Most cursed tweet in history

most cursed tweet in history

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>Twitter feed: OP
>March 14 2020

Grumpf dabbed on all the conservashits

Fucking idiot should stop tweeting and start running the country. Incompetent boomer.

No, that would be my tweet of, 'Rachel, I will always love you. 10/14/1984 to 03/17/2016'


fuck this asshole

Boomers will defend this.


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how was it cursed?
It's quite obvious they are manipulating the market to extract all the wealth. It's on purpose, not some karmic justice to make le orange man look stupid.

Because it was followed by the second worst day in history

Wtf is Drumpf doing? Does he care about anything else than stock market graph? He needs to start dealings with the situation and accept that there will be a drop, which can be recovered after situation improves.instead he throws monopoly money at the stock market while ignoring the pandemic


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Because orange man is dumb as a fucking rock and doesn't know how to shut his mouth.

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It was obvious to anyone with an IQ above 50 that there would be other big drops. Nobody was expecting the market to suddenly start rising and recovering this soon. The media keeps playing up how the largest drops in history happened (as if it's his fault) so the least he can do is show he's able to trigger the largest rise too. If he didn't give that press conference on Friday, it would even lower. The one today was on the Fed. If anything, his mistake was appointing Jerome Powell. Nice try shill.

MAGA 2020

Pay denbts.

He has been giving daily press conferences since his Oval Office address just last week. He's making new announcements every day and the scientists/experts who are speaking with him know their shit. Look at Italy or the bongs "herd immunity" if you want to see what actual incompetence is.

4O1K Boomer


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Fuck off from my country israelian

trump should be put in a nursing home years ago. totally incompetent narcissist

The reality still isn't much better though.

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What's he done wrong lately? You're using the same old shill talking points.

>What's he done wrong lately?
seen the stock market lately my friend? can't wait to hear the cope post for that one "muh best economy" was the only thing trump shills had left

at this point I am certain that Donald is not human

>Stock market tanking because of global pandemic
>This is somehow Trumps fault
>Trump, or anyone really, is somehow able to do something about this

Seems you believe Trump is some sort of wizard.

he is absolutly huan...sooooo human, right good boy. outlandish

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There's unironically nothing he could have done to keep the market from falling outside of not taking any protective measures which would have led to thousands of more cases or deaths

>prioritizes saving lives above protecting profits of major industries like airlines
>prevents more cases and deaths
>get criticized for stock market crash (which is also the Fed's fault)

He can never win with you guys, huh?

stock market is tanking because its overvalued and should have crashed 18 months ago but trump made the fed prop it up. Now there is an actual recession and the fed is out of QE and other tools. Also trump gutted pandemic response over a year ago. This could have been different but trump has a hue ego and makes bad choices

It is crashing right now because of the corona virus basically fucking ending globalism before our eyes, and it is ridiculous to try to claim otherwise.

capitalism is a cycle of booms and busts. This is simply a fact of capitalist economy. how you deal with the bust part is up to you, but bubbles are inevitable

Everyone is poor you retard. No one has the purchasing power to buy products and keep the market afloat anymore due to massive wealth inequality. This massive bubble was already there coronachan was just the needle to pop it.

These will never not be funny.
t. 33% British

OK, in that case how is "Seen the stock market lately" relevant to Trump when it's all a cycle, bubbles are inevitable, and the bust is triggered by something entirely out of your control?

Boom and busts of this severity are a fact of manipulated Jewish central banking economies.

because the response to the bust is within your control, and trump handled it very badly. The longer you artificially prop up an inflated market, the worse the drop will be. It should have corrected itself months even years ago.


You say Trump is handling it badly because he made the Fed prop the economy up. Except QE was actually used way more during the Obama years, when there were no rate increases for literally years. Then Trump comes in and Powell makes several rate hikes within his first year. There has been less QE under Trump than Obama or even Bush. Powell has no consistency and is the one who screwed things up but this bust would've happened either way.

How could he have handled it differently? I assume stop artificially propping it up, but that implies by necessity crashing the economy.

So again "grrr fucking trump you crashed the economy" rings rather hollow.

There is many variables and it can grow or go down either due to external input or to bad policy.
Trump tied his legitimacy to the stock market and planned to revive US industry with chink trade war. It worked some what, and Trump could easily not adress the wealth inequality issues as these were long term problem that were still containable for current govt. Now virus drags stock market under, but its still tied to Drumpf neck. He is in panic mode now

Not really, they're selling because they don't know what's going to happen. Once it becomes clear it'll stabilize instead of going up and down radically.
The Eternal Greek strikes again.

>divide & conquer
>riding the predetermined breaking points
Why when you could use love instead?

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Why do you faggots post fake shit constantly? Im gonna fuck your wife through a video call you cuck

>worst day in history


How so?

>Except QE was actually used way more during the Obama years
yes after the crash already happened and they were trying to get the economy back to working order. You can't start doing that before it has even crashed, because then you've run out of options and put yourself in a corner. You can't make a rate lower than zero lol. again you guys always use muh obama as an excuse for everything even no matter how irrelevant. I don't like obama. Stop assuming I like him as a strawman because you're out of deflections.

i never said it would never crash, i just said he made it worse. Which he did. you sound dumb

Let me ask you this. Let's assume Trump followed your plan, stop artificially propping up the economy and just let it crash.

How long do you think he would remain in office afterwards? A week? Certainly no second term.

1000 pip drop on cable, more than brexit.
Can't shine a turd, can we?

Is trump responsible for the growth of the stock market? dude takes credit when it rise, when it falls "I take no responsability at all"

Stop being so hypocrite son

He came out today and said that closures may continue until August, the economy is crashing no matter what he says.

Other than actual on the ground economic initiatives, no. It's all a big casino, played by robots.

so what you're saying is that trump can't drain the swamp and he just does whatever the fed and rich people tell him to do? I agree. Because of the dementia right? He is very weak and shamelessly lies to his supporters for votes. I like him even less than before you said that.

So is he retarded for claiming credit?

What I'm saying is the public would lynch him. It would make a lot of Americans significantly poorer, and not just Wall Street fat cats.

You could try explaining to them that this is all a play and it'll be better in the end for it, but they don't understand anything other than the fact that they have just had their quality of life significantly reduced and it's all because of President Trump's wacky plan.

As with many things in politics, it's all about what the voters will actually let you do.

>trump the finance president getting cucked by a retracement

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If it's simply "stocks go up. ALL ME" then sure (which he probably has at some point).

>As with many things in politics, it's all about what the voters will actually let you do.
I don't understand what I'm reading. you're basically saying every politician must have the exact same policies, no matter what they say. So why even defend trump? Because you like being lied to? really sad that people are so cowardly, they cannot even defend him any more. they just tear the whole system down to make themselves feel better about being tricked. childish and selfish, just like him.


>Turkish rape babies

why would the overton window matter if you think all presidents have the same agenda?