What will happen to the Gypsies during this pandemic? They have no sense of hygiene, don’t have access to masks...

What will happen to the Gypsies during this pandemic? They have no sense of hygiene, don’t have access to masks, live out in the open. What will be their endgame?

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they'll survive, like they always have. And more power to them. Cuck-Slavs like Bulgarians can't compete with gypsy blood.

Hopefully they will just die. Most likely they will fuck off to the woods though.

Unironically hope they’re all sent to America to help solve the incel problem and simultaneously save them from the virus. That would be the best bet. 1 Gypsy QT per single man.

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Unironically want to marry her. Where can I get a woman like this? None like this around me, only a bunch of landwhales. She’s cute, looks like she knows how to cook, and wants children.

thats exactly why they are immun to many moree shit than you can imagine you MicroDickFaggot

eat shit and kys

Sorry buddy, I saw her first. Go to Eastern Europe and get your own. Or better yet, hope they’re all imported here.

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they live isolated in their communities, so no one will transfer the virus to them

Based. OP is a virgin loser who will never touch a Gypsy QT.

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Who cares? I hope they all die.

Ew gross. Also, racemixing is cringe even if the women are attractive.

t. roastie

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It’s not racemixing though. Gypsies are white.

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>Where can I get a woman like this?
Unironically India.

Nothing, they're like roaches, nothing can't kill them beside humans also I like chalga give me some more chalga or any shit like it, it's catchy

Nah, since when do Indian women look like this?

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In germany we have a proverb: "Unkraut vergeht nicht" which roughly translates to "weeds can't be eradicated". The gypsies will be just fine.


Some gyppos called an ambulance saying some old gypsy bitch from their ghetto has corona virus because she "coughed". The medics got there in suits and everything only to find out the witch had slightly high pressure. Those pricks just wanted to see people in the suits, they recorded them and evrything.

Anyway, once gypsies get infested it's fucking over, hygiene is nothing to them. I remember couple years back they had to close Tesco here because some gypsies spit on bread.

>they live isolated in their communities, so no one will transfer the virus to them
They're constantly using the public transport.

They often attack doctors in hospitals and ambulances. If they get sick and start to die they'll storm the hospitals and make things a hundred times worse for everyone.

Yep, that happened here too not so long ago, gyppos called ambulance for literally nothing, only to beat the everloving shit out of the medics.

And thank goodness for that. Imagine a world without Gypsy QT’s (I kind of live in one and it’s suffering.)

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Disgusting people, they sort of look like Indians/Pakistani

Beautiful people, they look Eastern European to me.

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They’ll be fine.

Don’t fuck with this chad tho

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They are fucking indians, not eastern european

They look Eastern European to me, not Indian.

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you literally call a weed "non-cabbage"?

I think they are good looking physically, but I wouldn’t marry one because they clearly can’t support a family or normal lifestyle, would force you to follow their weird ass culture, and seem like they would be abusive husbands who drink a lot. Plus I wouldn’t want to be involved with criminals in any way.

They’re not all criminals.

gypsies dying is a good thing

ok roastie

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>What will happen to the Gypsies during this pandemic?
They’ll be sick for 10 days

Here gypsies are calling it the "plague of the white"


They’ll unironically survive this.

Nothing. There is no pandemic.

>dat text
>dat flag

Gypsies are white Mohammed. You are not.

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None of these pictures are of real gypsies, wtf.

Man Americans have absolutely no idea what a gypsie really is.

They’re all real Gypsies. And they are hot as fuck.

They’re free spirited Eastern European QT’s.

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Finnish gypsies the only ones we knew about before the EU.

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they look based af

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Two on the left are CUTE.

Go suck an exhaust pipe

The gypos will burn their fires with strong incense and dance around working their magic. Not one will get sick.

t. roastie

I hope so.

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Yes they are. And what do we do woth gypsies?

They’re not though. And we marry them.

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pretty sure someone living in the streets every day will have a stronger immune system than some boomer who sits in a desk 10 hours a day.

Half of Gypsies are Muslims, retard.

>Amerimutt shows his knowledge of the world.

But some of them probably developed immunity to every disease and virus that's out there.


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You know there's a reason for the "red wedding dress" right? They're all whores.

Nah. Gypsies believe in Christ and are as pure as can be.

I’d wife them up in a heartbeat.

Nah, it just looks good on them. Any color does desu.

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>the actual women who identify as 'gypsy' and are cute are all from South America
>every gypsy girl from Europe looks like she is 60 by the time she is 25

cope. Spics are 200lbs and look 40 by 20

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