American History shit

Are Americans aware of how utterly paltry their country's history is? Just a few hundred years of history, most of which involves little more than a bunch of cow herders.

Go to Stonehenge, go to Hadrian's Wall, go to the acropolis, the Great Wall of China, Palatine Hill, Topkapi palace... it will fucking blow you away. What does America have that compares with this?

And yet the sad thing is that most American's barely travel, because they are perfectly happy to just graze on cheeseburgers all day and spout shit about the rest of the world.

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What does America have that compares with this?
the most powerful country on the planet

Some American was banging on to me about some historic place he was at in Colorado one time and it turns out it was only 90 years old.

I told him my house was built in 1880.

Shut the cunt right up.

didn't ask don't care plus you're british

Yeah, here the thing though, you don't get to keep that definition, it passes onto some other country.
Your country is defined by what's left once the glory of being world leader passes on.

We have amazing places of historic value, that have been bulldozed and destroyed by the ones who want to destroy this country. Entire towns have been bulldozed to make way for McDonald's and other bullshit. It's disgusting that the boomers allowed this to happen, they engorged themselves during prosperity leaving nothing but crumbs. I prayed, I prayed with every ounce of my being that something would cleanse the filth from this Earth, and god listened. He blessed the planet with corona.

Oh wow look at all that power. I'm blown away.

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>continent was discovered a couple centuries ago
>why don't you have millenia of history in what was a savage wasteland 500 years ago?
Go be retarded somewhere else

You owned 2/3rds of the known world and we beat you. Is historic value and numbers all you have to make your penis look bigger?

Hmm. Wonder why we get millions of people trying to immigrate here every year, vs your shit hole island

>what does america have that compares to this
Washington monuments, statue of liberty, Mount Rushmore, the White House, Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Dry Tortugas

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>you’re not allowed to enjoy aspects of your nation because my nation has older things

>they knocked down a bunch of old log cabins that the old timey settlers left.

What a tragedy.

Good work user.

>America doesn't have the gravestones of dead, ruined empires, haha

I told him my house was built in 1880.

>bragging about living in a 140 year old dump. The state of bongistan

Currently most powerful country in the world. Bong fag upset

America has achieved such great military strength that they have fundamentally changed how wars are waged. America has brought an end to military conquest and ushered in an age of covert wars and financial subjugation. Thanks to them we will probably never see nation states go to war as they have in WWII.

Why are you jealous of our major success in a relatively short time compared to yours? Faggot.

This is dedicated to all my White Brothers! North America, Europe & Russia should stop playing and ally together and crush anyone who oppose us. Once all of the planet is well shared between the Superiors we shall conquer the whole galaxy and improve humankind with all new discoveries.
Deus Vult!!

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Why would you assume it's a dump? Unlike Americans, we're capable of building structures that don't fall over with the wind hits them or a plane bumps into them.

All tastelessly designed, and not even particularly old.

>stone henge

You mean the thing they built in the 1800's as a tourist attraction?


Yeah fuck us right what we’re we thinking not existing earlier???!??!

Why do people only care that america is a young country. I never see people shitting on Australia and Canada for the same thing

Think you've been smoking a bit too much wacky baccy m8

They literally put it together with cranes.

Or maybe this picture was actually taken in 3000 BC?

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Australian and Canadian history is painfully boring, but it's not exactly shoved in everyone elses faces constantly.

of course theyre not particularly old. all of what would be remnants of a once great empire are merely aspects of our modern country because we are living in the time of that empire.
you can say what you want about architecture, its subjective i suppose. however some of those are naturally occuring landmarks, the grand canyon and rocky mountains are genuinely beautiful. plus i bet youve never even seen dry tortugas

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Why are foreigners so obsessed with our country? Is it because we're the most powerful nation on the planet?


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We have 900 yr old stick figures drawn on rocks by chinks who came here and killed the natives

Because lefties and Muslims hate America.

Australia and Canada are liberal, progressive nations so they get a free pass.

Imagine being from a country thats never put a man on the moon.

