The death rate in Italy is 10%. That's the highest death rate WORLDWIDE.
In Germany the death rate is not even 1%.
What's going on in Italy???
Are they incompetent or some kind of retarded?
The death rate in Italy is 10%. That's the highest death rate WORLDWIDE.
In Germany the death rate is not even 1%.
What's going on in Italy???
Are they incompetent or some kind of retarded?
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They are telling the truth.
They are telling the truth.
Chinks have the same stats as Italy. I guess Italy is lying here.
>Italians are telling the truth
>white countries are lying
go snort some ravioli, Luigi
Italy stopped doing tests unless strictly necessary. They probably have around 200,000-1,000,000 infected but they can't bother confirming them unless they are in serious condition, so only 28,000 are official.
More Chinks in Italy, higher uptake because of affinity for ACE2 receptors.
thats what happens when hospitals get overloaded. 20% of people need to be hospitalized, do you think they just shrug and go home when they can't get a ventilator? No, they die.
go fuck yourself kike
One explanation I’ve heard is that Italian grandparents tend to be much more involved in their grandkid’s day to day lives, so the kids (who don’t show symptoms) passed the disease to the old folks at a higher rate. The average age for corona deaths in Italy is like mid 80s.
Could be that, or as others have mentioned, it could just be that they’re telling the truth.
Italians live long. Really old population.
Italians are filthy apathetic sub humans and I wish the Turks murder genocided them as well.
a crapheap of old people
Not sure what to make of this. It cant be like that across the board with every country and race. I'm sure its gonna be bad in certain areas. Any other stats?
Shit-tier overburdened underfunded socialized medicine system can't handle the spike in critical care needs, so just ded
That’s where the mob is.
A lot of old people in Italy. People from all over the world retire there. Old people are the main target. So of course there is going to be a higher mortality rate there.
1. They're only testing the most critical patients.
2. Old Population
3. High Density
4. Lots of chinks (high ACE2 count)
5. Everyone greets with kisses
They are the only ones reporting accurately. I know someone whose whole family died in Wuhan. The death rate is off the charts.
are you retarded?
they are overwhelmed thats the reason. Wait till your hospital starts sending people home because they got no beds
Dont diss socialism. I doubt everybody will eat all their hoarded food. Collect and redistribute to survivors. Gonna be lots of dead body calls soon.
Would you please be less of a stupid, retarded, fucking idiot?
X Country has diagnosed 100 people. 10 of them have died. That doesn't mean the mortality rate is 10% in X Country. It means their citizens aren't getting tested until an autopsy.
This, probably. But also the weaponized virus is designed to attack specific DNA strains.
Italy has too many Boomer pensioners, had to thin the herd somehow.
It is the same in every country once the amount of cases rises
They have a massive elder population, their corrupt politicians have been cutting costs in their infrastructures for decades and they kiss a lot to greet each other. Also huge tourism spot.
Kinda destined to be fucked by an epidemic
italy is one of the fastest aging places in the world. this wu flu butt fucks people over 55. don't worry user Germany is next. it also is very old and the wu flu will reap thru it like a hot sword thru lard.
Many more italians are adrenochrome users due to mafia connections.
They report the real numbers.
Ciao tutti
Italy has the second oldest population in the world and the virus disproportionately affects seniors. Also Italy isn't doing mass testing and probably has at least 10 times more infections.
They aren't testing enough. Germany does more tests so the ratio is more accurate. It's better to just look at the deaths to see where your Country is heading.
>Italy has Europe's oldest population
>Virus has a greater tendency of killing you if you are old
Do the math user.
From everything i've read, South Korea has the most accurate count as they've tested everyone and not just symptomatic patients. Their findings show a much lower case fatality rate, especially among the young.
Yeah but you expect places like India or Africa to get steam rolled by it. There has to be a variance to it globally. Right now I'm shitting my pants about the shutdown.
They’re only testing dying people
It makes sense, obviously most deaths cannot go unreported (that would be too obvious and difficult in a (((democracy))) ) but cases are untested.
So many many more infected, but accurate amount of deaths,
The Chinese numbers... not so much.
To be fair Germany is probably euthanizing its seniors to make way for "New Germans" and technically the Coronavirus didn't kill them.
But why is the death rate in Germany so low? There’s no reason it should be so low.
I wouldn't get too cocky. Italy was at the same number of deaths Germany is now only 19 days ago.
South Korean outbreak disproportionately affected young women. It's not a good representation of the actual death rate in a mixed population.
What's going on in italy?
They are using standardized treatment. It's just like when this shit broke out in China.
Why even the U.S is sucking at this right now.
You need to us HIV/AIDS medicine or Chloroquine+Zinc
Traditional Chinese medicine also helps
There is reason to believe based off of that, that several similiar Native American plants and traditional treatments will help.
What the Chinese did was called Holisitic treatment.
They targeted the virus directly, while relieving symptoms non-invasively. The reason it didn't get bad in South Korea or Germany. Is specifically because they just did what worked in China. Mexico will likely have better odds during these few day. Than the U.S at recovery rates.
