The absolute state of urban retards.
The absolute state of urban retards
>Don't know how to cook
lel Just boiling water can get you by with a lot of foods if you're that desperate.
>not knowing how to cook even most basic of foods
>not knowing how to follow a simple recipe
Starbucks cumswallowers BTFO
If you're an adult and don't know how to cook you deserve to starve
Oh wow, ramen, oatmeal, rice, and beans so hard to buy and cook. It's annudah shoah! Kek, the absolute state of my fast food-reliant countrymen... this is pathetic.
literal retards can cook. time for the highly educated to learn basic life skills?
This is why I don't live in the city.
Urban soiboi millennials can't cook. They always brag about the food when they're talking about why they think Urban life is superior to those rural and suburban retards that they hate. It's also a big reason why they can't seem to be able to save any money.
>onions face
How predictable
The great culling of retards is upon us
>I don't know how to cook, I need restaurants to cook for me!
Fucking children. Go go Coronachan. Cleanse all the weaklings.
They can still offer take out and delivery.
Fuck, it's not like we don't have the internet where you can look up a recipe for just about anything or any ingredient
But yeah, worst case scenario, just boil shit until you can eat it. Sorry it's not your vegan Nepalese noodles from that really good place you know, but it's still food. If you can't make it taste good, that's your fault
The vegans will die quick. There are always positives, protect your loved ones with a meaty diet
it really is shameful how dependent people are
>tfw finally have scrounged up atleast two weeks of food, water, and weed.
Faggots should have bought an air fryer and watch some youtube videos on meals.
>don't know how to cook
then die
>Air Fryer
Based as fuck, I use that shit for everything
Holy fuck how can someone be so useless? The sad part is that he probably has a college degree. But too stupid to learn how to read a recipe.
If you can't cook just get some canned goods and eat like a poor man
>don't know how to cook
I keep seeing people talk mad shit about them but it's so constant it feels like nothing but shilling
I hope they all starve.
why is their mouth always open what the fuck
Ready for cock insertion at all times.
My only complaint is that mine is shaped like a stupid fucking egg, so it doesn't fit in with any of my other stuff on the counter. I'm so sick of egg-shaped crap.
This isn't even city folk. This is the hyperrich daddy's brat caste that gathers in cities like flies. 95% of city people cook most of their meals at home and go out a couple of times on the weekend, or if they eat out daily it's picking up lunch at work. The "Don't know how to cook" is the rich parasitic overclass.
>put meat and vegetables in water
>boil for 2 hours
>eat sustenance
wow that was hard
I'm conflicted, because I don't believe the govt should be able to impose restrictions on commerce that doesn't violate a specific law
>open up youtube
>search how to cook x meal
There, i fixed it
They're a little bit of a meme cooking gadget, not too easy to clean, loud, and bulky. But they're really isn't a better way to cook chicken legs/thighs.
I also do pierogies in mine brushed with paprika and oil, those are addictive.
I’m bummed by restaurants closed but after reading this, fuck these people for not even trying to attempt to cook on a basic level. You don’t even need to know how to cook. You just cook. You’re failures will usually be edible. And you’ll get better at it and develop muscle memory and a feel for it.
Home cooking kills restaurant business
Cut all grain and veg except broccoli.
his picture looks like he is saying WHERES MY AVOCADO TOAST?!
this is the guy who runs daily wire
How do you not know how to cook? How fucking stupid do you have to be to not grasp even the simplest shit like boiling noodles or stirring ground red meat until it's brown?
You're a retard.
Can you understand economics, Zoomer fag?
This is thinly veiled Martial law.
He's 100% right.
Closing down restaurants will only make supermarkets MORE crowded and with LESS inventory.
This decision makes zero sense. Oh, but Bed Bath and Beyonds are still open, right?
It’s not necessarily the inability to cook so much as the ability to find food. “Let them eat rats” is not sound policy in a nation that prides itself on it second amendment rights.
Not all of us make enough money to hoard food and supplies for a month, some of us have taken a moral stance that we would take only what we needed so that others could get their share. Plan b on those days where food was scarce was to settle on restaurant take out until food could be found.
t. cooklet
>95% of city people cook most of their meals at home
exactly, they have to. nobody can afford to eat out 3 meals a day every day for up to several days in a row.
out of touch richfags not realizing that yes grocery stores are built to feed 100% of us 100% of the time
What about my obese basement dweller friends who exclusively eat fast food? Pretty sure they couldn't cook anything more complex than ramen if they were forced to.
>peanut butter
>vitamin pills
if city slickers cant even do this then they deserve to die.
They should’ve set a limit on occupancy rather than just outright ban them
This could be a magical turning point in useless millennial/genz lives where they actually learn how to do things other than fuck around on the phone. Like at the end of the cable guy where the t.v. turns off and Tenacious D picks up a book like it's some magical relic from the past.
