Brit/pol/ - Norfman Visits /trv/ Edition

>Coronavirus: PM says everyone should avoid office, pubs and travelling

>Hope you didn't have Easter break plans

>Shut it all down

>BBC talking the country down at a moment of nationa crisis
>Quelle fucking surprise

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yurups fucking seething that we can carry on as normal while they get locked inside like bugpeople

reminder that reinfection has been confirmed. there will be no immunity and no vaccine.

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>The UK Only Realised "In The Last Few Days" That Its Coronavirus Strategy Would "Likely Result In Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths"
you have got to be fucking kidding me

bad journalism

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Yeh you keep telling us. We still don't care.

you're not even greek you creepy bastard greeks are based you are just a joke i laugh at you ha ha ha try posting "hi bongs" from Australia now ha ha ha

I'm confused do I need to ask permission from my boss to work from home or not.

What's your job?

>hundreds of thousands of deaths
more like millions, even more once reinfection kicks in.

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bin man

I get that Arabic is your first language, but at least try to learn English.

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>work in kids toy shop
>forced to wipe everything with anti-bac wipes every hour since last week
>came in today
>forced to wear fucking disposable surgeon gloves
>absolutely pointless since they are worn for hours at a time
>tape on the floor to try and force social distancing
>all this shit to deal with
>still won't shut the shop
Absolute fucking joke. Even the Disney Stores have closed surely we will follow suit soon.

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Stop talking such utter bollocks, he said there is currently no evidence to suggest that reinfection is a significant factor.

Peddle your masks elsewhere kike.

Bring it on
I live in the souf-east and want a mortgage on a 2 bedroom place

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Did you seriously just post a buzzfeed article?

Hi Eddie

no, i don't want to die for the elite

>The French government will mobilise 100,000 police officers to carry out checks on people's movements.

Sounds like they are expecting trouble then.

you spastics still terrified of this mild flu?

>self-employed claimants on Universal Credit who are required to stay at home or are ill as a result of coronavirus will not have a Minimum Income Floor (an assumed level of income) applied for a period of time while affected
can i claim my neet bux now?

I've got "Whatever you say boomer" song in my head lads

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Me being completely unconcerned about the corona virus lads

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Residential wise, my borough is white, but out schools are filled with blacks who travel miles outwards from Peckham, Lewisham, and Woolwhich. Why is this happening? Are there no schools in those areas?


Something something industrial society globalism.

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looks like youve got a little korg mini kaos pad on your desk or something

go on lad lets hear the shitty drum n bass youve been making

People are now moaning about the government telling people not to go the pub or cinema, last week they were moaning about the carry on as normal advice ffs

fuck now I got it

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Nice song ar kid

Gonna be interesting when we see footage of riots and arson in London again and it's clearly all nogs breaking the social responsibility to not go out and spread the disease, just so they can steal

Eddie vanishes and doomer/cvg/ poster turns up.
Isn’t it funny?

Yes. It's still advice from the government. The government are asking your employer to let you work from home

lads i went to my mums for dinner on sunday, i let myself in and she was dancing in the kitchen making a tik tok video dancing to that Renegade Renegade song that all the zoomer thots are doing, she's 52.

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There you go.

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One of ma faves mate.

If that is the case then we will get to see all the best bits of the Civil Contingencies Act live in HD.

midlife crisis

Is she fit lad?

Tik Tok is another Chinese invention designed to destroy the West.

Let it fucking burn to the ground, my hometown died years ago.

Oh mate, thats awesome haha cheers

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They're moaning that the gov are not demanding businesses to close, so owners can claim on the insurance (while probably still doing low volume trade, because people are clearly still going to pubs against advise)

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So lads whats the predictions for the land when all of this is done?

Also should I get a Anti Pollution Sports carbon filtered mask? think it'll help when I have to do supply runs in two weeks?

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Now this is gold

>it's 3am and you're trashed in a shit bar trying to get home music

what tf is DRUV?

