Murica BTFO'd by its right-wing anti-government hysteria

Murica BTFO'd by its right-wing anti-government hysteria.

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I am perfectly fine, this jew is confused.

Seems fine to me. Fuck the state.

Thanks globalist kikes

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What is this jew talking about?

whatever you say crazy kike

Binyamin Applebaum



>Implying this isn't exactly what I wanted

It was never functional to begin with, what a jackass.

What would the ZOG do to stop a virus that they started? Until we have NS keep it as small as possible

I'm pretty sure the federal govt. is still functioning.

the strong survive and the weak die and stop holding everyone else back with their worthless existences

We mean one w/o fags women non whiteoids and Gretas

Cucks like this better buckle up if he thinks this will hurt conservative ideology there is now no sane person that can debate we need strong border control and laws and authority in place to shut the world out at a moment's notice

This was a big hit to globalism bud we now have a direct modern example of the dangers of multicultural and free movement politics that no one can ever deny can happen at any time

You realize we all know JIDF and black Cube shill here and play the victim later?

Watchu doin rabbi?

The limitation of the government is the proposition of the proposition state. How would Jewy Ben-Jewington like it if I demanded that he embrace polytheism?

If you show everyone how ineffective the federal government is after costing billions to exist, hopefully they will realize that they can have ineptitude for free.

yes, but the media will never be the victim in the eyes of the people ever again and when they begin to be indicted there will be no one supporting they be freed.

>What now?
Who here is asking for the governments help during this time? I think none

Fuck the burgers. Let em die, and see who will give a single fuck about em. Shocker: Everybody will cheer.

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It works fine when they want to attack white Christian families or force little white girls to hang out with Africans at gunpoint like 101st airborne did.

9/11, the holocaust, they say never forget, I say we never forget our people as well.

Oh hey schizo user. Hope you are doing well, missed your photos of news articles. You are the best at what you do.

I'm fine without the government, what is this kike kvetching about?

What now? Use all of the countless hundreds of billions upon billions upon billions of dollars and research and secret facilities to ensure the survival, furtherance, strengthening, and empowering of the American people, and humanity itself, instead of lining up the pockets of a small fabric of supposed elites and ensuring that they alone are always well-off. We have the resources and technological might, we can use this to transform society towards a higher total socio-technological advent and evolution as well as establishing a higher standard of existence for all.

Dumb motherfucking (((bluecheck)))

Gov is useless when it matters so why have them run your stupid-fucking-lofe when it doesn't?

Jesus, this guy is a fucking manchild that needs to drowned in a kiddie pool.

Why does it enrage me that every time a disaster or tragedy happens both sides have to take advantage of the situation by shilling their politics?

holy fucking BASTE
ameriMUTTS irrevocably BLOWN the absolute fuck OUT

You're fine without the government? Yeah? Then don't ever call for the police or fire service. Even if your house is burning down. Live by your principles.

In this instance the right should be considered the safer and more prepared politically to do the things need done

This is specifically the worse type of thing for the left and most will now have to move to the center or right on borders and movement of people

cuc'kservative /=/ right-wing

GTFO boomer

>Fuck the burgers. Let em die, and see who will give a single fuck about em. Shocker: Everybody will cheer.
chink commie

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>You're fine without the government? Yeah? Then don't ever call for the police or fire service.
Police only protect corruption now. Fire dep burns down the forests for overtime. Try a real example

I have been shot at, assaulted, beaten unconscious and robbed and I have never called the cops. Why would I need to?

Bud I hate the DMV and don't want to give it more money or listen to someone tell me the government can run it as business/utility better than the public sector but I still think we need it

If they would not have let in all the shit skin illegals there would be no shortage.

No we just need to remove rights for women and minorities as they have proven they are incapable of behaving responsible.

I trust white men to drive without a license.

Just make a law where if you hurt someone driving stupidly you recieve the same punishment.

I’m doing fine.

Be a principled conservative. Don't pick and choose when it's convenient for you.

I fail to see any problem at all in kung flu, and certainly nothing that approaches the virulence of government.

Governments will only make the problem worse.

>cuc'kservative /=/ right-wing

Except a large portion of the problems for the US comes from the CDC dragging their feet, limiting COVID-19 testings, and fucking up the creation of their own kits. Commercial labs and the market are already an important part of the reaction, and the US wouldn't be lagging far behind if they were free to work with the WHO.

What makes you think i want to conserve my failing jewish dictatorship that attempts to genocide my people while marching through Charlottesville holding signs saying "we will replace you"

>Then don't ever call for the police
Why would I ever need to? I'm better armed than the police.

>Government is the problem
>Get government out of my life
Couldn't agree more. Fuck this larp pandemic.

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Do the opposite of whatever this fucking kike says

>Oy vey trust the government! Go to the FEMA camps, goy!
This matzo nigger’s rambling makes me trust the government even less.

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yeah this

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lol second biggest loss on the stock market in history

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The intervention by the government is far worse than the virus.

No one I know and no one that they know has it, fridges are stocked and no ones dying, kys Jew

>be this (((faggot)))
>doesn’t realize he just pointed out how there is really only two necessary government services

(((Faggot))) BTFO

virus started in chinkland and spread due to kike globalism

the left says don't gather in groups because of ##coronavirus

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maybe the left should stfu and let the righteous cull themselves

I am doing good. I just filtered 30 gallons of water, shit in a outhouse and built a tanning rack. Tomorrow I'll build a drying rack and make some jerky over the next week and so. Things are actually better with out the government.

it's just the failure of a stupid ideology we're not going back to the stone age

We can at least go back to a time without kikes and niggers. Anything beyond that isn't mission critical.

people aren't going to give up heated houses and toasters because capitalism fails again

Fuck this filthy Jew. I don't want nanny government right now, quit using lung pao to take away my rights.

We're still fine. The government is still interfering to much and has done jack shit besides tell everyone to wash their hands.

>race dosen't exist tho


"open borders open travel"

"bring all manufacturing to china and the third world"

"foreign workers welcome"

well here we are in the middle of a pandemic

what now kike

I'm feeling fine, got my weapons and ammo. I'd hate to be in a place where the doctors say everyone over 80 will be untreated and left to die.


bump this instead