How long until the niggers start mass looting?

How long until the niggers start mass looting?

Attached: loot.png (1228x1460, 1.52M)

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When did they stop?

I’m gonna say 3 days

How long until the crackers start mass shooting?

36 hours

max a week

now this could get interesting

when the crackers see the niggers looting.

How do I find out when and where they're looting so I can join in? I don't have a niggerbook.

As soon as the niggers start rioting some one has to keep law and order

Crackers usually murder each other after getting fired or getting dumped by their girlfriends lol

>imagine tiny and smelly nigger limp dicks browsing Yas Forums


If I have to wipe with newspaper will I get sick
Like if some ink gets in my bhole

Attached: 4L_YPt1ryus.gif (202x360, 1.79M)

Yeah you're right blacks aren't proven to be stupid and useless it was white people all along


Calm down bro, before you pick up an assault rifle

Lotta ppl gunna get withdrawals soon

why would you close booze stores!!
so cruel and inhuman

by Friday

Based. Who #boozestockpile here?

>mass shooting
there are no masses of people anywhere, so

I saw someone selling grass on your corner

Now watch me whip

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obligatory advisory guide

Attached: chimpout advisory guide.jpg (1008x1260, 400.74K)

Guess I'll go to Delaware?


Attached: 3A8CB1EB-3273-4B4B-B732-9062270A3C7D.gif (500x281, 1.79M)

Better hurry up before the borders are closed. Also, die in a fire philly scum.

Not anytime soon.

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Is anyone else thinking of driving to Canada before the border closes down? I think Canada is safer then the USA now. Should I go?

US whites are killing less people with guns than Canadian and French faggots? I don't believe it

I think they stopped using led-based paint for print

Newspaper actually has good antimicrobial properties

Canadian and French stats include ethnic minorities.

tpbp brotha


PA woman on the news today
>The last thing I want to be during the end of the world is sober

So now all of the alcoholics will be crowding the hospital suffering from severe withdrawals

When their ebt cards decline

>PA woman
>hates idea of sobriety
checks out


LET THE PROHIBITION BEGIN!! Thank you corona virus! This will cure them for good.

Full liquor cabinet, 4 cases of cheap trading booze, 10 cases of beer.

Attached: jesse he can't keep.gif (245x295, 1.94M)

>I don't believe it
chink NPC detected

Started last night in Idaho

If that's so then why 50 13

That's not a mass shooting. Not that I expect a nigger to be able to count

can't argue with those trips. also do niggers actually come here?

tfw already have liquor

Attached: 1578846854716.jpg (320x320, 14.02K)

>cherry picking rare events in the mass scheme of things
>using them to argue against an obvious fact about blacks and violence

>Murders everyone in his office because he got fired
>Not a mass shooting

This was a bad idea

I'm not surprised. They had to do this during Katrina because people had nothing better to do than to get drunk and start shit.

two weeks.

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How the fuck is it ok a state has a monopoly over a whole business?


What's the logic behind closing liquor stores?

majority of the gun deaths in Canada come from minorities

Hey... Fuck you.

Liquor is the devils teardrops and it deserves to be taxed to hell

Niggers commit more mass shootings than whites.

>If that's so then why 50 13

its 95 13

Attached: bloomberg stats.jpg (809x377, 63.37K)


Some people will die from withdrawal.

Just took this pic and confirmed massive ammo shortages... I'm in southern California.

Attached: Screenshot_20200316-144151_Video Player.jpg (1080x2280, 892.37K)


Omg. It’s literally in the constitution you ignorant smoothbrain.

Good all the liquor stores are owned and run by indians or arabs. Fuck them. Shut them down. You want booze, go to the grocery store. Liquor stores destroy property values. Crooked politicians only allow them because they pay a shit ton of taxes and bribes.