Maryland governor says coronavirus outbreak is going to be “much worse” than most people expected

>Maryland governor says coronavirus outbreak is going to be “much worse” than most people expected
>“This is going to be much harder, take much longer and be much worse than almost anyone is currently understanding."
>“we have never faced anything like this before”

all about something that isn't even nearly as bad as the common flu. What do they know that we don't?

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Sure thing retard.

trump "mispoke" earlier, saying that extreme social distancing would be going on until july or august, and was then corrected by fauci
really makes you think

They know what everyone else does. You can go look at the DNA sequence of the virus, it's publicly available. It's SARS. SARS 2. And this time it's more infectious and destroys the heart.

How to read medical journals.

>What do they know that we don't?
This isn't the right question to ask. The right question is "what does everyone else know that I don't".

My guess would be that you are not considering the fact that hospitals are scaled to account for the normal flu, but with a sudden surge of, literally, millions of people who need hospitalization they won't have the capacity to treat them all.
You could see this happen in Italy if you had been paying attention. If you get respiratory issues and you're over the age of 60, you get told to stay home and die because they are prioritizing people who are more likely to survive than you.

This is with only a few tens of thousands of confirmed cases. We'll reach peak wu-flu in a few months, and the US will have millions of simultaenous cases.

Except SARS didn't cause nearly this much of a panic. Neither has any illness in recent history. That's why it's so strange

Sounds like people are soon starting to get what far-right nutjobs got in January. This will be the most catastrophic pandemic since the Black Plague. Even worse than the Spanish Flu in terms of general impact.

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Are you a fucking retard?

four percent fatality rate is much, much more powerful than the common flu

>all about something that isn't even nearly as bad as the common flu

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It's highly infectious and no one has immunity to it. I don't know what's so fucking hard to comprehend about this. To most people it's not deadly, but it will still kill a fuck ton. The other viruses infect like 6000 people and kill maybe 80% of them. This virus can infect hundreds of millions, and therefore kill hundreds of thousands if they're not properly cared for. All of this is a potential worst case scenario, though. That doesn't change that something needs to be done. What? I don't know. I don't think plunging us into recession is the way to do it.

he has a point. people arent freaking out anymore than swine flu or bird flu, but the difference is governments are shutting half the service industry down with lockdowns, which means any useless-eater pleb working outside of a grocery store or pharmacy is likely to start getting violent since most are too stupid to apply for gibs without government social workers to help (another thing being shut down)

They just aren't aware that they're retards.

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>South Korea has one of the oldest outbreaks outside of China
>extremely widespread testing gives one of the most accurate pictures of total infection numbers in the world
>sub 1% mortality rate

If not for the media hysterics, this whole thing would have passed without anybody noticing.

I estimate it will get 33% worse!

Tax Haven for wealthy companies. Irresistible

Do you idiots think they are shutting down the sacred economy for fun?

Low IQ. Gtfo.

I think the media has whipped people into such a hysterical panic that they no longer have a choice.

fuck off shills

you too kike faggot

>What do they know that we don't?
They know how bad they're going to make it, not how bad the actual larp "outbreak" is.

Media and TPTB are trying to shut down the economy so they can win in November, this is all about the election.


Because they weren't this contagious. The chink cough is twice as contagious as the fucking flu

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So how many holocausts worth of bodies has China burned by now?

why not... let people live, order old and sick people to quarenteen,
and increase surge capacity at hospitals?

The government is out of control. They are purposely destroying the economy to take over and implement european style socialism after winning the election.

These restrictions will not be lifted until after the election.

Bio weapon

Hence why the police love the red flag murdering innocents so much bc they know the court and state are stacked in their favor.

>Wuhan completely deserted
obviously millions you fucking dipshit kike

Most of you are missing the point. The OP's concern isnt about whether or not going to get worse. The concern is why is literally everything shutting down and being quarantined when past SARS and swine/bird flu viruses killed way more people in the past and at a faster rate.


Guess I'll have to stock up on weed and beer tonight, goddamnit

Shut up, faggot shill. You faggots helped larp this shit into existence, now you get to see it come to fruition. Fuck yourselves.

who cares what some faggot from maryland says

fuck you you piece of fucking shit jew

People in Italy didn't give a fuck till the gov started closing shit

basically anyone who isn't a trumpkike shill

Have you tried breathing with your lungs 85% full of slime?

I caught SARS a few years ago, I gave it to one other person that I know, and almost killed him.

Having the flu is nothing compared to this.

>it's all about drumpf!
You're making it pretty fucking obvious what you are, moron.

They have a plan for happenings during lockdown? This is all very weird.
Every year it's been something else and the entire world never once shut down.


