Post prediction IF, WHEN and WHICH government's control will break down first! My prediction:Yes, France, mid-April
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Illinois in two weeks.
i dont need the gun John.
Gotta be Italy. They are major fucked already, the economic factor will deliver the coup d'etat.
Italy had prime healthcare and they are enacting measures to stop it. That should buy them some time atleast. France is fucked, they don't even bother to close the borders because muh racism.
I'm watching Mad max 2 now for survival tips.
Not sure which role I want to play
> moody sullen Max type,
> eating dog food
> pretending not to care, when deep down I care
> Going for the humongous look.
> Be the leader of a gang of chapless ass exposed leather thong bandits
> Living off free frappes and souvlaki
If I choose the later, I just need to keep up the eating x 4 tins of sardines a day for the muscle mass and practicing the sayings
is dog food an easy and cheap way to stock up for the apocalypse?
im pretty ripparooni, so i have to go with option two. i can still buy a fetish leather mask to look scary, now I only need a few dozen henchman.
>There has been too much sharting, too many stains. None here are without streaks, but I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Leave the Charmin Ultra, the Quilted Northern, and the Kirkland Signature, and I spare your lives. Just walk away. I will give you safe passage to the public restrooms. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.
There's a spot on the back of my bike for you OP.
They better be non-binary restrooms you bigot!
Australia, Canada, USA and Europe will have one thing in common all the third world trash going door to door in packs to rape, loot and kill us. All they have to do is stay out of the upper class neighborhoods which will be guarded anyways. Do you think the people that let them in and placed them all ahead of us in line are going to help us?
* leave the rolls behind and just walk away
The funniest part of this flick that no one realized was that because it was kind of indy low budget, they had no real money for costumes etc.
Went into a sporting goods store and bought a lot of American football pads, then an adult BDSM store and just asked the costume people to try and make it work.
Huge success, people really were like this is the future !
It will be wherever I go
if shit would get that bad white men would organize with guns. thats even more true to the USA. shitskins dont have proper organization. also everyone in the military is a right wing "nazi" even in europe.
I cracked up when I read that all that gear was bought in an adult porn store in Sydney.
Look me in the eye, see what's going on in there when you turn it.
LMAO are you fuckin serious?
According to this retard less than a week
>tfw no gun
>I'll die in the first waves
>I'd probably do fine in a post apocalyptic world
>but I have to live to get to that point
>and that will require guns
it's absolutely going to be the frogs. i think it's going to be june, after covid dragged on for several months cause the west is shit and can't control it like china.
There's this really hot French Vietnamese cosplayer I have the itis for
Should I go hunt her down and pretend like it was fate that brought us together before the end of the world
Like the French child abuse victim actually has control on 80% of his urban areas right now?
I'm just kinda round and stubby. I'm gonna go with doorstop.
That I’d believe they were pretty much halfway there to begin with
Ot's always two more weeks and we will die blabla. Nothing is happening.
I tried to watch MadMax(1979) and I couldn’t understand what they were saying.
Damn my id. Aaah euh BS
That’s okay, bud. Lotta you gotta die so we survivors can call ourselves survivors without being overly dramatic
just come here. my fellow ayy lmaos won't mind
half the raiders including the Humongous are all wearing black leather harnesses and assless chaps, of course it was.
thanks for this happening aliens, but you gotta save the Yas Forums NEETs. We are truly a supreme species to the normies. Also, please permanently lodge a 80x40x40 dragon dildo in my ex bosses anus when probing him!
when the price of tampons go up
please kill me fast
I won't even resist
race traitor
I should fuck off, you're full.
This is our timeline
that's it's the real deal!
only for leafs
it'll be Judge Dredd first
>please permanently lodge a 80x40x40 dragon dildo in my ex bosses anus when probing him!
depends, is he a part of the long nose tribe type holo-6000000?
but muh economy. we need slaves. i mean refuges we need refugees.
Checked and cheers for making me smile
Just had a talk about this with my buddy. Mad Max scenario is literally impossible. Max literally schemed his way into a FUCKING REFINERY. You won't.
You won't survive on your own, on foot, in a car, or in a fucking bunker loaded with ammo and guns like a true amerimutt jewmerican trump voting faggot style. Sorry user.
He sure acts like one
Im not an american tho
Group up nigga. That's your best bet.
Nigger, grong grong wore something similar when they toured with the Dead Kennedys in the 80s.
How is that news? It's obvious.
Perhaps it'll be this before Mad Max?
D-Do you think by 2051 I too can have a cute little boy with big blue eyes follow me through the wasteland?
please give it to me straight - is contagion worth torenting? or is it a waste of time?
But you will have to be strong and dominating...
Never seen it. Probably just another shitty hollyjew movie with a predictable plot line.
It'll be more like Akira I suspect.
Mad Max is a dream without total annihilation scenarios.
This is gonna be a slow death I suspect.
Is good my nigga, watch this one also
I've already spray painted my football shoulder pads black. Just waiting for that mowhawk moment and I will shave the sides and change my name to Wez.
>more like Akira
Basically instead of raiders you have a growing underclass of petty criminals, a "slave" normalfag society and an upper class that are the real raiders of the world.
This is basically what we are starting to become.