Do modern women really believe they are worthy of courting in 2010+10 ON A FUCKING SWIPING APP?
Why are they doing this when we know they would suck the Corona virus from Chad's cock any time of the day?
Do modern women really believe they are worthy of courting in 2010+10 ON A FUCKING SWIPING APP?
Why are they doing this when we know they would suck the Corona virus from Chad's cock any time of the day?
You might be the biggest faggot OP I've seen yet for posting this dumb cunts tweet.
Fuck you OP, seriously.
implying she wont immediately meet up and fuck the first Chad she matches with
Courtship my ass. Coronavirus is making a baby boom
>a poem
Roses are red violets are blue
I'm gonna stick my fat cock in you
My Chad friend is off Tinder while this is going on. Says the diseased bitches are not worth it.
pls for all the love and good in this world STOP POSTING TWEETS ON THIS BOARD YOU FUCKING RETARD
God damn she ugly. I just might have a chance
Roasties can starve, hands off my stash bitches.
Yeah, I never used a dating app in my life
Something about all that is just distasteful
90% of the threads are screencaps of tweets anyway. Why are you sperging out on me retard?
Why is this bitch so arrogant
Jesus christ for the sake of everyone i hope that guy is a serial killer
>fuck endless parades of guys in meaningless one night stands
>everyone has to stay indoors for 3 days
>"finally my relationships will be meaningful!"
lmao yeah right bitch you did this to yourself.
The value of pussy just dropped 80%
>90% of the threads are screencaps of tweets anyway
Yes, I really wish this would stop.
This whore openly admits that she's fucking dudes within an hour of meeting them on an app.
because she's got a pair of tits
here's some reality for you: the average woman on these apps meets maybe 1-2 dudes a year, because nobody actually wants to take them out. women just pretend they're highly desired because admitting that they can't get a date is a fate worse than death to them.
all of the haughty, snooty cunts who drone endlessly about how dudes don't take the time to court them or whatever are not going on dates. they have no prospects. they just want to make it appear as if they do, and they treat the tiny handful of men willing to put up with them like shit in order to further this illusion.
Baby booms don't happen during a financial and economic crisis. These people are retards.
>we bout
>my dude
>up in here
insufferable bitch
I'm working on one too. What are some good rhymes for "cunt"?
who gives a fuck about what women want and think as long as they suck my cock.
They did a study where like 80% of women on tinder said that they would never actually meet anyone off of there. They just used it for validation/wasting time.
Checked. Satan's giving us pussy subsidies
>ugly chick fucking niggers
And now you know why halfbreeds are so ugly
Zoomers and 90s-born millennials are degenerate enough to take the nigger path to getting paid aka having babies for the welfare monies and section 8 housing. This is what the boomer legacy will be.
What app?
>when asked on camera sluts don't lie
I cant get nagative pussy.
80% of women would say that though, because they don't want to sound desperate.
>we bout to
Please die.
A poem?
"Rose are red
Violets are blue
My dick is hard and
It's going in you"
they don't wanna be sluts
Violets are blue
Roses are red
Its no longer rape
If youre already dead
This virus hasn't changed the value of women in my book.
I'll remain single.
Romance is dead
Courtship is too
All thanks to the Jew
So why don't we screw?
Violets are Red
Roses are Blue
I tug on my dick
And so should you
Fuck females
as if the first semi-attractive guy who sends her "I stockpiled red wine" won't be putting it in dry
Niggerism objectively is the best polticial philosophy
She’s ugly? Why even care
aaaaaaaaaand she's a potato nigger. go figure
literally built for BBC
If she's been fucking Chad an hour after meeting him online thats her personal problem.
Image thinking a Brad is going to court anyone.
Historically speaking: In times of crisis the value of women plummet. Women are panicky dumb animals that do no prep, and end up whoring their pussies out for shelter and food. This woman is living in a fantasy. She'd be sucking dick for Pringles if Corona keeps up for more than a year.
Now mail me a sandwich.
I don’t hate women I literally just wish they would stop giving opinions on everything in society and adopt a ‘well let the men handle it and help where we can role’
I wouldn’t even mind taking care of women if they just shut the fuck up, accepted their role and stopped ruining literally everything
They don't do that though.
bumble, do you not follow the Victims of Feminism generals?
These are the caliber of white women that niggers brag about fucking In case anyone was wondering.
Go down the alphabet and associate the first letter of the word with each one and skip vowels
etc. Even if you don't find much it makes you say it differently which helps when trying to rhyme
they do tho?
average women getting way more attention than they would in real life through apps causes this
>get attention and constant validation from an endless stream of simps sending weeks worth of love letters as she gives one word responses and then jumps a chad cock on the first "sup babe"
it would be a good idea if swiping right or left to choose a mate fucking died but it's not going to. if anything this is just going to further the issue. why would she swipe yes on anything less then an absolute megachad if theres any degree of risk.
chads going to become an incel. welcome to the new era of the megachad. forget the top 20% getting laid. now every woman within a hundred miles will share a single megachad who becomes a viral supercarrier but who cares look at that jawline.
ignore the ones like this. reality will hit them fast in a couple of weeks to months. if global economy collapses we will be completely at your mercy, and i doubt any of you will show it. what goes up must come down, and modern women will learn the hard way.
What a dumb bitch, thats what you do for women of value. Wife material, a virgin and christian woman of good character. Men rise to the quality of the women they want to attain.
Unfortunately, western women are the lowest of quality.
Women overestimate the value of pussy. Just like "preppers" overestimate the value of toilet paper.
And they are all virgin.
>a year
Dude, three weeks and shes scrounging begging for .gov gibs. Four weeks its not come and shes offering anal for a can of deans.
If women actually wanted all that bullshit instead of just a quick emotionally distant fucking they would not be on the dating apps at all.
Well, actually toilet paper you can wipe your ass with. Pussy is worthless.
Reminder; never help females, jews, niggers or spics with anything in the coming societal breakdown. Let them die on the side of the road.
What a fucking pretentious cunt im so glad im attracted to men instead of women.