Brazil anons, tell me more about your country, culture and cuisine
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this is what you need to know.
We eat sopa de macaco, which is uma delicia :)
If somebody wanted to learn how to cook authentic Churrasco in your country; what would a good place be to look into?
no fuck you
Ditto question- do y'all know anything about where to learn how to cook churrasco in Brazil? Its Patrician as fuck
It's all shit, find a less stupid country to be interested about.
I hope a crazy hyperjew spreads a new bioweapon that wipes every human here.
We have real barbecues (not the shitty ones with meat patties that amerimutts like for some reason), we eat home cooked beans and rice, we shower twice a day and everyone who isint poor hates niggers and favelados.
Someone link me Brazilian porn
Lol, have you guys been attacked by favela monkeys in the past or something
Joaos are bro tier.
Look into Passo Fundo
Not sure about schools or anything like that, I'm sure some /cook/ Brazil user here might be able to answer
Favela monkeys, jews, government golems, redneck retards, white looking subhuman scum, ...
I hear Americans who usually had a rough time growing up say the same about their own country usually
Coal -> Paper soaked in alcool -> Start a Fire
Get something to hold the food 2 palms up the fire
As for grilled food get some red meat chicken and pork. (dunno english names for the actual parts lel)
Make a vinagrette (Chopped Tomatoes, Onions, parsley, Bell Pepper, Vinegar and lemon juice all mixed up)
Prepare some white rice
Also prepare some "farofa", how ? idk, my mom does that for me, google it up.
You now have the basics for a very amateurish brazillian churrasco. Now go find a soccer ball and a tambourine and you're pratically there.
If I wanted to learn it at a churrascaria in Passo Fundo what would be a good way to go about doing that?
Go suck some more of european cock, god damn faggot
After coronavirus there will be a lot a houses to sell
Brazilian cuisine is one of a kind
>inb4 c-cisplatina
Lel shut up and go give Fabiano a tip
our cuisine is UMA DELÍCIA
that's all you need to know.
fuck off foreigner
Brazil has no place for your kike racialism and petty rivalries
Flag looks like the fucking Pepsi logo
There's two kinds- Favela churrasco and gourmet churrasco
I don't know about the latter, but the former is literally just piercing meat with a little wood stick and burning it on coal.
The actual delicious part is putting Farofa and lime on top of it.
Well it's been a hundred years, does Brazil still have niggers? If so, then their plan didn't work either.
What's a good way to learn it authentically in your country? I heard people suggest Passo Fundo- could I just pay some dudes there to teach me how to butcher and get the recipes down?
Beef cuts in the US are different from Brazil, it's easier to just find a picture and show to a butcher to say what you want.
>I don't know about the latter, but the former is literally just piercing meat with a little wood stick and burning it on coal.
Favela niggers really don't know shit about how to make a churrasco then.
Cannibalism aint cool.
What do you want to know about it?
its great, I love it. its much better than our rep outside
meh, consumerism and foreign influence destroyed music, arts and the like. used to be fantastic before that. cool colonial/native mix in almost everything and even up to the 70's music used to be good. listen to Vinícius de Morais if you want a piece of it
it's good. i mean, i'm from here so that's what I grew accostumed to, but gringos seem to love it more than I'd expect whenever I see one eating a Pão de Queijo or Feijoada.
it's pretty easy. you just need a grill and throw meat at it
what's difficult to learn are the brazilian meat cuts, that's something you can only learn by watching and asking churrasqueiros during the event itself
it's a father-son tradition, of sorts
don't forget manioc and garlic bread. manioc is tricky to do properly without it killing you. just read a recipe and you should be fine
Based. Your nationalism movements were amazing, a really nice third position. Too bad your politics were destroyed and banalized by subsequent waves of globalist dictatorship just like in here.
>it's pretty easy. you just need a grill and throw meat at it
Party, sex, cachaça, beer, pussy, football, muscles, money, sertanejo, Jesus, Bolsonaro, UFC, CS.
