I'm a NEET that is running out of money

I'm a NEET that is running out of money

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Me too, but i get money soon too. So it works out everytime desu

Buck up

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It's how it always ends of you don't get your shit together or have a rich family.

Same. Bamp of cocaine

Want it? Join"
"1. You want to overcome cold?
2. You want to overcome hunger?
3. You want to eat?
4. You want to drink?
Hasten to join shock brigades of exemplary labor!"

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>He didn't put aside some NEETbux every month to buy canned food for the inevitable collapse of society

Buy lots of bread and peanut butter. Store the bread in a freezer until you need it, and the peanut butter at room temperature. Peanut butter sandwiches are cheap, calorie-dense, filling, and easy. Don't fall for the top ramen meme.

guess you should've wagecucked KEK

Your fault

Call dad thats what does it for me

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I just tried to buy food but all the bread in the store was gone

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daddy is dead

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-Sell TP for $5/ roll.
-Hold out a week or two until the Plaguebux are announced and everybody gets UBI and amazon shipments of food to their door. There's no other possible way to handle the plague.

Can't you just click yourself more money? That's how it works here.

Bread takes many forms, user. Bagels, flour tortillas, anything made from flour will do.

the entire aisle was empty

Are you fucking retarded? By flour, yeast, baking powder and salt, faggot... Geez

I hope you're not alone and that things become violent.

I’m already out of money. Just apply for as many credit cards as possible. Kike bankers can suck my cock.

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Could always go full bandit and raid a townhouse
High risk high reward

I heard knee pads are a good investment.

learn to hobo... its a lot of work. harder than wagecuking but very rewarding, lots of leisure time

NEETs will be the first to die and its going to be glorious.

Their boomer mommy will come home sick and cant go to work anymore. Boomer mother eventually dies and NEET faggot gets evicted.

NEET eventually stops recieving his NEET buxx cause state is collapsing under the weight of sick people not going to work, and welfarechecks being prioritized to immigrants so they wont chimp out.

Meanwhile wages will go up for those still at work to keep them at work. The government will become ever more desperate to keep the economy going and motivate people to carry on their work duties.

NEET will have 0 chances of finding temporary work since hes now competing with millions of people from tourist and airline industry that has been laid off.

Cant wait to see you by the side of the street with your raised mcdonalds cup. I'd probably kick your laptop just to take away the last thing you have before walking away.

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my mom has about 60k in savings, 0 debt and a 15k car. I'll inherit that shit and move to a poor country, but I will never, EVER share your pain, wagefag reddit spacer. I would sooner be killed than give my labor to jewciety.

Lol imagine thinking the government isnt just gonna brrrrt its way put of this crisis just like it always has and always will.

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Bread and peanut butter is basically what I have been eating all my life for breakfast and lunch. It's the best.

Getting what you fucking deserve NEET scum, GET FUCKED

NEETS are worthless niggers

Shes gonna spend that saving on being off work for as long as possible, and later on her own hospitalization fucking retard. The car is going to be fucking useless without gas and probably get either stolen or vandalized.

Admit that you are fucking you fucking disguisting virgin.

Sounds like a nigger to me

>a neet actually making something

See what I meant about neets dying because they can hardly take care of themselves?!


Im sorry

You really think landlords, let alone police departments are willing to go out and risk infection for an EVICTION? They're already stopping response to property crimes in Lansing and Las Vegas.

>actually saving money now because don't want to get infected from ordering food every fucking day
Thanks Corona-chan.

Why not? We have all the time to.

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NEETs will inherit the world sit tight and apply for disability. You will make it bro!

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Imagine there are millions of shitskins who will too.

A NEET apocalypse would be good for Germany.

this is not okay. we need to assemble a NEET defense force.

You're going to look back on this time of your life one day and realize you were suffering from crushing depression.

was ist mit deinen Neetbucks ?

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I’m 40 yo neet that hasn’t held a job since I was 22 or something. I just date older successful women who buy me everything. Literally what women do to men. They key is you have to date a much older women who’s not good looking. They will give you the world to hang onto that sweet younger dick. All you have to do is maintain your looks and pretend you care about them. I have 2 girlfriends that are in their 60s now. Both inherited money from their late husbands, neither care I don’t work, they obviously don’t know about each other. I get about 2k in allowance from each of them.

my country ended my neet status right before corona happened. They knew shit gonna happen.

this right here
I'm a deliberate NEET sucking on the teat of society in revenge for ill-treatment
I have plenty of shitpaper and canned meats on hand.
Why can't Achmed up there?
>because German women will always service him

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You're going to discover that 60k is nothing when it comes to elder care and have to make decisions about when you stop spending your own money and let your mom die. Have fun.

i'm worried anons huge don't what i'm going to do. might be homeless soon

But you do have to spend time with them, right? How can I get this but also not have to spend time with them?

>its a lot of work
Any tips on breaking into this lifestyle?

I aspire to be a NEET. What should I do? How did you manage to do it so far?

You have to spend time with them and also fuck them. This is why the money has to be good because it’s not easy to get hard when you’re not attracted to them.

>wages will go up

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where we're going, you dont need no money

>you were suffering from crushing depression.
Nigga please

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>They key is you have to date a much older women who’s not good looking
Fuck dude, you're essentially a wagie with an escort job. More power to you, but this is way too much effort for me.


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At least u can still work somewhere and get paid something, here with a degree you'll still make 300 euros a month.

Good. Parasite cunt

>buy flour
Implying there is still some left

Stop being a neet

Dieses. Der neue Monat ist grade mal zwei wochen weg, bis dahin wirds doch noch gehen?

NEET on benefits here. The government announced today no more reassessments


The money will keep rolling in and I don't even have to go to the job centre anymore.

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>finally get a job after a long period of neetdom
>work for 3 days
>its just as bad as the memes
>people are forced to have rainbow flags at their desk
>coronachan comes
>sent home with a laptop
>now getting paid by globohomo to neet

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Fuck you.

>Fuck you.
Did user fuck your wife when you were wage slaving?

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My mum is in a nursing home and they've banned all visitors, I'll probably never see her again, she probably won't even be able to have a funeral. Fuck this virus.