towards shitskins (Mexicans), but I draw the line at chinks (Asians)... IMPEAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH!

(((Charles Lieber)))

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*I have nevah been so sclahd to be an Amelican

Support them how? The country's already bankrupt.

just tell people that your from Taiwan. hook them up with khat to sell it.

we're going to borrow money from the japs

>chinese virus
He is unstoppable

Nice try, Shlomo. Trump is a kike.

The more he talks the more the stock market tumbles. Does he not realize this?

And as usual...
Where does he find the time to do actual medical work?

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he's going to say nigger soon

>Chinese virus
Uh, hello BASED department

It's either him or Teidreich.

Fake and gay. Nice try OP. No way the president of the US would do this.

Republicans: *horribly mismanage literally everything, leading their own base to their deaths*
Yas Forums: Huh, this might actually be a problem
Republicans: Haha, Chinese Wuhan virus
Yas Forums: Lol nevermind, this is perfectly fine.

You guys are so fucking dumb, selling out to the ruling class without any hesitation as long as they plays on your racism.

he does. they are forcing a market correction using the corona-hype. this is what an actual happening looks like.


That's why I haven't showed flag in years.

These idiots don't deserve to know what I've been up against my entire life.

Hes so butthurt they named the source of the Amerimutt virus and hit the jackpot

Amerimutts can do nothing but deflect and screech in pain.

And lol, look how easily it worked:
You people are literally braindead.


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why would you be mad about this? unless you're a slant or are a slant fucker.

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*they play

don't at me bitch

>said in that oniony voice too\

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Agreed, Yas Forums died in 2015-2016.

Never would I have thought to share my board with neoliberals and zionists.

id mrsX, makes sense

>You people are literally braindead

are you capable of making a point that isn't phrased like a meme or has twitter burnt itself into your eyelids? it's clear that every world leader aside from Kim is mismanaging this but that doesn't mean that this isn't china's fault you memeflag nigger
cope harder

Based. I hope he says it every day. People must be reminded and China shouldn't get off the hook for it.


I can’t wait.

Is this BASED?

>implying Americans know what Taiwan is

>Push Globalism
>cry about affects of Globalism
shut the fuck up mutt

Nothing? You're spoiled.


it's not socialism when Trump does it and riches asshole get to profit
it's capitalism

yes, ww will give bankers free money, and ceos, but you can't go to work, and also you MUST still pay your rent on time, GOY!!!!

It's easy to make assumptions when your entire life is a lie.


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Good. We need to call this shit for what it is

Calling the spanish flu, spanish didnt enflamme any racism against spanish people.
Plus why did China try to play God in Wuhan by having a lvl.4 lab with deadly viruses ?
Why did China mix 3 deadly virus (ebola, SARS and HIV) to form one super-virus (COV19) ?
COV19 is 100% lab made. Undeniable proofs are embedded in the genome of the virus itself. Human intervention was necessary to mix these 3 deadly pathogens.

So calling it Chinese virus is fair.
Dont be all itchy about it ching chong.

you're a jew?


>Taiwain? Ain't that nex' tuh Beijing and Chow-Dong and whatever the FUCK you call that godforsaken shithole?

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Who is this massive fag?

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I read this post in the voice of ‘Gerald’ from family guy.

Wow a shitskin's thoughts. How useless

I hope so, I’m gonna buy cheap stocks soon.

Moron. He said that because the Chinese claimed that it's from the States, you nonce.

poor poor eugene

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Kys faggot


Kill yourself ESL chink



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a bat eater


ching chong ping pong ding dong

Hey Faggots,

My name is Eugene Gu, MD and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

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Most of the asians I've known were too proud to throw the "RACISM!" flag. It's going to change now that they've tasted the forbidden fruit.

>chinks invent new bat flu
>chinks all get it
>chinks spread it
>chinks get upset when you call ti chink virus.
fuck off kung pow faggot.

>Chinese virus

That's racist against the chinks

he can gu fuck himself

China is doing what it does best...lie.
The US needs to decouple its economic ties from this thieving, corrupt & lying communist dictatorship. This dangerous country has accused the US of intentionally spreading this virus while also threatening US citizens to withhold antibiotics we "stupidly" contracted with them to produce for its citizens. All Americans should observe how US politicians and US media respond to these assaults. You can bet leftist US media and politicians unwilling to challenge this virus exporting dictatorship will bow down to these liars.

Taiwan is the true China.

Is there anyone who wants to expose the Soros funded scumbag crew who nut hug Trump's tweets?

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Kek. Based pasta poster. Newfags btfio.

Also, the Chinese have been referring to the outbreak as "Měiguó zāinàn", American poison.

just imagine if he had said "Oriental Virus" kek

Winnie the Fru