>~This is a comfy thread~
ONLY post ITT if you haven't changed any part of your daily life and routine. (Because the "virus" is nothing but more fake news.)
>~This is a comfy thread~
Comfy Corona Deniers Thread
I'm staying home all day in my room without talking to anyone face to face.
No need friend. Go out and socialize!
man is it comfy, literally just eating my face out and drinking beer. Im in good shape too because I get to run through practically empty streets every morning.
No. I've been doing this for years in preparation for the corona virus.
word im like 80% - 20%
i think its fake 80% but still gonna give it the benefit of the doubt
You think the entire world is collectively pretending a virus exists just to scare people on Yas Forums?
>This virus is a joke. Based on the data it is irrelevant for 99.9% of people. And for the 0.1% who are at risk (the very old), we could protect them without hysterical panic.
>Unless you are already near death, the virus is not deadly. Destroying the economy is deadly. But we have hysterical leaders who get the mindless sheep into a blind panic. No one gives a damn about the data, only their "feelings."
>The quarantines need to end NOW. Schools and business must re-open. Failing to do so could result in millions of deaths. If the economy collapses, the resulting civil unrest will make us wish for a virus.
Not the entire world....just the left side
I don’t think it’s fake but it’s being massively overblown. I literally do not give a shit about some boomers getting sick. Viruses have always been here and always will. People are acting like this is the Black Death(bacterial) or HIV(viral)
So Trump is the left now?
I honestly think Ramze wants mass death
no its so they can shut down america and bring in martial law and stop the election
like ive been watching fema camps conspiracies since like 2012
this is finally it basically
theyre all in on this fake virus
>ONLY post ITT if you haven't changed any part of your daily life and routine.
i've been a neet for a decade now
I‘m staying sane while watching brainlets panicking and hoarding toilet paper
If civil war breaks out they’ll be the first to raid
Couldn't a scientist just look under a microscope to see if the virus exists? Also why would Iran and the US and China be working together to stop the election?
I finally connected the dots, no matter what you do DO NOT WASH YOUR HANDS. Mass hand washing is part of a global plot the likes of which we have never seen
I might think it is real.
Either way I think it is an excuse to implement martial law.
People should exercise civil disobedience.
Restaurants should file lawsuits against the government.
for one its world government which they want
and the virus is used to bring that about
and they arent cooperating we only know what the media is saying
if theres "5 million cases in china" on tv i dont know if theres 1 real case of anything in china
they only need the news networks to comply and relay the same bullshit
this is such a fuckign nothing burger i'm so tired of retarded normies falling for media panic propaganda
imagine locking down the entire world cause of a flu
I haven't been hitting the gym because I had dry throat last week so been staying home till fully recovered.
Got paid Friday and was out food shopping for normal month.. every time I'd stop next to an employee they'd instantly tell me if stuff was sold out ad when trucks were expected. I'd just look at them and pick my item up and walk away. I don't need the junk they are saying: pasta, rice, etc. I just wanted to pick up my poptarts okay.
boss texted me today that i was cut down to 1 day a week cause of the virus..
1 hour ago PA governor announced all non-gov stores are to shut down at midnight for 2 weeks.
annoyed 'cause I won't have anything to do.
ofcourse, i'm just farming elemental earth. The world was made for me to do this.
There are silver linings to the corona virus:
Americans learned that we are dependent on China for 90% of our generic medicines
We see how much of our economy has been outsourced
Forces older Americans to realize how unhealthy they are
It is revealed just how fragile the financial sector's Ponzi house of cards really is
Shines a light on China’s horrific animal abuse
Highlights how useless professional sports are
Brought awareness to how many really die during flu season
Exposes politicians that politicize public health and the scam artists that price gouge
Forces people to stay home and to take stock of their emergency preparedness
Correction of the stock market/price discovery
Decrease in gas prices
Parents are forced to spend time around their own children.
Make us more resilient and self-sufficient.
Increase our appreciation for brick and mortar minimum wage grocery store workers that are giving their best effort to keep us all fed
The EU is exposed as the unelected, self-absorbed globalists that they really are.
Open borders just became a really bad idea.
People finally realize that government is really not equipped to help everyone and basically you are responsible for yourself
What is your silver lining?
Stay safe, count your blessings and be American and look out for your neighbors.
Does anyone know someone personally that is sick and positive for coronavirus Covid-19?
I think we need to #startthisconversation
I don’t. Live in MD and DE. Wondering this too?
>If the economy collapses, the resulting civil unrest
better than slow genocide by immigration
>Leftists make up virus rumours to shut down government to stop election
>Donald Trump will remain President throughout the shut down
Nigga, you dumb. You really dumb.
>we only know what the media is saying
Do you know what social media is? Did you know that individuals from around the world can post stuff online?
not for long
obama is going to come back once they take trump out
and thats one of the biggest arguments for corona being fake
type in " i have coronavirus" on twitter and try to find one person
I work in a hospital so I don't even need to hoard, if there was anything to hoard about, which there isn't. But if I needed some handsandy, TP, or a wipe I could snag a box from work and no one would notice. I could even get food, water and sleep there if things got real shitty. Also guaranteed employment right up to the supposed collapse, and I have valuable skills to any aspiring warlords that take over. Feels good to be secure.
>Corona = 5G
>spread the word
This bun has nothing in it at all, it's a nothingburger. The burger has nothing. MAGA MAGA. Trump I succ ur dik.
dont forget the gun runs. based brother in mutt.
this guy gets it, you me and my friend Andy have this summed up
You guys are schizos.
