What will you closet fags do when A.I. Outs you to your family and friends?
A.I. Can Tell If You're Gay Based on Facial Structure
>Implying anyone cares about people being gay anymore
It's all about the trannies these days
is there any way to take this test now? I want to know if I just have a fetish for big hard cock or am actually gay.
Sounds like a great tool to out closet homo's like OP
For sure gay, you don't need the test, its clear
where can i take this test
>check flags
>still no leafs...
Skynet told me traps aren't gay so i'm good.
They should make an app with this test. That shit would be pure lulz.
The only people worried about gays are closet gays.
Truth is Everyman can enjoy a cock in their ass or mouth. I guarantee the straightest man in the world is down to suck on a nice peepee and/or pound some chocolate starfish.
I can tell if you're Gay based on your OP
Congratulations, you're 100% homosexual.
die in a gas chamber moshe. all degens need to be done for
C-can it tell if you like traps?
lmao it's over all the LARPs
>AI assisted gaydar
Its truly the future, user.
Why is this surprising? I can tell if you're gay by looking at you too. Faggot.
Can it tell if you're a pedophile?
beep boop beep boop
Inquiry Received
Determination: gay asf
>I was shocked it was so easy.
It can also recognize if you're a nigger.
It'll be perfect for the coming ethnostate
I can literally look at a person's head and tell if they're a homo. Not even joking. Homos carry their head on their neck like they're method acting as a dignified old lady. It's fucking weird.
trannys are gays with a mental illness that makes them attracted to their own body
It's plausible, your Way ofliving, how you behave how often you laugh, and other shit all manifests on your entire body, and aswell the face. So yea its plausible.
Carry head on neck? Can you use a picture reference?
Pretty sure that's another Jewish psy-op to tell people they're gay or trannies or whatever. Can't have them be normal now, can we.
It looked at OP and determined he was a faggot.
They push their shoulders down and use their neck in a gay looking old lady way.
I think I know what you're talking about, i've noticed it as well.
It's not gay if you say "no homo" so this test is pointless.
I can tell a gay instantly
Finally we will know if it's gay to kiss girls.
Thank god I'm not alone
What do you mean?
>"The computer says you're a faggot, Michael. Now stop having children you fucking faggot."
>"No Tyrone, you're fine. Chang, you're good. Continue to breed please. The future needs your children, not those disgusting white faggot babies."
You know this is coming.
>What will you closet fags do when A.I. Outs you to your family and friends?
don't think they will be surprised anyway
But i dont understand this? So now the AI knows i want to fuck traps. I thought that wasnt gay?!
My head is literally always on my neck
>My head is literally always on my neck
it don't have to be that way user
be the change i want to see in the world.
I-I just like traps.
Once it detects the gayness does it automatically proceed to the electrocution stage ?
Stop having children, goyim! The AI clearly said that you're a homosexual. You have no business making kids!
Now suck that dick!
The gay gene must be real after all
There were gay kids in my elementary school class
What's my sexuality
You know you're literally projecting, right?
I can tell by the eyebrows.
>phrenology isnt real goy, its all a lie, race is a social construct
>oh but we can tell if you're gay now based on your facial aesthetics
we can already tell these things, we already know these things innately
guys who have fat upper lips like him are gay
guys with massive jaws, brow and even larger cheekbones are prone to violence
people with sloped foreheads lack a frontal lobe
people with hooked noses like to lie
So they're making a gaydar for retards? Every single non homo man has an internal gaydar.
I knew there is something like a gaydar. My sadly isnt calibrated yet. My jewdar, nazitector and commiesniffer work pretty well though.
This. No cunt needs an app to tell you if you're looking at a shirt lifter or not.
Obviously but you'll hold your head in a gay way
A lot of people think I'm gay because I am intimidating but wear stuff with black flowers to compensate. When I went 100% intimidating in suits people ducked behind the counter when I pointed at the brand of cigs I wanted. I know I am buff and have wide jaws + unabrow but I'm no russian mob.
Russian mob is different from (((hollywoods))) russian mob which basically is tall scandinavians.
Yeah I know. That's what I look like. A tall viking with a face that looks like I survived twelve world wars while I am a semi-sperg in my brain.
attractive man here. most of the fags that have perved on me all look quite similar. very 'normal', 'plain' look to them. think young mike pence, minecraft steve.
I'm talking about the fags that don't wear makeup or live with a foot in the drag queen scene. They have a very plain and normative look that's kind of unusual. They have eyes like windows, in the way that they're reflective, even if they aren't blue.
but it can't even tell if you're a man or a woman based on facial structure.
They are possessed, it's why they all speak the same.
yeah, you're wrong there.
I disagree. I know a lot of people like and they are very plain. If you havent been hit on it's hard to tell.
what the fuck, don't you ever take it off?
Bullshit. It can tell whatever it wants
Kinda btfos choicefags then dunnit
I always thought I can pretty much tell, it is in the face, idk exactly what it is. You just know
There was a study in which human judges were able to spot gays just based on faces with an accuracy better than chance