Based and redpilled videogames thread

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Other urls found in this thread:!dHpGySSS!RYKkb611xxoakdJcGYCHBAE49R40GEF3CgFdQjGH6rw

Entire DOOM series. New one comes out march 20th


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skyrim, if you join the stormcloaks

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worst hitreg of any game i've ever played but still fun

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Remember that the based ending is digital stoneage

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CIV 5 with certain mods

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most (fantasy) strategy games.
>pick a race
>wipe out all others

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The entire DOOM™®© series. With the new one coming out on march 20th from Bethesda Softworks™®© the company that brought you Skyrim™®©, Skyrim™®© Special Edition™®©, and Skyrim VR™®©. Preorder your copy on Steam™®© now!

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>Not shilling
You fucked it up.

Dominions 5

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Aldmeri are the real masterrace. Nords are niggers.

ID Software you retard.... who brought you Wolfenstein. The world's first 3D game. Also Quake. Any 3D game you play today has ID software to thank.

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Published and owned by Bethesda Softworks™®©. The company that broiught you such titles as Star Trek: Conquest™®©, Fallout™®© 3 Game of the Year edition™®©, and Elder Scrolls™®© Skyrim™®© Switch™®© Edition

>pedos get thrown under the train

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based and civpilled

>"one way trip!"


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Yeah because without them 3d games would have never come into existance. Dipshit.

Best game ever made

- Datalinks

wrong game

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>mouth breather

>Any game with elves that is not LOTR is shit.
Attila Total War
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Hitman series
RDR 1 & 2

>who brought you Wolfenstein
wasnt it Apogee? they also released duke nukem iirc.

Seethe more.

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stormcloaks are useful idiots for the Aldmeri

Duke Nukem is fucking based.
John Carmack was the dude. Castle Wolfenstein was made by Muse, but Wolfenstein 3D was ID software [Carmack]

Chrono Trigger - deals with the very real concepts of time travel and God

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You have a single fact to back that up?

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absolute cringe. The thalmor dossier on ulfric stormcloak states that stormcloaks are useful as long a the civil war continues, if the civil war ends with stormcloaks victorious then the aldmeri wouldn't want that either, remember they were there at the start of the game happy to watch as ulfric was to be executed in Helgen.

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If you haven’t - play this. Best. Super comfy

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it's basically the game version of They Live, i wonder if the got sued for infringement. The character even uses his lines from the movie.

>Weeb shit
>Based and redpilled

>hitting resource caps
>-300 consoomer goods
I hope that's just because you switched policies a few seconds before and not because you are too dumb to manage properly

Yes! Also Chrono Cross. So good.

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Fallout 1 and 2, the memories.
Stardew Valley, despite being an indie sóyboy favorite, is pretty based. You leave a 9-5 slavewage job to take care of your grandfather's farm and help your small town community fight corporate takeover of local business.

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policy switch. Although conquering a fallen Empire made an Impact

I'll post before the faggot moderator deletes this thread.

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Mallow and geno are my nighas

Based and remembered

I only did one playthrough while it was a free weekend and it was a bitch trying to keep resources from downward spiraling while maintaining a constant galactic conquest for the Emprah.

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You are fren.

Also the devs for the remake of DAH1 released a demo of the first level of Yas Forums a couple days ago:!dHpGySSS!RYKkb611xxoakdJcGYCHBAE49R40GEF3CgFdQjGH6rw

You learn after a few hours that putting resources into planets trumps almost every other way of spending them. Also, vanilla sucks phat dick

Halo: Combat Evolved

Enjoy fren


I think the government made the virus on purpose to stop the population growth

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ss3 when?

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Cheers my Gael brother

>vanilla sucks
I assumed it wasn't the full 'experience'. DLCless ck2 and eu4 are borderline unplayable

Also this. Based saving damsel biz. One of the greats.

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it doesn't matter what the dossier says, skyrimbabby. if you know just a little bit of the actual lore you would know the only option is the imperials. talos means more to imperials than he does to the nords. talos lived as an imperial and died as an imperial named tiber septim. it was the imperials who loved him so much that they turned him into a god. talos aka tiber septim was and is an imperial, not a filthy nord nigger

The value of a rookies life is less than the equipment used. And the incompetance of those that pull the funding to save them.

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Mods are really important too. Like, there is some mind boggling simple QoL shit that can take minutes of work off of your hand on a regular basis. The balancing also gets made better than in the base game

Far cry 5

Watch from 3.33

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Uhhhh no sweety he was a breton who murdered his king and usurped power. Imperials are just as stockholmed as nords

Pic related etc

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