Florida man spends 250K on this
have sex, incel.
lets these simps do what they may...GET OVER IT cry baby
You couldn't pay me to fuck this nasty whore. That Steven Miller looking terroni shitalian greasesickle paid a quarter million to cyberschmecks with this tranny looking freak whose clit is bigger than the Roman salute?
Simpin ain't easy
What has happened to modern man?
Truly, the ultimate coomer
Maybe he had like a 1920s Bulgarian flapper fetish
think the camwhore knows?
Spotted the reddditfaggot
Ban of prostitution is worst thing.
He could have fuck several whores for few hundreds bucks and in the process grow some confidence and get regular gf. Instead he got stuck in a loop of throwing money at women for Basic attention. SAD
estrogen in the tap water
I wouldn't mind some nudes from her.
Someone got something?
you need to go back.
She's a cam girl my dude.. just google adysweet. There is years of her porn there.
>CrossFit Enthusiast
what a fucking idiot!
wonder if the cam model has seen the brutal crime scene or even cares:
Oye Veh!
she looks 35
>The seed of Chad
she's not even cute, a 3/10 at best
jeez, at least he killed his whole family so it won't happen again
The coomer in its darkest, most malignant form.
It's brain has fully metastasized into a giant, hormonal testicle. It's only outlet for its pent-up, red-balled fury is the act of cooming, which sates the psychosis for a time. But when pulled away from its desired addiction, it lashes out in a manner other coomers can only fantasize about and jerk off to
This pisses me off on a deep level
this motherfucker has all this goddamn money on his hands and yet he couldn't buy a home gym, guns, a house and yet he spends it on a FUCKING WHORE
Goddamn I hate this modern society
>that bald head
>kicked out of school at 29
Kek, turbocoomer.
e-girls are driving incels to mass murder.
Twitch must be held accountable.
We need some people with big reach to expose the e-girls and twitch.
>Truly, the ultimate coomer
coomer meme is real I guess
im never touching my penis again
>both have the same hairline
God even his figma collection is shit
this nigger could afford a goddamn house and a room for all this shit
Dude started balding around the time he was 18, he clearly had no future. In the past he'd have an arranged marriage, in the present he was just fucked.
This is fucked up.
The dude obviously needed help.
Why is premature balding such a death sentence?
Just think, for 250k you could live like a king in SE Asia or someplace for 15 years.
Giving women power was the single worst mistake white men ever made. White men need to stop being such beta cuckolds "hiding their power levels" and simply bitching online like a gossipy teenage girl because speaking up irl is too daunting to their estrosoy-addled bodies and minds
Peak Coomer Evolution.
I'll bet she still gave an insincere "oh thanks honey you're soooooo sweet" and forgot about him immediately after
because you're an idiot and think there are no women who like bald men
spoiler: there are plenty
ok Baldr
>Dude started balding around the time he was 18
too much fapping causes hair loss
We have jobs and shit that we cannot afford to lose
shitskins have either deeply connected families or welfare
Murderer: Shes a cam girl she lives in Bulgaria
Detective : Whewre is that at?
Murder: Its over in Europe
Detective:, Oh, ok
Womens rights were a huge mistake
>some reject male cooms his money down the drain and murders his family
no hope for any of us.
The current generation is too lazy to get their shit together so a baldlet will just fail.
>she looks 35
They both look over 40.
We have descended from clown world into simp world.
It's like descending down the layers of hell.
Why do they all look like Jon Cryer?
I'm not bald and probably never will be. none of my male ancestors are bald, I'm in my mid 30's and have the same amount of hair I did when I was 16.
but I'm not an idiot, I have eyeballs and can look around me and see plenty of bald men with girlfriends, wives, families, etc. try leaving your house for once in your life.
why are amerisharts so autistic axaxaxaxaxaxaxa
Jesus fucking christ
>half the thread
Reddit was a mistake.
I'm not blaming women, I'm blaming internet prostitutes and the companies that incentivize them to trap lonely, mentally ill men in fake relationships for extortionate sums of money.
Dude, he spent 250k on this bitch.
Hair Transplant costs only like 5k,hes a moron.
>because speaking up irl is too daunting to their estrosoy-addled bodies and minds
more like speaking up gets you publicly flogged by niggers, women, and lefties.
Wow, what a simp.
oh jeeze he should have stuck with 2d girls
Finally someone saying something constructive. Porn should be banned.
looking for american girl to send me money and kill her family for me
you should never have left your reddit containment sub.
>blaming internet prostitutes and the companies
A symptom of a sick enabling society. They get the rope for sure but that is waaay after we get out endgame which wont happen while MEN who are SUPPOSED TO LEAD the way into a moral and upright future are cooming their fucking brains out. Whores exist to fill demand, not the other way around.
Simps are mentally ill. This is proof.
Used to see this camwhore a lot 10 years ago on MyFreeCams back when it was good. Even back then I did not watch her. She was too old. She's in her forties now. Had no idea she's still on.
Fuck I just realized Ive been addicted to porn for more than 10 years... i need to off myself anons. But to my credit I never spent a dime on any whore.
>autist kills people cause "muh waifu"
>makes it about womens rights
every time
>Spendin 250,000 for a woman this blant
why ffs
she should be arrested and put to jail
she profited from the crime = guilty
>tfw Florida man
Someone end us already
All most of us know is pain
literally couldn't stop cumming
He's going to do lots of BBC cooming in prison.
>His dad is called Chad
>His dad has a better hairline
>His brother has a better hairline
I think his mother gave him some autistic shit genetics
He coomed away a quarter of a million dollars!
Like a court in America can judge her in any way if she's not on american soil. She's probably sipping drinks in Aruba at the moment.
Not even joking the strippers around here are top tier, I don’t even get it
goddamn what an ugly bitch
Goddamn what pathetic looking men
fucking hell someone please tell me that this wont be the norm
someone please tell
she is going to use the money to further bulgarian economy
Major Simp
Do memes imitate life, or does life imitate memes?
Ban anime.
we won't get out of the endgame at all as long as the great distractions and time sinks exist. Yes these trap mostly impulsive men of weaker moral and spiritual character, but we need average joes to be herded towards the endgoal without the Jewish pitfalls taking 90% of them out before they can be of service to our people.
...that is a lot more disturbing that I'd expect.
Chad would have been constantly trying to encourage him to self improve, not understanding it is natural to him. Still gives him a chance and doesn't throw him out. Cody took it in his stride
Why Bulgarians are such whores
3DPD did this
the average waifufag keeps to himself and wouln't murder his parents
My Jewdar is getting pings
>Chad Amato
some user should tweet the roastie to see how she feels about this
The ultimate coomer
Why didn't any of the Sandy Hook crime scene photos look like this hmmmmmm
I am just saying, although whores are now accepted "in broad daylight" and that is clearly degenerate, whoring and simping in some manner has always been with us, but the difference is it was shameful behavior for weaker, pathetic men. And even the regular guys who partook did so infrequently, and in moderation and most importantly they didn't let it get out or affect their lives.
Its a bit of chicken and egg but women are just gaming the current paradigm (well) and as soon as public consensus and most importantly Chad refuses to tolerate degeneracy they will be the first to jump right back into ankle-length dresses and police other women for being sluts. I am just sick of this circa 2015 incel tactic of blaming women (basically overgrown children) for all the woes of society and the direction its taking. As if they are that fucking long-term and cunning when we really know who and what is truly at the root of it.
>Florida man
Stopped reading right there
>The coomer in its darkest, most malignant form.
It's brain has fully metastasized into a giant, hormonal testicle
This should be illegal. Unless she pays the taxes, that is.