Just reminded me of my old acquaintance who still creams over the 2011 riots today. Going up there dancing around them and waving commie flags. Had some selfies taken with his idol grime rappers around this time too. He's a timid, skinny and pale.

nah she's cool, has always be youthful and not acted her age

she's my mum mate i don't know, but she keeps herself in shape and looks younger than she is

Anyone here listen to The Absolute State of Britain podcast?

Thoughts on it?

Maybe you'll like this better.

Good for her lad. I'm happy she's having fun.

I think Noel's a bit shit to be honest.
Most of the songs he sang were either sang better by Liam or could've been.

Old sussex saying for "we will not be driven".
You met commiefag?

i hate this shite site all ready (try saying that five times fast)

British people like being miserable and complaining, shocker

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starting to get a bit concerned
might pick up a few extra bits at coop tomorrow yfm

And Momentum (Labour) will be reeing about the racist and fascist police and military beating up and shooting aspiring rappers

Its means we wont be driven, ie not controlled

I'm listening..

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Send us the Tik Tok lad.
Also, how do you feel about calling me Daddy in a few weeks?

not bad desu

Only ones left are the Cheese and Onions pasties

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Just went to my local shops in the London borough of Southwark. Nearly all the shelves have been cleared. Meat is hard to find but it has produced realisation. All the pork is still on the shelves. I guess the local muzzies aren't desperate enough yet. I'll know I'm in trouble when thats gone.

post the original you poofter

feels like there's more normals around than usual. the pathfinder normals, trecking deep past the treeline looking for direction. paid actors with professional mannerisms bLeNdInG iN. weird times. I give this happening a 6/10 so far.

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Opinion instantly discarded


Mate, have you even listened to that Slide Away version?

Why aren't panic buyers buying more pet food?
Why aren't panic buyers buying powdered milk?
Why aren't panic buyers buying washing detergent?

Panic buyers are thick as fuck and if you know one you should mock them as often as possible.

punch one. if suddenly people come out of nowhere and stop you, you'll know you're being observed.

Meat for the win

Ah yes, brit/pol/ -- the general that no one asked for.

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( you )

No one in my family believes corona is serious nor do they believe there's going to be any serious period of scarcity as a result.

Am I the crazy one here for stockpiling?

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How's that collapsing economy doing Hans? Plugged that hole in the EU budget yet?


>How's that collapsing economy doing

Don't know, I'm not really familiar with Thatcherism.

same desu. but i get the suspicion she's entertaining some dudes meat sword as she's been wearing less and going out more lately

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coronavirus is last ditch effort to get UK to stay

Yeah and I don't like the way Noel sings the songs.
Liam's Slide Away is miles better.
Food & drink is unironically easier to come by than toiler paper.

>Muh dental meme
German humour is like a granny trying to be down with the kids outside the local co-op.

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>in a 12 year old


Funnily enough, the same people who sprout Labour "For the many, not the few" bullshit are the same cunts hoarding all the toilet paper and pasta all for themselves

i lived in harringey when i was in uni because of the cheap rents!
0 whites, but nice food

Strange. For me when the songwriter himself is singing it it gives it a completely different feel to it. By the end how he holds the notes are amazing.
Liam's vocals on the studio version and Glasto 95 are great though.

you guys don't use bidets?

Nah police are poofs

>0 whites

Must have felt like home.

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Would like a chance to woo her mate, she's only a year older then me. I could show her my memes, she'd fall head over heels.

Why did I read that as Chinese and Onion pasties

Yeah even in the Co-Op when I got a sandwich today the vegan/veggie section was untouched lol

If you need to ask here you need to ask the boss.

>the vegan/veggie section was untouched

Much like your crotch, now and forevermore.

I honestly think this meme virus might be an experiment by the powers that be to see just how obedient the citizens of the world are. After it blows over, I wouldn't be surprised if some politicians start pushing for legislation to implement more draconian laws like China's just because "lol look how well they handled it".

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Managed to score 10kg of rice, 5kg of pasta and 32 toilet rolls today. Am I going to make it lads?

What are you basing that on?

Probably over-subscribed?

And they were the ones saying they couldn't wait for the older, predominantly Tory-voting, Leaver generations to die during every vote in the past 10 years

My sides :'D
Based bin man

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That doesn't seem to click with the whole do nothing strategy though