We're terminally fucked

>China has been creating artificial bat-borne Coronaviruses since 2015
>virus was leaked damn near right outside the same lab
>China covered it up for a full month, jailed all doctors that tried to warn them
>virus would have NEVER spread as much as it has if Xi put his pathological need to save face for 5 seconds and dealt with it swiftly
except from pic related: "Now for the bad part. They are expecting this thing to mutate further. [Covid 19] Has a very high propensity to mutate into a highly lethal form...if it reaches certain bat populations in brazil [then] it can jump to a 15% lethality rate. The minute you hear about Rio or Brasilia or wherever remoting cases you need to immediately make sure you got a month worth of supplies because its going to start killing many millions of people." --January 31st
>as of 2 days ago there are 1490 suspected cases in Brazil
>current Brazillian leadership has proven itself to be terminally retarded multiple times
>The virus has probably reached one of these bat populations by now

Pic related was posted back in January 31st. He was right about EVERYTHING before it happened. the only thing that hasn't happened yet is the mutation. In essence, imagine if the Bubonic Plague happened today. Yes, the thing that killed 1/3rd of europe. This is gonna be worse than the spanish flu.

It was nice knowing you Yas Forums. Let it be known that the CCP is humanity's greatest failure.

Attached: coronavirus truth.jpg (938x2560, 546.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Has a very high propensity to mutate into a highly lethal form...if it reaches certain bat populations in brazil [then] it can jump to a 15% lethality rate.

highly speculative. i read this a month ago and determined it wasn't mostly if not all bullshit. fuck off retard

>"i read this a month ago and determined it wasn't mostly if not all bullshit."
>literally right about everything
ok goy. He didn't pull this speculation out of his ass, this is the words of his colleagues that deal with this stuff directly. Sure, tits or GTFO, but the post has been entirely on the fucking money so far.

I second this, it's been fairly accurate so far

Would it be possible to just burn every bat nest in Brazil, or at least the ones at risk?

I mean what are the chances he would be so on the money about Italy? Italy had pretty much nothing happening there at the time that was posted here, nothing that could have predicted the total country-wide lockdown and the insanely high number of cases.

*at risk of mutation

Not possible, from a practical perspective (keep in mind a huge chunk of the country is rainforest) and not a good idea because bats play a huge role in the ecosystem.

LOL welcome to /cvg/ two months ago kid. You have no idea the horror that awaits us.

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Charles (((Lieber))), jewish symbolism all oveer, (((MSM))) panic, Event 201, ...
It's yet another case of you masturbating jews and this biting you back.

what the fuck are you on about?

can't be a coincidence...

A jewish researcher in Wuhan who got jailed, lots of typical freemason/kike symbols like news about beer, Du Beers and white horses in buses near patient zero, the MSM using it as an excuse to create mass panic despite this being the just a flu, Event 201 was a simulation about this ran by kikes months before the outbreak, ...

My thoughts exactly. im not sure what he means exactly by "trying it on italy", though. perhaps the vicious response, but is he implying they planted an outbreak as an experiment? not sure what he means.

LARPs are always LARPs. It was likely going to be a big event back then according to the experts. Credit where credit is due tho. It's a good LARP. Every time there's a potential happening people do this. Eventually one of them will get parts of it true.

Can't you use less words you verbose cunt? I can't read all that shit with all the other corona shit going on, idiot fuck

Even if this is just bullshit I've already enacted my SHTF scenario. Bugging in, breaking into the perishables, and watching as the world burns.

Attached: nero-rome.jpg (600x366, 25.74K)

Fine you illiterate anglo fuck
>guy in January with connections to CDC & WHO correctly warns of literally everything that's happened so far, including Italy's shitshow
>everyone is lying to us about how bad it is
>Virus is able to mutate into truly lethal shit
>we're all fucked if bats in brazil come into contact with the virus
>3k brazillians are probably already infected
>Ch*nese government has proven themselves to be the scum of the earth once again

Attached: READ.gif (500x281, 983.47K)

>Has a very high propensity to mutate into a highly lethal form..
that's not how viral mutation works at all.

Normally i'd agree, but tell me what kind of LARP can predict Italy's shitshow when nothing was going on there, especially when geographically it has no fucking business to be on as-fire as it is now.

If you retards ever wanted to kill people go to your local Chinese food shop/grocery and just spray and pray no one wants chinks here anymore

Genuinely asking, how do they work?