Lawsuits don't mean shit in a national energency. They're going to send the national guard in, hit you with a bean bag gun, haul you off to jail where habeas corpus is suspended.
I think it was loose in China back to October. It was wild across the world in December. Wuhan literally seeded probably twenty cities around the world as they fly 30,000 international passengers a week through their airport. If the r0 is the be believed this thing is already well on its way to burning out soon. That and if the r0 is the be believed and the timeline is a few months longer the mortality is likely 1/10 of what they are saying.
Also if you adjust the cdc fluview site for this year and look at non flu related pneumonia deaths. You will see an uptick at the end of last year through week 8 this year the peak being week 4-7 at about 25% higher than expected. I am reasonably sure that this may have been the wave and we are well along into need immunity. These quarantines may just prolong it.
I am pretty sure I had it four weeks back. Sore, fever, light sore throat and then days of coughs. The type that make you feel like puking. Dry. It went almost as fast as it came. Wife went through similar but slightly different bug the next week. It definitely was not the flu what everyone seems to be getting this year.
I will add it to the list
Why do people deny it? All I'm hearing is its a bailout for the rich and gun confiscation
I pray this continues for the next year then, because football will be the real test, not niggerhoop.
I bet you think the earth is flat as well retard. Suck my fat ROUND (like the earth) COCK
Yeah all the healthy people who continue to live and thrive vs cowering in fear of an unsubstantiated mystery flu. We're the schizos
Bean bags don't mean shit against rednecks.
Well, I for one, am happy to see things changing at my local walmart. Sneaky assholes used to take pictures of my shitpants and post them to various websites such as this one (thats how I found this shithole in the first place) but nowadays these jerks are too busy taking pictures of the empty shelves. So things are looking up for me. The doctor told me to get more exercise and now I can finally go out for a shartwalk and not end up becoming a meme (again)!
Yes, you are comfy at your home making jokes about corona while innocent Chinese people are dead.
God can see your crimes.
There is no escape from what is coming.
>Nancy poster
Checks out she’s a dumb slut like you
I need to get a fucking loan to buy bitcoin.
>ONLY post ITT if you haven't changed any part of your daily life and routine.
thats just the power of NEET.
I'm not actually denying the virus though, just not caring.
Im in california and my mom has had a horrible cough for weeks. I haven't gotten sick and I think she's getting better. Haven't prepped, no gun.
based let's keep in our echo chamber like on reddit
Odds are you know more than one person that has had it since probably late January. The likely figured it was a cold or the flu. Some may not have even known.
>driving job
>traffic was a breeze
On a side note I need to learn to trade stocks. I'm just chilling at home collecting unemployment since the company I worked for went under.
Yup commercial roofing fag here. Only thing that changed was not being able to get milk and shit paper. Based Kalamazoo Michigan.
Omaha here, literally nothing has changed. My contractor boss from California called me and was freaking out, I told him nothing is wrong and that we probably all had the virus weeks ago. Seriously, everyone spazzing out is a fuckin retard.
Went to ikea today friends. A few cute girls were there. Had a comfy cinnamon bun and coffee for $2.
>Dealt with shadowbans, shill raids, internet shutdown (Spain is having trouble posting on /k/ bunkers)
>The lack of evidence is proof it's fake
if it was fake would anything be different? #fakevirus
Neat... SO if they come for me. I wonder if i piss on their leg if they will shoot me so i can go straight to oblivion and leave this clown world behind. Not that i hate clowns.. Just tried of being hated by everyone for shit i can't control.
>being pale skinned and dark haired with hazel eyes so i am hated even by my own people.
>Being gay yet haven't slept with anyone in six years because i ain't interested in sex anymore.
>being conservative because i can't be stupid enough to nod and be npc like most people and prefer logical arguments over emotional ones.
>Being into video games, Table top and Text based roleplaying games so i am called a weirdo for liking to have a fucking imagination.
>Being an old fag on Yas Forums.
>being an introverted individual with strong social anxiety and people call me a hermit.
>being a pet owner So PETA wants to take my silent fuzzy and scaly friends away.
globalism finally stroked out and died. globohom is desperately trying to hold onto power
notice only leftist states have curfews
Vodafone launched 5G in Italy in these five cities in June 2019: Naples, Bologna, Milan, Turin, and Rome.
thank you
Maybe the Chinese shouldn't of made it in the first place
is that really the best you could come up with? Why not Baxetball?
I've got flu symptoms, which I'm pretty sure are purely a result of stress from the world around me collapsing in hysteria over nothing... Ironic...
So, my boss has told me to take a (paid) week off of work.
Fucking cringe. Just hope my symptoms dissipate so I can enjoy my time off.
I just laugh at all of these hysterical cunts competing to be the most virus woke.
>be neet
>stay at home most of the time
>nothing changed
comfy as fuck bro
thats you too user
>But we have hysterical leaders who get the mindless sheep into a blind panic. No one gives a damn about the data, only their "feelings."
... Like it's not a cohesive effort by ZOG.. What would he lose to name them?
I'm laughing so much... my ISP suspended data-caps, in order to show how much they care.
I'm downloading my entire Steam library of 200 games at high speed. LOL I'm over 1tb and going strong. I hope this virus BS lasts for the whole month. I'll get to have much better internet to play vidya games!