Does this prove that social outcasts are the stronger ones? When ordinary people have to live like us even for a week, they break. They just can’t take it.
Social distancing is driving normalfags insane
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Been in isolation for 14 years
fuck normalfags and fuck society
pretty much. Normal fags break down in situations like these. Only fringe groups tend to survive.
The last time anyone touched me was when I got a haircut weeks ago :3
>Be me
>Had date with e-girl that I paid $600 for including dinner reservation
>She says it's postponed until corona dies down
That was the only interaction I had scheduled this month outside of Yas Forums
i fucking hate extroverts
"oh boo hoo i have to stay inside and can't go out for a few days!!"
if you have an overwhelming need to socialise you may be a little bit mentally retarded.
Yes. These people rely entitely on being fake. Everything they are is fake.
What's stronger: a brick wall or a piece of cardboard with brick patterns printed on it?
Disease spreading niggers can not wait a goddamn few days for the health of those around them
wtf bro, that's kind of sad. consider it a lesson learned
and he fucking paid her before. lmao god damn
its been 3 days...
i have been at it for 3 years intermittently for 10 years now
i haven't been touched in 2020 except at the grocery store when giving the cashier money
I can't stay this shit.
"I feel so lonely" after 2 fucking days, the fuck is wrong with them. When I studied the only interaction was literally that I went downstairs to get some food and say "hi mom, hi dad".
Now, beside of work and buying food, I have zero personal interaction. A hand full of others to play with and speak in teamspeak.
The only bad thing is that I don't have a girlfriend that loves me. But when I see how many people struggle in a relationship, I'm also kinda happy that I don't need to take care of a girlfriend.
Nothing better than just minding your own business.
They’re a bunch of normie niggers who get no chicken tendies motherfucker ass fuckers big cocks ball torture niggers
Go ahead walk in my shoes my nigger , make sure to tie them on niggernigger
Living alone, and doing things at home is normal for me, I enjoy it. I enjoy seeing (and complaining) about the world outside do its normal thing. But now, seeing everyone be pushed into a life a little more like mine is strange.
>normalfags in Italy go under quarantine for a few days
>immediately break out into song and dance like a bunch of insane mental patients
It's nice to see that even under quarantine these fucking faggots still manage to be as obnoxious as possible.
Since when that's a MSM word?
It's a perfectly reasonable word to use in that headline
kys larper
Kissless forever alone virgin in his 30s here. We will all inherent the earth when normies kill themselves.
I haven't gotten a haircut in 3 years
I'm not going to insult you since I assume English is not your first language, but cope is a real word, kek.
hello brother, i guess we win in the end
Are you also afraid they will accidently cut your jugular with the razors?
>The only bad thing is that I don't have a girlfriend that loves me. But when I see how many people struggle in a relationship, I'm also kinda happy that I don't need to take care of a girlfriend.
>Nothing better than just minding your own business.
There must be a term for this kind of view on life
Hopefully she comes around, she legitimately seems to like me on her discord
It's to weed out creeps, if we actually hit it off in person she'll probably stop charging me. I realize the situation is a little cucked but I have had zero romantic interaction with women after high school and I can only communicate in memes. So basically this us my only way to break the ice
It's called being German.
I’ve been fine for months of social isolation but tomorrow is St Patrick’s day and I want to go to the bar and pick up sluts but I FUCKING CANT BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL CLOSED, and I can’t go to the gym to get in better shape like I have been since January because THEY CLOSED TODAY. Fucking Trudeau just let the normies figure it out don’t punish all of us
Cut your own hair, normie
>It's to weed out creeps
You're an idiot dude.
I'd rather live the rest of my life alone than ever be taken advantage of like that.
I really hope you are trolling.
Normalfag here. I work a job where I have to be constantly interacting. I'm looking forward to some fuckin solitude.
>Not cutting your own hair with an electric razor.
Fucking normie get out reeee.
nothings changed really, im even sligthly more social because fuck P*t and fuck society
Lol go outside and start licking public objects
It's a really abstract kind of feel
At least you're trying, nobody gets free pussy, you always end up paying somehow
>There must be a term for this kind of view on life
It sounds like a normal day to me.
yep. us introverts who are alone most of the time are loving it.
government mandated inceldom
>Does this prove that social outcasts are the stronger ones?
No. See, if people cannot leave their home while prison inmates spend years or decades in jail does this mean said inmates are stronger? No. We as outcasts are left with no choice, in fact this situation shows how horrible our conditions are if people cannot stand them even within a week. I don't feel any schadenfreude looking at these normies it makes me realize my life fucking sucks.
This vid is tailor made for you.
Roasties stuck at home.
No one to listen to their nonstop, mindless bantz.
Can't cheat.
Literally seething.
Feels good being a NEET for 15 years.
I propose the term "based and redpilled"
I hate that word simp but it definitely applies here
He's not getting pussy, he's paying $600 for dates. That's not "trying" it's paying money for an illusion.
Even if you think all romantic interaction is transactional, it still ain't $600.
You shouldn't be encouraging this kind of behavior.
It’s pretty crazy how easily they shutdown society though
Can't really make fun of them since the opposite affects me too.
>When ordinary people have to live like us even for a week, they break. They just can’t take it.
To be fair, you can't hack it living like ordinary people either, which is why you live in isolation even when there isn't global pandemics as an excuse.
I'm a normalfag, or whatever. I was planning on seeing some movies and playing some games but this place is way too entertaining. I think I can handle social distancing or whatever you call this faggot shit.
Invest in a couple of kettle bells. Easy to store in the home and versatile.
yeah, 30 year old neet virgin, not much changed for me
I don't know, based and stoic pilled or something.
If you post here you are not a normalfag.
Failed normie at best.
Extroverts gain energy from social interaction.
Fuck extroverts.
>14 years
they let amateurs on this site?
The average urban dweller is oversocialized. They are not used to being alone with themselves. I wonder if they feel fear and disgust when they hear their own unfiltered thoughts.
“He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.”
I always remember finding it strange that normalfags consider solitary confinement as a form of torture.
My instinctive reaction, even as far back as childhood, was always that if I ended up in a prison full of violent niggers, etc ,that's exactly where I'd want to be.
It would still be shit having no contact with the outside world, but general population would just be the same thing but with more dipshits floating around.
These people are children. They are just weak NPCs. If one cannot be entertained and at peace with oneself while alone, then they are not human. Severely stunted brains.
normies btfo into orbit
posts like this are why i come on Yas Forums
Normies are really something, to shut down from a couple of days staying inside. Is it that difficult for them to just be indoors and amuse themselves? I don't know what it's like anymore to be out and be with people all the time.
>It's to weed out creeps
>creepy men don't pay ethots $600 for a date
I think it's to weed out simps
He's not getting any pussy.
He's spending $600 on a zero-chance-of-pussy situation. He's literally paying a whore to not have sex with him.
It boggles the mind how anyone could be so stupid but even if this guy is larping, there are thousands of guys like this out there who do shit like this every fucking day because they think the whore will feel sorry for them or whatever, I don't even know what the fuck he's hoping for or what he thinks could possibly happen that would be worth that kind of money.
>I think she really likes me!
Yeah fucker, that's literally what she's selling. The exact illusion you describe is her one and only product. Is it worth $600?
nice LARP retard, I bet you've never even touched a girl