How to get a fucking gun in europe? especially with the lockdown

how to get a fucking gun in europe? especially with the lockdown

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locate nigger
ask him to hook you up with a gun
pay like 500 for a black market pistol with a full magazine

>Trusting a nigger.

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Talk to your local refugee, Im sure he can find you smuggled hardware.

Knock out a cop and take their gun.

Italy actually has decent gun laws but there's licensing, registration, etc. and it's probably centered more on allowing rural homeowners to have sporting guns so if you want an untraceable handgun on short notice you better ask your mafia bros.

This is the easiest method. Find some 5 foot manlet cop and just take it.

>Say mama Mia I dropped my pizzeria to one of the gendarmerinos
>When he bends down under your pizza oven strike him with the pizza paddle on the back of the neck
>Pasta Bengazi 9mm obtained
>Play gun game and rush A

Wtf you're italian just go to the local mafioso


Over here I lost count of how many female cops that dont even reach 5 feet walk around in pair as if that would protect them of anyone wanting to get their gear.

i got mine from a bosnian when I lived in Italy while stationed at Caserma.

Bruh you live in italy.

you're not the best you could do is stealing a musket from your local history museum.

Should’ve listened to the burgers. Enjoy your cultural enrichment.


tyrece give these niggas the volley

Attached: tyrece give these niggas the volley.png (1914x2000, 726.48K)

>enroll in gun club
>make medical visit
>pass firearm manipulation test
>deposit request to police
>pay 16 euros
>go buy weapon
>denounce it (I think it can be done online now, or else ask the gun seller to fill your form and bring it to police)

If the 2015 migrant crisis wasn't enough for you to get a gun, then I gotta say you're to late.

aren't they closed for the quarantena?

LMAO saved

i live in rural italy. i still keep my doors open at night. but things might take a wild turn now

Buy a bow or an crossbow. I bought that and lots of bolts and arrows, can't wait when the raiding starts, I already have a list of preppers.

Pizzabro, just ask your local mafiaguy.

Too late fag. Get rekt by sandiggers dual wielding aks.

Get the Hori-Zone Redback


This. OP is a faggot for not doing this early enough.

DESU your stupid and weak genes should prolly die out, you know. GG and GL.

Now yes, at least where I live. Do it once quarantena is finished


hunting license

>Do it once quarantena is finished.
user, I...

This guy doesnt know how to make broadhead arrows with a spoon or learn to flintknap broadheads using glass or slate

He waited until today, he can wait two weeks more

user, will this stone make a good stone axe?

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lol europe

You're fucked unless you can make it to one of the balkan countries or know mafia people

>bong flag
Not this shit again

>how to get a fucking gun in europe? especially with the lockdown

Do what criminals do, ignore the law and get one.

When the mutt with a gun meet the Italian with the stone axe, the mutt is a dead mutt and not white.

Go to a "refugee" area and ask around if you can buy one. Remember to buy ammo, too.

If the virus is that bad, as in society collapsing and governments stop functioning, then police stations are good places to go.
My area is full of gangs and they manage to get guns smuggled in for shootings. All those guns are now in evidence bags in police stations.

Plus the guns the police have themselves...

Think ahead of the game boys, Americamutts think they're the only ones that can survive

>two weeks
>he doesn't know

You're missing the point. Which MSM-watching demographic is panicking now?

or use a replica and just look up online how to change it into real, i would advise you a tactical crossbow with a magazine, can send link if wanted (reusable amunition, very accurate)

you have to buy one fom the criminal element. in canada there are lots of black market guns floating around because of our proximity to the states, but the guns that are available are always super random and our back market is much more expensive than america's. a shitty pistol can go easily for 1000 on the street here whereas in the states it would be a hundred bucks. I was offered a black market ar15 and ak47 a while ago for 5000 and wish i had bought them.

I can send you one if you like, but I need extra to send it properly.

Making a date with 500€ in your pocket to meet a nigger with a loaded gun..

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what do you guys think the odds of success are if you ship guns from the states through the mail? I was thinking that you would take the gun apart and ship it in pieces mixed with airsoft parts

yeah, about the dumbest thing you can do. here in canada i have asian gangster friends that are very easy to deal with. you just go to the guys house and he sprays the gun down with windex and you give him the cash and thats that.

Everyone knows Italians are shit at fighting and war. stop playing pretend, alfredo

That's dumb as fuck. Why can't you just get on the dark web like it's 2013?

Take one from your attackers.

does dark web gun buying actually work? a good gig for an american would be buying up cheap used guns and smuggling them out of the country.

a read a report by an american 3 letter agency about this topic. supposedly they tried to buy guns on the dark web and only like 3 out of 80 transactions were successful. so it's hard if not impossible to buy a gun on the dark web now. i dont know, what market would you even use?i dont think most markets even have a gun section.

Imagine basing your whole knowledge of history on WW2.

i think illegal trading of weapons is more dangerous and harder than shipping drugs because guns are bigger and the penalties are probably greater and it's harder to source guns.


i would set up my own gun market modeled after one of the online carder markets.

it was the office of governmental oversight or name like that I've never heard. i'll try to find the document.

>license, registration
>decent laws

Pick one retard

hard to believe that its hard to source guns since you can buy them if you have a license without registering them and then ship them out of the country.

im not the expert on this topic. do you mean if you have an FFL you can buy firearms without the purchases being associated with your name?

This but get ready to get robbed twice

isn't that true?

Underground machinists, or just make your own, all you need is a lathe.

sorry, don't know but my general conception of the topic was that it's not easy to obtain guns without a paper trail pointing to oneself.