Also, Americans and Italians are fat fucks.
Your landers are faking up data. Simple as that.
Italy uses different method to calculate deaths.
It’s a bio weapon. Were rustling macaronis jumbos
It's equal to the first deaths of Italy. By then end of this week Germany will have between 90 and 120 dead. By mid next week every day there will be at least 100 dead people in Germany. It's going at exactly the same speed as Italy and we aren't doing much to stop it from spreading. Just some warm words that most of the population are ignoring so far. By the end of next week this will be a shit fest.
Maybe not, but it shows that the Young should be able to scrape by okay.
italians are old as fuck, kiss each others as greetings, smoke alot, dont wash their hands, and are obese like americans
Did your ouija board tell you that?
Germany was one of the first to be infected. I think you'll be surprised at the Bio-Tech capacity of your country. It Rivals the U.S and Israel.
Believing in the 10% meme
>can't get a job
>"they'll be okay."
Interesting theory. But anything targeting Italian DNA would effect ashkenazi jews
No European country can be expected to function well in this crisis seeing as they have been filled to the brim with forcefully imported Ebolaniggers for the last few decades. The EU has left us all weakened and without personal national vigour.
Indians regularly roll their infants about in cow shit and brush in rivers where there are corpses. They are blessed by Grandfather Nurgle and suffer a 20% resistance against disease.
1) There’s been a few studies on annual flu mortality in Italy since they alway seem to get hit with the death stick every season. What they found is a higher than average frail elderly population and inadequate medical facilities.
2) Italy has a surprisingly large Chinese population and is a major Chinese tourist destination
3) in February Italy’s president lectured the country about not being racist and isolating the Chinese there. The mayor of Florence went one better with the “hug a Chinese” campaign.
These lead to the perfect storm that is fucking Italy up the ass currently
The prez of lel Salvador says it’s cause Italy put the economy over humans lives
>age 0-29: 0%
tell me again why i should give a fuck about this virus
blood pressure meds increase the prevalence of ACE2 receptors
Jawohl mein dr mengele jr
I agree. The next week or two are going to reveal the true impact of this virus on western countries, depending on how closely they follow Italy. It's still a little too early to really tell for a lot of countries, including the US.
Well peer-reviewed papers.
Why do you think Chinese specialists are assisting Italians. It's a trial run in Italy, with the Chinese method of treatment.
You didn't honestly with how pathetic white people are right now, think that we would continue to rule the world did you? Sure we are very smart and creative. Takes more than that to rule the world though.
lmaoo. so italians have asian dna.
I'd like for that to be true but I have my doubts. The people are just very ignorant of the real danger. Everybody is talking about it but they all seem to expect that this will be over in a few weeks.
Got a source on that? I don't doubt it I just want a new thing to post at happeningfags to make them sperg out.
you can still require Intubation for weeks or spread death to others.
You shouldn't.
>You (((CAN)))
Shut up you fucking (((POSSIBILITY))) kike.
In the UK, only the overweight young needed help. Or those with pre-existing conditions.
were fuckin doomed
>spread death to others.
chloroquine is a cure
chloroquine is a cure
chloroquine is a cure
chloroquine is a cure
chloroquine is a cure
It's actually 43,98%
>You need to us HIV/AIDS medicine or Chloroquine+Zinc
This unironically. Chloroquine seems to be the key, problem is, it has a ton of shitty side effects including temporary blindness.
Italians are simply putting everybody who's been tested positive for corona and died into the statistic.
86 years old, 4 major diseases? Oh you have corona? Well THEN you died because of that.
Insta-shill means truth confirmed
Can you name a more fraudulent money making scheme. Go back to plebbit
Have you looked at any of the statistics. Even if you don't trust lying shitholes like China all of the other statistics show the same thing. Younger people are affected less by it. In fact this is a problem because they may show very little or no symptoms at all and still spread it.
Should be worried about the effect its having, the goal is to outlive everyone which is gonna be shitty with everything shutting down.
They're just reporting the numbers accurately.
Germany does the opposite.
Asthma and Corona? Well clearly the asthma did you in. Also the dead aren't tested.
>cousin got laid off from her restaurant job
Its fucking HAPPENING
>Shitty side effects
>Including Temporary nap-vision
Seems better than death imo.
>Have people come to a consensus on something is a money making scheme
Canadian healthcare everybody.
Shitalians are not white. That's what's going on.
There must be atleast somewhat of a genetic component to this. Their death rate is too extreme to be explained by 'lots of boomers'.
Get fucked chink. Trump biobombed your shithole cuz u are forever the white mans bitch.
Come back in 2 weeks. What's happening in Italy will happened in Germoney too. 4 days ago people would have called you a schizo if you talked about corona virus in France. Now, then don't laugh anymore.
>Germany does the opposite.
There's clear symptoms for a death by Corona and other diseases Hans.
Either older people are being infected in Italy than in Germany, or Germany isn't reporting truthfully.
FPBP, They will call it the Italian flu. Spain was the only country to report it flu honestly and it became known as the Spanish flu for this reason alone.