Just want to know all the legit ways of prep; and butchering for both chicken and beef. I fucking love Brazilian cooking and hate spending like $50 each and every time lmao
Want to learn from the best and the legit
Go to the southern states and ask any white-looking boomer. They're very nice people, I wish I could go back there
Indeed. I miss Santa Catarina :(
Coronachan mutation here we come!
Brazilians will tell you picanha is the best, but they're hiding the best for themselves. Next time you go to a churrascaria tell the gauchos you want the pica dura.
Bro, type in YouTubes search bar "Brazil" or "Brazil trip" and "living in Brazil" ir even "my experience in Brazil"
Thanks Brazil bro; will do
I'll buy you a drink if I ever come across another autistic poster
>just like in here.
definitely the same case. the fact we both stopped being open societies at times dwarved the ideological arena and allowed northener politics to seep in. now we have to deal with vira-latas, mulatto natsocs and retards that only understand the politics under the guise of Norwegian civil administration
Will do
Gotta brush up on my "port-2-gehs" lol
You usually learn by doing it.
We have churrascos like every weekend or so with or families or our friends, theres no absolutely right way of doing it and no one bashes you for it if you get it a little wrong, i've been learning it from trial and error since i was like 8
There are several ways to make a churrasco and some are traditional to specific regions in the South. The best way to properly learn is to just go to a festival and talk with the people making the meat.
As for the cuts, your local butcher will probably be able to do it if you explain exactly what you want, but the most popular are picanha (rump cover), maminha (bottom sirloin), contrafilé (tenderloin), fraldinha (tough to explain as it's a mix of different parts) and costela (the ribs).
What's a good way of meeting people to learn from there? I legit would pay for a cooking tutor to see the bunching process, recipes and cooking methods
Trying not to dox myself but I know quite a bit about the food
What would your suggestions be for learning it cooking brah?
Imma try to see if I can learn how to butcher the meat myself too; any tips?
It's easy. No matter how you cook it a Brazilian will always tell you you're doing it wrong, they're extremely prideful regarding their bbq. Use actual mesquite charcoal, start it in a pile and get it hot as fuck, you want that shit to be uncomfortable from 5 feet away. Skewer your meat and use an ungodly amount of salt, like 5-10x what you think is reasonable. Sear close, move away from the heat and rotate to hold.
Sweet tenks breh
Are you professional chef or something?
Brasil is very underrated, and I know we have some flaws, I'm not blind, but those are simply the result of mass imigration of unskilled workers, meaning that soon any of your nations might suffer from something similar
Apart from that, notice that the states are all very diferent in terms of culture, and as a rule of thumb, the furthest you go south, the more european it gets.
I worked at Wendys for a very long time, yes. Don't do it any longer.
Look at a reference picture, like the one I posted earlier, to get an idea of what you're looking for. Cattle breeds might be different so it's not going to be exact science, but you'll get it with practice.
im from PF... what do you wish to learn? Actually, there isnt much of an art to it... pirce the meat with a metal rod, salt it with "sal grosso (coarse salt)" - , light up some charcoal and let it sit for a while, turn the meat every 15 minutes until you reach the desired tenderness of the meat.
And then enjoy it.
youtube has got you covered already...
they eat monkey soup and like soccer that's all you need to know
Sweet thank you brotha
Mirin dem BBQ and bundas btw
All videos of Tigresa VIP related
It isn't my fault you are so subhuman I can't even consider you people anymore.
I just want an Argie gf
Your country seems very beautiful; I'd like to visit one day
What suggestions do you have?
It's delicious.
Link your favorite scene
cool food, meh culture but beautiful country
most brazillians are absolutely braindead though
>culture and cuisine
football and feijoada.
Look for groups of Brazilians in the USA on Facebook, ask if anyone can help you. They are helpful, but beware that many of them are lonely/lacking in attention and will end up trying to force friendship. For an American this can even be stifling.
You're a bad person, user.