What are you guys spending your Robux on?

What are you guys spending your Robux on?

>yang playing 16d chess

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wish I owned a car rims dealership, they're going to be rolling in cash as soon as that money hits black neighborhoods

No deal. We reject your offer. Everyone wants one thing. A National Socialist Revolution.

4 oz. of weed per month.

How much of that 1k do you want to bet it will make all those Bernie bro’s vote for Trump during the election

This is unfair to bankers. They need more liquitity, just give them trillions so they can give out loans

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There should be an exception for people already getting government money. No need to double the black community's income.

ye flip that ounce, and get 5x that. good shit.

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>1000 to each American
That's like 500 million dollars wtf

An HK USP and Glock 48

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Didn't the fed just give stock market $1.5 trillion?

>We get Yang's neetopia AND it kills off boomers
100d chess

Maybe fly to japan and Fuck some mid to high tier Japanese qts at their brothels. Might even try cocaine idk depends on how cute I’m feeling

Could have given us all 3000 each instead of throwing it into the worthless dying stock market to evaporate.

On one hand, Andrew Yang is right about UBI and other people are now realizing that due to the circumstances

On the other hand, the US is a lot less wealthy then it was when Andrew proposed UBI, so is it even viable anymore?

Estimates say 350 billion.

Wow it's fucking nothing
Good luck, gaijin don't get access to the good brothels

>t. too young to remember the Bush stimulus checks
What did the rest of you spend yours on? I bought a wheelset for my bicycle and some other shit I didn't need.

The joke is that the money will be worthless, lmao

God that would be so helpful. I'd be debt free in 5 months if I had a bonus 1k a month.

lmao how old are you that you think you can do that with a thousand dollars, 15?

~350 million x 1000 = 3.5 billion


one thousand a month is nothing
yang wound be a dogshit president

I was gonna save up for a gun just turned 21 and I don't have any of my own always just borrow my dad's for camping to shoot. What would you guys recommend for the upcoming end of all things?

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Do neets get virusbux? Ive never paid taxes before so i didnt get the last stimulus.

It’d actually be less than that because it wouldn’t go to anyone under 18.

Toilet paper.

I didnt get any, neetlyfe.

buy a van and generator.
travel around , go fishing, never see normies again

Don't worry faggot, you can give you 1k fed check to me. I'll take one for the team.


a 12 gauge shotgun, 9mm pistol, AR15, and a .22lr pistol/rifle


I make 4 grand a month. This will not help.


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Yang gang going nuts rn

>retail cuck so would still be working
>would have like 2k a month to save

Better than no grand a month.

Mitten$ Moneys

>Not RoMoney

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Mitt RoMoney 2020

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im afraid porky has at his disposal all the stolen wealth, and he will happily pay it back now to remain in power as he knows he can steal it again.
He is a very clever pig

Paying the new tax levied to pay for the virusbux


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That money needs to go bail out the poor billionaires and their corporations!!!!!!

It would be only for people that pay income tax, so no young children. Also likely cannot double dip (unemployment, social security, etc. And receive the 1000 $ stipend) likely only 1/3 of Americans could potentially get it and it would be for about 3 months totaling to 350million gover or take a million.

more guns

weve been a national socialist nation since lbj dude
>what is social security


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I will kill anyone waving a commie flag in the streets if you people try this shit. revolution my ass

>no source

We're all going to be millionaires and not be able to afford a loaf of bread :^)

Every single citizen:
350 000 000 000
350 million

Add three more 000s and you get 350 billion.

Do this for three months

and you still get less than the 1.5 trillion they wasted on the market

If 1/3 of Americans got a $1000 that would be over 100 billion

""I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next four hundred years'''' LBJ

Looks like we will be getting neetbux after all. Thanks Trump!

nigga I need $5500 a month to pay my rent

$1000 isn't going to not get me evicted

You're not a worker so you ain't getting jack anyway.

Buying the dip

>I pay 20% income tax
>Tyrone pays 0
>we both get $1000/mo

No thanks

If you pay that, and aren't prepared for an emergency, than you are a nigger.

Based. Knows when to intervene. Unlike gook man who wants to waste money on neets.

>national socialist
wait what
more like globalist-socialism for the plutocrats

Paying or having it taken out of your check before you get your hands on it?

Now that's a spicy helicopter drop.

Democrats will never sign off on it though or they'll put riders on it no republican will sign off on.

This is the most jew post I've ever seen, ever.

I was going to buy a launch day PS5 but it looks like that shits getting pushed back to next year.

I say paying because it makes me feel better than admitting the government is stealing from me

I'm buying a shitty PSA AR15 and a bunch of ammo if Uncle Sam drops $1000 in my bank account

Money should be given to the people instead of billion dollar corporations who have spend the last 12 years while things were good fucking over workers and customers.

>Republicans gearing up for universal income
>Trudeau closing the border to foreigners

Has coronavirus turned this planet into Bizarro World?

Further devaluing the dollar, high IQ move from the GOP.

A lot less than what we give to Israel

Zero out some debt, buy car parts


Be kind and give me 500$ a month.

He will spoil the poor

I was going to be looking for a job next month. Can i not get my government money check? Fucking bullshit, I'd already got a job if there wasn't a waiting period for a driver's license

>be me
>have comfy job where I get to sit on my ass in air conditioning
>get money for it
>get money every month because disability
>getting a decent tax refund soon
>gonna get $1000/month anyway after getting over the Literally Flu a few months ago
>don't have to associate myself with filthy NEETs because trained and have a job

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Gotta get the LINKies I sold back


Hell yeah, gonna buy a bunch of the video games I haven't been able to afford, and even have enough to put aside to preorder one of the new gen consoles!

Inflation is the easiest way to wipe out the massive debt overhang. Municipal, mortgage, corporate ... it's all fucked.

The US needs a debt jubilee.

>he doesn't already own one with a VR headset

I'd release every single virus known to man for $1000 a month. My race has done nothing but make fun of me from age 10 to now.

paying off my home loan. id still have enough money to buy groceries for the whole month.

File for unemployment then