How do you deal with isolation during lockdown? I haven't left my apartment since last Friday. Going nuts here

How do you deal with isolation during lockdown? I haven't left my apartment since last Friday. Going nuts here...

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im 5th day in quarantine and its getting to me too
I miss the sun the most
I have a balcony but its on the first floor and there are commieblocks all around, so I get 0 sun
I dont even see any trees out of my window

I think I might sneak out, ride out of the city and walk around a forest in maybe 2-3 days from now when it gets really bad

Get stoned and play video games.

Alcohol, vidya and anime

Based. I have to stock up they might force us to stay inside soon.

Got me a tiny circular mirror.

Read a book or two you fucking pussy.

Fucking normalfags.

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>I haven't left my apartment since last Friday. Going nuts here...

Used to it. This is a blessing. Feel sorry for all normies who will die of boredom before Corona hits them.

>mfw normies can't handle isolation

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fucking normies

I'm going outside to smoke right now, who the fuck would ever lock themselves in their apartment

Unless there are boots in front of my doorstep, I'm opening that fucker whenever I want.

Grab a knife and kill yourself humanity, wimp.

>How do you deal with isolation during lockdown? I haven't left my apartment since last Friday. Going nuts here...
Haha im usually fine till day 30 or so. After that i need to start taking regular walks...

Poor urban twats. If it comes to full quarantine here, I will have plenty to do in my 1 acre garden and basically nothing to stop me visiting my neighbours who would appreciate help with their lambing.

If you’re freaking out about being alone, you’re an NPC that is part of the hive mind and should just go out and get coronavirus because it doesn’t matter.

>not going to the forest to take walks
Fucking pleb. Only urbanites are forced to be in their shitty apartments. Go get a walk around nature like a man.

Nothing really changes for me
>have a month and a half of supplies
>job is entirely remote and my company does biomed so I’m safe there
>CoD warzone just came out
>Doom on Friday
>a big back log of games and shows
This happening is comfy

why would we help you?

Nobody can stop me getting out if I want. I live in the sticks. Fuck it, I might go sea diving.

You weak lad,
I was born in isolation, molded by it.
I didn't see another human until I was a man.
Us introverts and autistics are going to be laughing.

>How do you deal with isolation during lockdown?
Nothing changed for me

Playing Rune Factory 4 on my Switch. From Friday Animal Crossing. Maximum comfy, hope this isolation never ends.

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There won't be a quarantine here lmao. Rural American ftw, its a 20 minute walk to the canyon head from my street

Playing ff14 playing entire metro series until resident evil 3 releases. They should just call it gamer holiday now.

Why do so many people have issues with just being alone?

Have you tried having interests that don't entirely rely on external resources that are entirely out of your control?

Normies cant handle not going to bars and "hanging out" with one another. Its because you're weak, you'll cave soon enough.

Lmao, nothing about my routine has changed. I will thrive in isolation.

Literally not one fucking bit of difference to my normal life.
you weak faggot.

>all the normiefags are going to die over this

Feels dam good to be a basement dweller right now

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It's a lot better with a lady friend to keep you company. By that I mean she'll share her vagina with you. If you're single, however, I recommend porn, media, and food.

Counter strike my dude.

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Its going to be funny hearing them all act like they are mentally ill and therapy because they had to be alone. Ive been alone so damn long I dont know any other way at this point. But you normies need to be all touchy fealy like a bunch of rats crawling on eachother in a casket. Just go to the club and die scum ill scavenge your home when you are gone. Sure you got something. Also needing nature is just as pathetic as needing friends.

Get some books and do some crossword puzzles

newfag the thread

Jack off

I'm stoked for animal crossing!!

VR and vitamin d would help in such situations

By busting fat ropey nuts and sleeping


I love solitude, not a big problem for me.

>living in a rat box
>not spending time in the garden
>friendly wave and a chat with neighbours
>baking bread
>lying in lush grass reading a book while birds sing and the cat stalks
>working on wood projects in the shed

Get out of the fucking city and find a piece of land that is yours and stop being a neurotic faggot.

I've become addicted to memes
Don't talk to anyone mate do you want to fucking die?

>life's exactly the same

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download some video games dude

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Haven't left mine since 2011.


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Fags. Embrace NEETdom. Play video games, browse the chins, pushups, situps, and reading. Use isolation to increase your mind.

>mfw feel like a fucking daywalker right now because I have a job, money and RL friends like a normalfag, but know when quarantine hits I can easily slip into NEET mode with little provocation

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>Ive been alone so damn long I dont know any other way at this point.

Why this hit me the most

Gentoo and Loonix from Scratch
and HL2 and Terraria Expert Mode


Thread theme.

>tumblr filename

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I haven't left my parents home in a decade, not even an acquaintance. lol how is boredom real just use your imagination and pretend you're someone else doing something else. not trolling btw.

I was born in isolation, molded by it.

Ive basically been in quarentine for years. Have only left my apartment to buy food. The neets will rule the world

Begone normie.

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I already only leave the house to get groceries weekly and go to the gun range once a month. Staying in and avoiding human contact is terrific.

I love isolation. This gonna be awesome.

Try things that begin with M.
Mental change
Mastur.. no wait not that one.

Lol really? I wish i never had to leave my apt.