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the Chinks are victims who don't know any better. You didn't blame the citizens of nazi germany or communist russia for having such analfucked rulers. Burn the Imperial City (specifically Zhongnanhai) if you want to make a difference.

He damn sure nailed it.

>Brazil declares state of emergency
lets pray its not too late.

Mutations don't always make a virus more dangerous, and in fact can have the exact opposite effect. Having a virus that mutates into a deadlier form that kills the host faster can actually limit the spread and cause the disease to burn itself out faster. Having a less lethal mutation means the pandemic lasts longer but less people die. A mutation that correlates to a certain co-morbidity, or propensity for reinfection, or susceptibility for an existing illness, etc can all impact r0 factor, mortality rate, and a bunch of other factors.
>tl;dr mutation isn't always bad, it's just a change that's hard to predict

Attached: Consider.jpg (343x284, 35.03K)

I’ve met with numerous people you’d consider “psychics”, and ive done some numerous Kinesiology tests myself. All of which adds up to this wrapping up in around 1.5 - 2 months time.

You can test this yourself, look into muscle testing or kinesiology. You need another person who isn’t absorbed by fear. You need a “normal”, or above average consciousness level that’s ascended hate & pride to do this. You’ll find similar findings that I have.

TLDR: this’ll be over in 2 months, this website is a circle jerk of neurotic doomers

Attached: 4BCAE2BB-3BEF-44AF-8313-B24CBB7503BF.gif (100x100, 18.7K)

Go play Plague Inc. it’s a decent simulator but doesn’t address recovery/immunity.
Viruses that don’t instakill their hosts have a chance to keep spreading. Once a virus kills you it’s pretty much going down with you.
What’s scary about this one is it’s pretty dangerous, very contagious, and incubates for a long time. If it takes time before taking you out, it keeps spreading. Long duration for symptoms or decreased fatality rate are a viruses best shot at spreading.

Where'd you get that Brazil number, user? user??

I'm with you. The Chinese people risked all trying to warn us.

CCP gotta go.

I got the sneaky suspicion Russia is about to pay China back for it's sneaky alliance with Obama.

Notice how Russia dropped the price of oil before this got Going. Trump filled up the reserve.

china is a meme

>live in China
>try to prepare breakfast but one of my 7 concubines drank the last of the leaded milk
>get in car
>car won't start because intake is clogged with a toddler's torso
>oh yeah, forgot about that
>pluck it out
>car is still immobilized due to several human heads jamming up the wheel wells
>no time to fix it, I'm late for work
>use concubine #3's bicycle
>bike is broken because it's chinese just like you
>have to walk, I guess
>put on standard outdoor chinese facemask
>visibility is 20 feet due to smog
>best it's been all year, what a beautiful day
>see neighbor lady sweeping her dead child into trash bin
>she shrugs and says "china will go larger" and goes back into house
>a sewer explodes, I narrowly dodge a flying manhole cover
>get to train station
>doors open, suffocated and smothered dead bodies pour out
>oh this is the dead body train, I'll take the next one
>living people train arrives
>doors open, suffocated and smothered dead bodies pour out
>trample over them because I'm late, dammit
>driver announces "scheduled derailment in 10 seconds, please hold on"
>train derails, me and some other guy in the back row survive
>he waves to me with the one arm he has left and smiles
>says "We will live in prosperity!"
>finally get to the wilderness park where I work
>take escalator up to office to clock in
>plate at the top of escalator gives way, gears and torque would've eaten my left leg if I still had one
>feed it my left hand instead as an offering
>for China
>get in car to drive a visitor and her family around tiger enclosure
>remind them that one of them has to die here as per the rules of the park
>daughter says it's her turn and jumps out, mom says "bullshit" and jumps out after her
>Tiger kills the mother but breaks its leg while trying to kill daughter due to calcium defiency
>I have to apologize to the daughter: "sorry, Tiger is broken today, come back tomorrow"
>China will grow larger

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Where can I read full print screened post op?

This is fucking retarded. Are the bats that get infected in Brazil just going to try and divebomb humanity to infect us? Humans got it from Pangolins, who got it from bats in close proximity. Who gives a flying fuck (haha) if bats in Brazil get it? Brazilians don't eat fucking bats, Chinese do.