Dude they watch our primary debates
I don’t even know one Britt fag politician and don’t care to

>my 1 thing is better than all your 1 things
>muh history
for someone who admires history, so much it's kind of baffling how you don't understand the history of the US.
when discover
your lineage resides in the states of which you hate.
most americans can't afford to travel. That's why the majority of tourists you get are obnoxious, spoiled, naive americans who are out of touch with reality and overdosing on blue pills to cope.
wouldn't an argument against the rest of the world be something like:
you've been around since x amount of time-accomplish not super power
we've been super power and u jelly
this is low iq hate for the sake of hate and feeding into the propaganda you're being fed.
US is more like 6 nations all wrapped up under the same rule of power to create a cash cow for the filthy rich


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We’ve done more in our short history than you bucktooth subhumans have in yours. We were splitting the atom while you guys were getting your ass whooped in the war, never forget we were the ones who saved you

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Thought you'd know all about that?

What the United States lacks in monuments and great works it makes up for with rugged natural beauty. Alaska, much of the American West.

Also, older parts of the country, mostly the northeast and south, have some beautiful historical townships of English colonial architecture.

But yes, we have no Brandenberg Gates or Neuschwanstein Castles right now, but maybe in a few centuries down the line something like Mt. Rushmore will be as famous a heritage site.

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you mean a film studio

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>its fucking real
Holy shit bongs, just nuke yourselves.

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> ignorant amerimutt

imagine my surprise

>Are Americans aware of how utterly paltry their country's history is?
List of non-Americans that have landed on the moon:

Hitler tried to save us. Thanks for nothing ass hole.

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You should probably leave and not return until you have lived there longer.

Dont get me wrong britbro we are all in the same boat sooner or later, why punch white?

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wow dude 1880 so cool

>What does America have that compares with this?

We have nature.

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>splitting the atom
fucking brainlet we literally robbed the world of great scientist or murdered them.
you're proud of stolen valor.
we didnt save the world moron
we cut a deal witht he jews and look where it got us

Why can't they stop thinking about us?
It's a little creepy.

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yeah i went on a tour of san fran some years back. showed me an "old church" from like 1906.

fuck, the village church where my parents live dates back to 1270. tricky to not burst out laughing...

>Americans just sprouted out of the ground in 1776

Your empire has fallen ours has just begun dotr is here America will lead humanity to the stars

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>Salem = JeruSALEM
Fuck your kike worshippers

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My house was built in the 1850's shut up you goddamn dhimmi.

>me house older than you house
>haha! owned!

Its because your country's politics have literally zero impact on the united states, yet we have 5 military bases in your country, and out politics DO impact you.

Could this have been the work of white people?

Your history is shitting in a bucket, and dumping it on the sidewalk.

Mine was 1800.

We're no better. Youth here have adopted nigger babble into their lexicon.

All I need to know is that we have military stationed in all of your shitty countries and you let it happen. All your long proud history amounted to being beaten by your own colony and then allowing this foreign nation to use you to further it's own gains while you open your gates to your brown invaders. All the while the government kicks down your own doors for so much as criticizing those invaders.
All in just a couple hundred years.

Of course Americans can't resist ruining it with a massive fucking flag that wouldn't look out of place in a 3rd World Dictatorship.

My house was built in 1979. Check mate faggots.

You are the most pathetic people on the planet. Always groveling for someone to save you.

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no, it's because you're colossally ignorant, and fat, too.

Lmao I never new that. I always thought it was thousands of years old, like remains from the atlantian days.

We have the greatest national parks on earth. Have you even seen a natural wonder? Yosemite? The badlands? Denali? Mt Shasta? You have 6 rocks stacked up by a bunch of midget jews. Americans don’t travel because we don’t need to, nothing can be better than living in the US. The UK is gloomy and depressing with a bunch of trashy and pretentious anglos. Ur food is fucking bland and awful and ur women are fucking shrill. America is the greatest place on earth, we control the world including your sorry ass excuse for a country. Have fun eating blood pudding and and sticky toffee you fucking mongrol.

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Niagara falls is older than your house and inbread chicken fuckin village. Checkmate you limey bastard.

Shut up Mohammad. Eat a bag of freedom dicks cooked in bacon fat you goat fucking faggot. Stay mad! Hahahahahahaaaaa! USA USA USA USA!

Also don't respond, by the time you get done seething, I'm on to better non faggot threads. You fucking dog turd .

We are the country that saved yours because you are weak.

Actually considering it’s limited amount of time American history is pretty interesting and eventful

Yes. Yes.

