20% of People DO NOT Pee in the Shower

Which of you faggots do not urinate in the shower?


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20% of people don't understand that being clean just requires you to use soap

they literally believe you need to pee in a special bowl connected to a tube to be clean

i only do it 2-3 times a month

Why the fuck would you urinate in the shower, ew, that's gross.

>not peeing in the shower
what kind of mental gymnastics would one have to go through to convince themselves peeing down the drain in the shower is bad? now shitting in the shower - that's a level of degeneracy i can't fathom. imagine stomping your own shit through the drain holes; feeling the smelly kernels of last night's spaghetti all the while. DISGUSTING
>how is this political again?

>100% pruned or deleted
I do not pee in the shower. I will pee in an empty bottle while cruising down the road to avoid stopping or if in massive traffic.
in the summer in heavy traffic I'll dump the pee out the window so that the guy behind me has to smell my steaming pee from the tarmac.

you have two choices
>post tits
>post onions blender bottle

Imagine NOT peeing in your sink as a red-blooded male. Every bathroom has a dual purpose urinal built in

God i wish America just collapsed into civil war already

in the military they teach you to piss on your foot at every shower to reduce the chances of foot fungus. disgusting? yes kinda. worth it? definitely.

I just hold my breath when I pee in the shower so there is no pee smells.

This. The smell just comes back up if you do it towards the end.
t. Knower

>implying I want urine splashing everywhere
I dont care how close your shower is to the toilet the splash is going to be 2-3X than if you were standing at the toilet to pee.

I think i peed in the shower about 4 times in my 30 years long life.


I stopped when I was 10. It’s degenerate.

Alright, this has been going on for months now , WTF is up with the shitting, pissing , shooting water up your ass to clean yourself posts?
Bidets , are the Jews selling plumbing now or what ?
Pic unrelated

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The real question in what is the percentage of dumpers?

I drop logs down my shower drain and blast my asshole with the water. I even use my hands to get all the shit off then soap myself up. FUCK reddit

I bet you do faggot. Keep being a shit hole.

Thats called “waffel stomping”

Peeing in the shower actually saves water.

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by your definition bathing is degenerate. far better men than you have pissed in the shower, faggot. you seem to forget yourself.

Thats called “waffel stomping”
Its a thing

Woke af. My bro got athlete's foot because he didn't pee on his feet.

You're from Greece, correct?

Holy shit

its ok if you aim for the drain

haha yeah imagine

Who doesn't? I also pee down my leg so it doesn't splash urine around onto the walls and stink up the place eventually.

>do not urinate in the shower
extreme beta males are too nervous to pee when fully naked. screenshot this.


I pee on my feet cause the ammonia and toxins kill foot fungus.


saves it from what? Quality time in the tank, a glorious time in the bowl and the main event?

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that's disgusting, but then most of you faggots use toilet paper too.

I can see not shitting in the shower but who cares if you piss in the shower? You're washing off all kinds of shit into that drain a little urine isn't going to make a difference. Just piss in the beginning and it'll all wash into the same fucking place

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pee is sterile unless you have big problems, you can clean a wound with it.

Tried to talk to my coworker about peeing in the shower.
He thought I meant that I use my shower as a urinal.


i coom in the shower

nah tunisia

Wtf, disgusting.

I will say that after I take a shower and dry off I do jack off into there so that my room mate has to stand in my wigglies.

peeing in the shower leaves a stench for hours, why would anyone do that, i pee in toilet before shower, and that is how it suppose to be

Conserve water faggots. Piss in the shower.

>there are people with no inner dialogue
>there are people who dont pee in the shower
I learn new disturbing facts about humanity every day

You'll be fine you fags

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> I have a big dick.

Not all guys can urinate in a bottle while driving.

I always watch my wife pee in the shower. It’s to the point I make her hold it until we’re both in there together. She doesn’t get as much of a kick out of it as I do but I think soon she’ll come around. I want to build up to lying down under her when she goes.

What the fuck. I piss in the toilet then get my shower. Why would I piss on my own leg?

What the fuck is wrong with 4/5ths of you?

Thats like saying "Why not shit in the car, it has a seat afterall!"

Heh heh yeA.....

>stand in my wigglies

what the fuck kind of retarded plumbing do you have in estonia

I cum in my sink more often than I pee in it. Is that weird?

wtf. thats gross.I just learned at a young age to pee in the toilet before a bath or shower. Because they make you want to pee but not if you did it already

I pee on my girlfriend in the shower like everyday. It’s how other people know she’s mine.

can confirm. I often sniff women in public and this is how I know they are taken

>not peeing directly on your feet to feel the warm sensation

20% of the people lie

I urinate in the sink sometimes

Everyone does a little when the water hits their abdomen, especially if they take a hot/warm shower. They just might not realize it


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If someone has the balls to do that to me, their next drink is on me.

>using and wasting shit water to make wet whips

Or you could just use the fucking sink?

Drink more water.