There was no reason to believe -at that point- that Italy was going to be the first country under a lockdown, yet that guy predicted it

unfortunately a lethal version of this is gonna be the worst of both worlds in this case. Covid-19 has an incubation period of up to 2 weeks, that's how it spreads so effectively. you don't know if you're already infected, or if it mutates, you won't know if youre already dead.

check the archives newfriend

Most of the infected showed symptoms within 4 days. The official incubation time by the CDC is now 5 days.

can you tell me what the long term effects of it are? how common is it for a patient to become infected again? or a third time?

Not sure where it was made but the US definitely experiments on this stuff too.


Attached: 32027517-33F6-4985-936A-AECF53326B9A.jpg (750x1176, 384.32K)

That's where the first cases showed up on, you guessed it, Jan 31.

It's just a LARP



How lol? It's to grainy, don't know what search term. Yeah that was my first post ever, hehe

>Now for the bad part. They are expecting this thing to mutate further. [Covid 19] Has a very high propensity to mutate into a highly lethal form...if it reaches certain bat populations in brazil [then] it can jump to a 15% lethality rate
How the fuck is this supposed to work. The virus gets to brazil, jumps from humans to bats. Then somehow these specific bats make it more likely to mutate and then again pass it to humans.
Get your fucking head out of your asses

>Gain-of-function mutations, also called activating mutations, change the gene product such that its effect gets stronger (enhanced activation) or even is superseded by a different and abnormal function. When the new allele is created, a heterozygote containing the newly created allele as well as the original will express the new allele; genetically this defines the mutations as dominant phenotypes. Several of Muller's morphs correspond to gain of function, including hypermorph and neomorph. In December 2017, the U.S. government lifted a temporary ban implemented in 2014 that banned federal funding for any new "gain-of-function" experiments that enhance pathogens "such as Avian influenza, SARS and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS viruses."[61]

Some please give a quick rundown. I cannot read.

>Oldest population in Europe
>Culturally Asia tier when it comes to how close people interact with each other
>Archaic healthcare system

any idea why the numbers contradict CCP's?

not sure, i found this on discord (it's a good platform, bite me)
based retard

you're a nigger a NIGGER!!!
a nigger phoneposter spreading his niggerlicious posts! NIGGER!
nigger nigger, NIGGER!
i hate them and i hate you, nigger!

Attached: 1568409142791.jpg (345x134, 37.45K)

Italy insources China so it can say it's high end goods are "made in italy". That is with hindsight of course

most the info I want to know requires the virus have been around at least one year, still too young and it being engineered and all

Yeah, Nature's a bitch for sure.

Meh, most of those are common sense predictions. It has not mutated also. Also he is dead wrong about surge capacity. America literally has the best surge capacity in the world due to private insurance.

Nah. Quite the opposite. I just want a more high-res version of op picture. Yeah newfag here.

Cant read shit on your pic related.
Requesting higher rez

>infected bat takes a dump on Rodrigos car, he wipes it off with his hand and eats some bbq chicken hearts.
This is how the world ends user.

Bumperino for the trutherino

with that i retract my "nothing was going on" statement, but the sheer magnitude of the mess that ended up happening couldn't have possibly been known, and it still doesnt make sense how italy got so utterly fucked compared to its neighboring countries.

Why do you fags always post this larp?

Yes in 2 months.
But this virus will be back next year during flu periods, and it will be more deadly than this year.
As years go by, we will have deaths related to COV19

Go further in your senses

>open image in new tab
>click the pic
>zoom in

i know, its annoying. should be readable though, maybe its a mobile thing?

Yes mobile

OP, go there archive.4plebs.org/pol/
use the search engine top right
search for subjects, type "pull your stocks now"
second result

or better yet
give this link to the "can't read shit i'm a phoneposter fag" faggots

>post blurry fake image
Omg itz habbening


Attached: 1563156267013.jpg (720x720, 218.83K)

I will copy url for this thread and look it up tomorrow on my cpu. Thanks m8.

>maybe its a mobile thing?
no op is a troll I've seen him post this larp all the time

see above

>Let it be known that the CCP is humanity's greatest failure.
Given how much effort China has put in "saving face", I propose that the nation be forevermore known as "Moron-China" to commemorate the fact that their idiocy caused such death and suffering.

