Hi, Based Jew here

Just wanted to let you all know that there is a little pocket of bad elites and SOME are Jews just like there are some gentiles and all work against us. We have to stand up together and not be lumped in with some bad apples when the Jewish people are just trying to get by just like the average minimum wage worker.

So all that we ask is when we are in need you will lend a hand as that is what we will do for you. Just because our religion is different does not mean that we are different in kindness from you. We have bad leaders just like you have bad leaders. When people fear us because of our religion then things that happened during WWII happen with nazism etc. When rumors about Jews spreading this and that such as the virus this is not good as then history repeats itself.

Know that we are fighting this just as much as you and when you hear such rumors we ask that you stand up and say "no that is not true". We are all one family and all in this together. Dont follow the herd mentality. Ask yourself "what would Jesus do". He would help anyone and he did and dont forget Jesus was a practicing Jew and it didnt matter what you did he still helped someone out.

We are all part of the same human race and we will only get through this if we work to better ourselves and help one another.

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You should be posting on /JEW/ threads, not Yas Forums


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>Hi, Based Jew here
stopped reading after that, hang yourself filth :DDDD

The only based Jew is Jesus

I'm not reading that shit, you're a dirty kike trying to do dirty tricks. Trusting you is always a mistake.

>inb4 MIGAfags do a pic related

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Was wondering where you had gone.

sorry buddy, even if you are based you still have to go because theres no way to be sure.

The shills are preparing for the "virus was isreal" times

I haven't saw ONE (obligatory retarded uppercase) jew who wasn't a complete criminal piece of shit or a parasite.

based user spic gets it

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Only good jew is dead jew

So why the fuck does America have to pay for your promised land?

I don't give a fuck what you do or where you go.. I just don't want to pay for it.

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And I know you are still illegally spying people. A lot of them.

gas yourself

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You completely miss and unintentionally illustrate the point. "Anti-Semitism" (and unique hysterical panic over anti-Semitism) is actually a Bad Jew defense mechanism. Go ahead, try to criticize only bad Jews. The response will be demands to know why you hate all Jews.

Only when Jews themselves work to route the corruption from their own ranks will I reassess whether to trust you or not.
You may be beings, but so far, all I've seen is a cowardly silence re: other Jews. When there's been so much illicit behavior by your group, you have to prove that you are human.

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>Hi jew here
>c*t*lonia flag

not the least surprised

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>SOME are Jews just like there are some gentiles

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Day of Victory is coming
You can join us or your Satanic leadership
You can only prove your good nature by working publicly against your Satanic leadership
This is not about us, this is about God

Most of them are involved somehow, once you do some "anti-semetic" crap all jews around you begin to do retarded crap.
They spread gossip, spy, sabotage and all typical arab crap.

Best meme of the golden days.

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Three craps, my brain damage is kicking in today. Thanks, jews!

Fuck off baby dick sucker.

>I’m obsessed that I’m a ottoman rape baby, thus not consider white, so I must diminish others by saying they’re not white

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Ok, groomer

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based hue

They don't care.
They won't make exceptions.

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Yeah.. plenty nice Jews :)
Shame how Yas Forums polarizes.
Keep arguing with Nazis on how, the gentiles themselves choose the path they are on. Bad Jews probably dominate the porn industry (dunno) but no Jew puts a gun to the head of the gentile forcing them to watch the porn. The gentiles gotta learn to take responsibility for their actions.
Having said this, I do have doubts towards the official holocaust narrative but great injustice was probably inflicted upon the Jews in WW2 - same as Jewish bankers probably caused great harm upon the German populous. Some powerful Jews probably do cause tremendous suffering upon humanity but as you pointed out, so do the gentiles.
Avoid the virus, stay safe.
God bless.

kys curlyhair jew in Britain

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>there is a little pocket of bad elites and SOME are Jews
All of billionaires are and most of them are jews

get in the fucking van

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I will find you and kill you, Italy

>Prager is a lolberg KIKE
Nice one

level 2 retort

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Is cool Jew, my bff growing up was an Orthodox Jew- went to Jew school and taught me a lil Hebrew and everything.

I know the most of you ant half bad, no worse then the Catholics.

how bout dat huh

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>I know the most of you ant half bad, no worse then the Catholics.
>no worse then the Catholics.
much worse
fuck you kike, burn in hell

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> /JEW/ threads, not Yas Forums
No difference there, sweaty. ;^)

Kek tldr
Now go to the oven jews

When we win, we will eliminate your people forever Schlommy
How does it feel?

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Too late too little

Unleashing military death squadrons and islamiosts upon 'antisemites' because of things they said on the interwebz, you will now get what you deserve


from CEOs to journalists, its a BIG POCKET OF JEWS.

numbers check out

referring to yourself as based is not based

gonna need some real gas chambers this time.

We forgive...

But Yeshua sent the message 2000+ years ago...
Still hate him...

Give up the EGO.

fuck jews and burn in hell
kek , Christ above the jew

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Judaism and christianity are 180 degrees opposite. Jesus was not a jew he was the founder of christianity. The jewish faith rejects Jesus. Furthermore no jew can prove that they are related to the israelites of antiquity. You're larping and for your efforts you'll burn in hell for rejecting christ and being arrogant.

No. I'm sorry.

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at first I was like youtube.com/watch?v=JkO6nJWMviw
but then youtube.com/watch?v=J8cn6icRCEQ

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Synagogue of satan. You have blood on your hands, just like the rest of your bloodsucking goblin kin.

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Go fuck your mother and then kill yourself, kike filth..

ahh feels good to read the truth, based anti-israel flagg

>When people fear us because of our religion then things that happened during WWII happen with nazism etc
Try again kike holohoax never happened.

>jews have always been the enemy

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What a nice post bubbeleh, remember to call me tonight after you get home from your law firm. Also I'm making your favorite latkes with sour cream this Wednesday so you better come! I'm also inviting Rebecca from the chabad school you went to when you were 8. I'm waiting for my grandchildren that you need to have and not with some shiksa! Anyway, I'll let you go now my precious bubbeleh, I know you're very busy. Don't forget to eat well! Remember call me! Oh and just remembered, Rebecca knows how to make a good Reuben! Also she knows how to salsa dance and is a doctor! I know you're trying to go son, just remember to call me later! Your father says hello! I think, or he might just be choking on some gefilta again. Any way, bye bubbe! AND REMEMBER TO CALL ME!

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