It's extremely contagious
1/5 of infected become "severe" cases (pneumonia or permanent lung damage from immune response)
Once the hospitals are full - which at this rate, will happen in under two weeks - those people won't receive treatment

Okay faggots, we're waiting... I have been hearing that this supposedly super contagious disease is "going to be worse than expected" for at least a month now... When the fuck is it going to hit? At what point do we see how bad this thing truly is?

>why is literally everything shutting down and being quarantined
because they don't want to actually increase surge capacity at hospitals, they just want to make everyone suffer while they take all our money and order us to stay indoors.
During this lockdown, there is no coordinated effort to increase surge capacity at hospitals; to increase icus with ventilators, so they are wasting their opportunity to reduce deaths. once the lockdown is lifted the virus will spread uncontrollably again and we will have to be on lock-down again.

You won't. At some point, after enough economic damage is done (and certain people have profited) and they're done testing whatever control measures they wanted to test, they will say "all clear!" and then pat themselves on the back for having saved us all from what could've been a horrible disaster.

the wheels are in motion

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Ahahaha you poor burger.
You're gonna wake up too fucking late.

You're fucked like the rest of us. Quarantine is coming.

Fear-mongering politician.


it's a nothingburger in most of the civilized world but amerifats are so overweight and diabetic i wouldn't be surprised if it kills 10% of your entire population

SARS was contagious at the moment you had symptoms. So it was easy to control it. With Covid you're contagious several days before you have any kind of symptoms.

Hogan is a cancer-surviving boomer. He knows that he is exactly in the target population that will succumb to COVID-19

.2% death rate for under 50s
Fuck all these bastards
Totalitarian power grab
millions of old people die every fucking day. 80 year olds die all the time, so what if the virus kills them a little sooner it is not worth taking down the entire economy over.

I guess that's my concern. Why haven't these measures been implemented before during past breakouts? Why now? I get the hospital surge capacity issue though, but that doesnt explain why all the effort for this one?

It's a code. Whenever they talk like this (we, us, our, etc) they're talking about the cult they belong to, not the citizens they represent. Their comms to one another are hidden in plain sight using symbolic language, theres no real trick to it either
And it is going to be bad for THEM.

most of the people who work in bars/restaurants are young people with few assets. We are fucking them over and driving them to bankruptcy to save a bunch of boomers who are the reason that so many young people are struggling financially to begin with.

Honestly, I was one of the fags saying that we should be taking precautions against this from the beginning... but I'm now on the side of people saying this is overblown and we're fucking the entire economy over to contain a virus that only seriously seems to be affecting geriatrics. Sorry, if you're 80 years old there's not much we can do to help you, life has to go on for everyone else.

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If you have thousands of deaths per day (which is what would happen without a lock down) the economy is fucked anyway. And you risk a global panic with pluderings and all sorts of shit.

>Why haven't these measures been implemented before during past breakouts?
Well experts must have known this would happen eventually. I don't get it either. We spend 700 billion on the military yet we don't have a strategic supply of ventilators and other equipment to deal with a pandemic. They all knew this could happen, we all know that the cold and flu spread all over the place and one of these days it would be a super virus. so I am puzzled. these viruses are the greatest threat to the world next to nuclear armageddon.

People like you deserve to be quarantined thank fuck you cant spread your slime into the public world fuck

>Totalitarian power grab
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Most millennials are ready to hand over their rights, so long as GrubHub delivers their McNuggets and the NFL season carries on.
We've been condition with this security theatre BS since 9/11

In France we have a lot of younger people in critical conditions. Doesn't only affect old people.

Can you please point me to some evidence? I'm being serious, I can't find any.

Does France have French people

>If you have thousands of deaths per day
Oh, is that what we have now? Going on 4 months now (5 if you count November). Where are these deaths?
>inb4 all the numbers are fake

>If you have thousands of deaths per day (which is what would happen without a lock down) the economy is fucked anyway. And you risk a global panic with pluderings and all sorts of shit.
lock down the old and sick. maybe even evacuate them to more remote locations. like literally police should arrest old people on the streets and escort them back home, and deliver food for them maybe. but leave the young and fit to develop herd immunity. That's the best strategy.

Nufag lurkmoar. This shit is 20%+ death rate once hospitals are over run. Go back to plebbit faggot

>all about something that isn't even nearly as bad as the common flu. What do they know that we don't?
pretty sure they know more than you, since you are a retarded person

Imagine EVERYONE panicking all @ once...

Of course they don't want the masses to understand the severity of the situation...

Get comfy nigga... Hope your ready to cry.

Reminder to be racist as fuck because of this shit.

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>your, not you're

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it's literally no worse than the flu you incel