>LOL welcome to /cvg/ two months ago kid. You have no idea the horror that awaits us.
Like the possibility that it makes you infertile because of how the virus attacks testicular tissues?

So I'm kind of glad I didn't say anything about it two days ago when I was tempted to post but I knew about this ahead of time. I decided against posting on Tuesday that WHO was about to declare a global emergency but I've still had mixed feelings and I can't be easily identified at this point so I'll let you know now Yas Forums that it's way worse than what you're being told. I'll preface this by saying I work in finance and have friends and family in the medical industry and field, including at CDC and one close friend at WHO.

For starters the Ro (pronounced R naught) is actually around 6, not 3. Secondly it's slightly more lethal in current form, with China covering up a LOT of the deaths by passing them off as heart attacks, pneumonia, kidney failure, all sorts of official causes to hide the real numbers. CDC and WHO are highly aware of this. You will also hear the phrase "confirmed cases." It's presently thought by epidemiologists that China surpassed 120,000 cases on Tuesday at the lowest; it is also possible they hit 100k over a week ago. All they know for sure is China definitely had at minimum 120,000 infections by Tuesday.

There are very high profile investors who've been silently pulling out ahead of time. Travel and tourism, the hospitality and service industries, these are just the most immediate and obvious. Manufacturing is about to go on a wild ride. The only "safe" industries to invest in right now are the biomedical fields and plastics oddly enough. Virtually all other industries are going to be massively hit and anybody in the know has been trying to do this as quietly as possible before SHTF partly to avoid insider trading allegations but more importantly to not start a panic.

This is also why CDC and WHO is hiding it. So far as they are concerned, no matter how bad the disease is, a panic is always going to be worse. This is also why a lot of economists are downplaying it or outright lying to you.
in the next year or two.

fuck off with your shitty links


You think the elites would have unleashed this with an easy out for themselves?

It's diet. Keep your lysine high and your arginine low and you will be able to curb this shitty virus.

Disable mobile mode homie. Down at the bottom of the thread

In the coming months the disease is going to be sustaining infections globally including sustained local infections in virtually every major metropolitan center on earth by late May. US CDC and WHO are both projecting anywhere from 60,000 to 2 million deaths by early summer. Again, they are downplaying this because 2 million is not considered to be a lot of people, but that's under their assumption that they can stall the infections in every major urban zone.

Now for the bad part. They are expecting this thing to mutate further. Those results from the Australian lab are not good. This virus has a very high propensity to mutate into a highly lethal form and WHO is predicting a fairly probable likelihood that if it reaches certain bat populations in Brazil that it can jump to a 15% lethality rate. That means that the minute you hear about Rio or Brasilia or wherever reporting cases you need to immediately make sure you've got a month worth of supplies because it's going to start killing many millions of people. So far as people like WHO are concerned who deal with numbers like that all the time this isn't major and they're more concerned about lying to you that everything is not that bad because their calculus is that more people will die from refusing to seek medical treatment for anything from cancer to heart disease or other illnesses from hysteria over getting infected with this nCoV.

Of course it was fucking known. It was all over the news that Italy wasn't doing shit about it and it would result in a catastrophe. That's why it made the news when they FINALLY stopped flights from China on Jan. 31

They are also highly aware of the fact that most countries particularly the US have no surge capacity. Basically what this means is that hospitals have a certain threshold of average occupied beds versus spare capacity in emergency events, and that a massive enough disaster can immediately render EMS useless. ALL of Hubei had already hit and surpassed the surge capacity of Chinese hospitals over a week ago. Presently a majority of Chinese major metropolitan areas are hitting surge capacity as we speak and you're going to know I was telling you the truth when reports of martial law being enforced throughout China enters the news in the following week or two.

This is a highly virulent disease whose spread is now estimated to be unstoppable in the bad but not worst case scenario. The markets are going to panic. Chinese markets have not initially opened yet which is why this is going to come as a major shock starting next week. It's going to floor the markets. People will remain blindly hopeful as things keep getting worse. If you've got major investments in the stock market you're going to get hosed. Pretty much what everybody who knows anything is expecting behind closed doors is that we're about to enter a major and possibly protracted recession. We're overstretched in a lot of areas so we've already been expecting some possible corrections here and there but what's been happening in China is going to tank their economy so bad that no matter how much state interference in the market and lying and desperate money printing the Chinese pull they're simply not going to manage to hide this one and it's going to ripple strongly throughout the Asian markets and finally wash us in the US and EU.