>implying the government is going give up a trial run on taking away your rights in "your best interests"
>grocery stores aren't built to feed 100% of us 100% of the time
Nothing can feed a 100% of american appetite 100% of the time
He's not wrong. The government is overstepping it's bounds (1st amendment) with these decrees about how many people can get together at once. In several states, the governor saying what private business can and can't do is against the law, even in an "emergency". No coof on snek.
LMAO, this guy is Ben Shaprio's boss.
How the fuck do you not know how to cook, the instructions for easy shit is literally printed on the bag/box.
How mentally handicapped do you have to be to look up "[meal] recipe" on youtube and follow some step-by-step instructions.
Are americans really this stupid?
>reddit spacing
The government is testing out how easy it would be to enforce some sort of curfew system if they scare us enough.
cityfags already don't have rights
>libtards seething
If you only knew what else the people and the government could do
yeah but why is his mouth open
>vitamin pills
You don't need vitamin supplements unless you're a malnourished vegan.
Who else /castiron/ here? I'm loaded up on frozen meats, eggs and corned beef.
What direction do I swipe the box for the next step?
to you, but you don't have any logic in your statement.
One trip to the grocery = 100 trips to the restauraunt.
overall less load
besides, learn to COOK
>Can't cook
lel, can't follow simple instructions on the damn box?
>Don't know how to cook
What you can't stick a piece of fish under the grill or put a chicken breast in the over for like 20 minutes?
How the fuck does he not know how to cook eggs.
Also I can't believe there's actually people who think restaurants exist as a main food source and not as a luxury. Mindboggling.
I have one but I don't use it very often. I have a ton of indestructible 1950s cookware from my mom.
>Not all of us make enough money to hoard food and supplies for a month
Yes you do. The problem is that you never thought to prepare ahead of time. A few extra cans of food every time you went grocery shopping would have had you set. You would have had a surplus for any kind of emergency, not just this situation. You're just a hylic retard who can't think more than five minutes into the future.
This, HoAs and zoning laws basically strip you of most of your property rights. That's literally why people settled in America and Africa, so they could have land and do whatever the fuck they wanted on it. Fuck urban and suburban laws.
>only suburban and rural retards voted for trump
>trump fucks urban and city dwelling actual retards
really makes me think
He's not wrong, but this is more of an infrastructure problem
something something the grasshopper didnt store any food something leftists are generally pathetic something
>some of us have taken a moral stance
nothing like a kike that wont cook eh user?
>Anyone from outside of America sees one American being an idiot.
Now when he says that there are people who don't know how to cook, does he mean humans or useless latte slurping millennial cucks with disgusting neckbeards?
based, well seasoned cast iron is amazing to cook with and can be used over a campfire if the power goes out.
something about fearing the oven
Bag of rice, two bags of beans, 6 boxes of pasta. 8 lb of meat and two bottles of multivitamins.
When I run out of that I got a fishing pole, a BB gun for birds and snap traps for mice and rats.
But it’s not working that way. We’re experiencing food and supply shortages thanks to the hoarders and the burgeoning black market. No tp, bread, eggs, cereal and canned food rapidly disappearing- some of it reappearing on Craigslist at overinflated cost. Now there’s talk of limiting who’s out on the road, limiting shopping hours, restaurant restaurant closures increasing the burden on the already strained supply of food in the market. Restaurants were plan b for a lot of people- now that option is dwindling.
Dude a bag of brown rice and a bunch of lentils is all you need and both of those are cheap as fuck.
Fuck em, they've spent their lives encroaching on the rights of others. I hope they get fucking trampled.
>"but...but our mommies and daddies didnt teach us how to cook boohoo wagies need to work and provide for us"
Fucking idiots.
>vegetable oil
>olive oil
>canned vegetables
How fucking hard is it to feed yourself?
they don't know how to boil water and it doesn't occur to use the internet to learn.
Buy two dozen eggs for 1.40 each, two bags of sliced bread for about 1.40 each as well. Eggs and toast for about a week.
Where does Mr. Boring think restaurants get their food when he says, 'grocery stores aren't built to feed 100% of us 100% of the time'?
sell the weed for even more food and water user
its for your own good
We eat rice- not so available lately.
If you can't go to a grocery store how the fuck are you getting to a restaurant.
If a grocery store isn't safe how the fuck is a restaurant safe.
Having worked in restaurants for 6 years they are far from sterile and half the workers don't give a fuck about food safety, they cough and sneeze with wild abandon all the time, it's horrid.
jesus these soi bois are going to starve lol.
Learn to cook faggots, or be culled.
>Who don't know how to cook
Unironically Libs always talk about foreign food as an important measure of a city. Now it's finally come to a head. Liberals really don't know how cook food.
Actually that's wife work but I could cook good enough to feed myself if necessary. If you're a married man and a better cook than your wife, you're a borderline faggot.
There is one man who let you fuck his wife/gf.
I mean I'm not a chef and I wouldnt cook cook FOR people but like I can make beans and rice and vegetables and meat and shit hot until its brown and/or plump. I also have a freezer and a Microwave. Oatmeal exists.
Are people really so weak they need restaurants? That's worse than me.