>Americans are this easily triggered by a low effort bait thread
Just sage and move on, this guy is clearly a cunt.

Grug like this


Imagine thinking this is somehow an insult. We're only a couple hundred years old and already surpassed the rest of the world by far. Get fucked ahmed.

The Solutreans were the first nations so the US and North America have a long history.
Eventually the mongoloids migrated here and now think they are "native". Indian scum even defaced the Plymouth Rock to show their hatred.
But we all know Injuns are Chinks just like Chinese.

>a fucking mountain

Wow le epic old house! #pwned

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I am English and studied American history, It's really interesting and unique. Dont listen to this cunt lads

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Agreed. Whenever I go to the US I manage to visit somewhere a famous person got shot. JFK, MLK, John Lennon.

Where did Abe get shot? I should go there next.

Why do you let the US live in your head this much? I never think of Britain.

you were beaten by rice farmers.

Imagine having to reach that far back to other people’s accomplishments like it had anything to do with you. Now go get your fuckin spoon loicense.

He's obviously a melt and creates these very low effort bait threads that are guaranteed (you)'s. Just sage and move on

Did Americans "build" Niagara Falls?

Naw, you just fucking found it, its looked like that when you got there. How is that an American achievement?

What you did do however is surround the cunt with fast food joints so that you can stuff your fat fucking faces while looking out the window at nature.

Also, technically the Horseshoe falls that you're making a big deal about are half Canadian.

Yeah, that guy that made the Grand Canyon was a cunt.

You would of been in german ovens if it wasn't in for the mighty US.

They literally have nothing else.
It's like when they call us burgers.
Like, seriously? That's supposed to be insulting?
I've had many Europoors on here admit to me they are just jealous of us. They make up all kinds of little copes in their heads like "muh healthcare", "muh school shootings", "muh martsharters" when in reality all these little copes is all they have. They are pathetic in comparison to the U.S, and deep down they know it.

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mount rushmore was built in 1930 you dumbfuck nigger of a mutt
its not even 100 years old

>Why dunt a nation dat ownlay been 'round a few hunnit years gots to litta history?

WEW, behold the intellect of the Bongs!

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>some try to hold onto history

>we prefer to make it.


>owned half of the world
>ran most of the trading in the world
>got btfo by redneck farmers
>never recovered
Imagine being proud of being British


Come home European man.

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the only true american innovation is the improvement of the speed at which pure fat can be funneled straight down the neck of a 'consumer'

>never recovered

I mean, this is bullshit because the British Empire went on to become the biggest in history AFTER 1776, but whatever.


Is that the Las Vegas one or is that when they restored it?

We basically, by being great keep your island afloat financially. You Welcome.

And yet here you are, Muhammad.

> american edukashion

in terms of land mass, we peaked in 1922.

in terms of relative force projection, prob a bit earlier, second boer war most likely.

When they built the one in the UK.

They realised nobody was gong to pay to look at some rocks on the ground so they arranged them in cool formations.

>be empire that nearly controls the whole world
>lose to farmers you originally hired
>fast forward almost 300 years
>the colonies have expanded to be the greatest military superpower in the world
>Britain is a geographic shadow of its former self, with 99% of its claims, power, and influence gone
>b-b-but at least we 'ave the old toimey buildin's what stand tall 'n' old!

Yeah - well, sorry 'bout that. You are right about some of that stuff.
250 years ago, we had to wipe out the natives first.
Oh, and we invented a buncha shit you use every day.

such a stellar argument, jose.

there's also one in washinton state


The ford theater

*visits ancient copper mines from the bronze age most likely harvested by ancient doggerland culture prior to the deluge*

>tfw michiganfag

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I'd like to see your shit withstand a tornado or any natural force for that matter cuck.

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It's funny to me that Stone Henge is such a world famous site because it's not far from my house and it's really quite shit.

oil me up nathan

Surely the niggers and Muslims will diligently preserve your history.

this is epic

please stop saying retarded shit

Yeah I'd rather have a pile of rocks than medicine and internet

Thanks ancestors

at least we have history

did YOU build your old house and village? if not shut the fuck up.

>more cucked than Canada
how do Ukfags cope?

America is the globohomo, land o freemasonic jews.

It is not a contest or a game.

Also you living in such an old house is low end not something to celebrate... poor.