Remember, the most optimistic prediction at this point is 60,000 people are going to get killed in the next few months. It's highly infectious with an R6, probable chance of further mutations, infectious during the prodromal phase, and it's airborne. The only reason you're not already seeing thousands of people confirmed outside of China yet is because the incubation period but believe me the WHO is already talking about how "problematic" modeling the Chinese response in Western countries is going to be, and the first country they want to try it out in is Italy. If it begins a large outbreak in a major Italian city they want to work through the Italian authorities and world health organizations to begin locking down Italian cities in a vain attempt to slow down the spread at least until they can develop and distribute vaccines, which btw is where you need to start investing.

The not just bad but scary case scenario is that they fail to contain it and that it also mutates in South America. This is going to be far, far worse than the Spanish flu if that happens and it's going to completely crash the global economy. This is concerned by world health authorities to be "only" 20.6-7% probable of happening however so as far as they're concerned they're taking it one step at a time not to start a panic, but it is estimated a one in five chance of over a hundred million people dying in the next year. Redfield is aware of this along with some other top American CDC staff and triaging the situation the situation according to that logic. Ask Kyle about this when you've got a chance. European health authorities do not seem fully debriefed on all this yet but WHO as far as I'm aware is where the numbers themselves mostly originated along with the models.

Don't try to pivot to projection now.
You came out as the aggressor, using ad homs to shame anyone smarter and wealthier than you with fear instead of well thought out, INFORMED, guidance, and information.
I did the complete opposite. The tip off is how fucking frantic you appear about MY fucking money.
I really don't give a shit if spazzy little shits like you stay broke. I'm here to inspire the true Aryans to investigate, research, and make up their own, logical minds, using facts, empirical evidence, and their own agency and reason.
You're barking at everyone to "STAY OUT OF THE MARKETS, GOY!"
Thus, you glow.
I most definitely see the Black Swan even, little spaz. But what little spazzes like you fail to understand is that it is the crashes where millionaires are born. Not the good times.
Be retarded, and refuse to take the gamble for WHEN civilization recovers, and allow men like me to reshape, and rebuild the future in OUR image for you.
Fuck you. You aren't even relevant, poorfag. You have no future. You follow the herd out of fear, all while believing you're some special maverick.
You look fucking silly to men like me, child.
>season trends
We're on a global pandemic, you fucking brainlet. What the fuck are you talking about now?
You aren't even armed, are you? You don't even have a toilet paper throne yet, do you? You have no cash or assets to lose in a crash, do you?
You won't make it.

I'm not saying to panic. I somewhat agree with them even. I just think it's a really shitty thing to not be sharing this information with the public because they arrogantly think we're all irrational and shouldn't be informed as they are. I'm a bit peeved with that we're rational and you're not attitude of some of these people.

But with that being said there's no stopping what's about to happen to the markets now and the only thing stopping it is by everybody like me telling the truth to our investors and then lying our pants off in public to everybody as we're trying to prevent a full scale panic as everyone understands the gravity of the situation and starts a mass sell off all at once, so it's become a me and mine mentality of a lot of people to advise your clients accordingly and pull the fuck out and into everything else even memecoin, gold, and government bonds before everybody else figures out what's happening because hey, if you're in a crowded concert and a fire is starting it makes more sense to quietly exit the building before anyone knows what's going on then shout fire and get trampled under the stamped right?

Just be aware of the key thing: Brazilian and other South American cities. If it spreads there too badly and they can't be contained then we're all fucked. Even without that happening tens of millions of people are probably about to be infected, and possibly even hundreds of millions within the next year or two.

there's no way you can type that fast

Listen I don't care if you believe me or not. No, I'm not going to specifically name names which of my close friends and family member work for WHO and CDC and are thus violating the media blackout. I'm also not going to post even the name or pics of stationary for the brokerage I work at, in that case not because of this as much as not wanting to get fired for posting on Yas Forums. I've already gotten warnings about inappropriate use of company time and resources as it is so I'm posting from home. It's no sweat off my back I mean you can go out and set all your money on fire so far as I care. I just feel, almost something like guilt not talking about it. I figure fellow Yas Forumsacks aren't all bad and at least deserve enough of a heads up to protect your investments and other interests as well as your loved ones. I mean you're going to know I told you the truth in about a week one way or the other. Me not telling you about WHO being about to declare a global emergency is just whatever and let's me say the more important things about to go down than that. I don't think they're going to figure out who's been breaking all those gags and media blackout any time soon anyway.

No offense but just what the fuck does that have to do with this anyway? I mean other than the fact that a certain mysterious group of investors has preferentially treated quietly informing and bailing out the other pipe hitting members of the tribe a few weeks ago.

Already told you right now it's all about plastics and biomed. You play this right you're going to be freaking rich with a small put. There's also rumors about going into textiles and disposable fabrics and things related to paper milling if we get enough of a pandemic panic but I think the concept is idiotic because yorue not just assuming people start burning their clothes practically but that a lot of that industry is in China. It's one of the stupidest rumors I heard yet and I think you're going to see catastrophic damage to those industries because there's so much of it relying on India and China.

Blackout? They're trying to calmly in I guess doctorly fashion you'd call it break the news slowly. You'll notice how long it took them to publicly declare the emergency.

I think the biggest thing you should've noticed is how much they overplayed how awesome China is and how much everything is under control. When they things being under control that hard it means it's in reality that bad and going to get that much worse. Simply stated, epidemiologists and people in the medical profession are quietly freaking out right now. They're also the most likely to get infected and then maybe infect their loved ones so I don't blame them.

Don't expect official numbers to start getting published by world health authorities about the truth in China any time soon. Possibly not even until after the happening is already ending. What you're going to see is massive amounts of person to person transmission throughout the West over the next three weeks and that they cant cover up, only manage the message.

>retard here

why bats in Brazil specifically?


Euros. You have no idea how much of my assets I've already dropped into euros. The US is particularly going to get fucked hard by this. People are going to start dropping in the streets because they're too scared of doctor bills, our surge capacity is absolutely TERRIBLE, our state level agencies are not coordinated enough, there is no possibility at all of quarantine and any deaths from this nCoV are going to pale in comparison to the civil unrest from basically trying to enforce martial law. All the dindu and poorfag neighborhoods are going to be a problem and hellholes like LA are going to spread it like wildfire, which is pretty terrifying that one of the first US cases was LA. It'll burn right through the hobo slums and junkie tent cities.

Again we'll bounce back but whatever government bonds I have, eh. I mean the real big thing is how deeply involved we are in China and this is really going to do catastrophic damage to their economy and by extension to us. I've got a property on European soil and some euro liquid assets so while I'm moving stuff to safe havens I'm not terribly worried but I know I'm still getting hosed and just hoping to make enough profit off this tragedy or opportunity depending how you see it to offset my losses and maybe even get ahead, but man the economy is going to be super sluggish for awhile and that's being optimistic. Markets probably won't even recover until like September 2020. At least, most likely. Expect things to be worse than 2008-2009 level of bad if we get Brazilian bats in the mix. Then it may not be until like 2022 the global economy is recovering.

>despite this being the just a flu

Attached: 138279.jpg (450x361, 74.86K)

>Your brokerage isn't expecting a time for the breakdown?
>I want to short the market. Will it begin to collapse in February?


everything here

imagine her sucking your dick with these eyes

This is only one piece of the puzzle.

Read up on project zepher. Save your money, and keep your head down, the market will surge back up in august/september just before the elections.

I want you all to profit from this chaos. Survive, then thrive. Just gotta hold out through the summer. Goodluck.

Attached: 1584063085742.jpg (1000x667, 87.95K)

You're asking why communist propaganda is not to be trusted at face value. Think about it for a second.

>bats all around the world even in USA
>the brazilians are the dangerous ones


>Just the flu.
>"This respiratory illness which is SARS2 Electric boogaloo is just the flu gais"
Surely you jest user who seems to know fuck all due to being from a shithole.

Attached: 1580862474789.jpg (800x800, 207.93K)

Idk wtf is going on but I guarantee it's yet another edason to expel the Jews for good.

Nice low res image you fucking faggot. Jannies, clean this thread up.

Don't forget this

Attached: Coronavirus 33 news.jpg (1480x2979, 1.59M)

Why you're mad ? bump

A majority of the time mutation makes the virus weaker

hey I got 125 IQ on the mensa test

go bash some other country phhag

fuck off GLOWNIGGER, coronavirus was created in an american lab you fuck