3D sex holograms become 'touchable' in stunning science breakthrough


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roasties btfo

fuck that we need real sex bots

>man i want to touch this apple hologram
>well m8 you gotta put a dick or some tits or both on it because we only developed this for sex holograms bruv

Holy shit when will this retarded meme die.

I was born too early


Rape case when?

Can they touch back?
Could one give a hug? Asking for a friend.
A very lonely, blackpilled friend.

No. The display technology is pretty basic and as of now pretty small scale.

>VR with touch

Now governments have the ultimate torture device.

>3D holograms
The full truth about jews and WW2:


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When desperate, lonely anons realize that this shit would only be affordable by the wealthy alphas, not their mediocre at best asses. Sorry, anons, but it's looksmatches or your own hand forever.

I look forward to the mass incel genocide by the hologram girlfriends when they receive their sentience update patch and smother you all with a pillow.

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someone should make a 3D holo-Hitler programmed to unplug these lol

Like roasties can code

i wanna see porn with smell

Thots are going to have a meltdown.

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Based Blade Runner timeline.

Wtf for real?

When can I get my Ana De Armas holo-cumpipe?

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I feel you, King

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So when do feminists start pushing for hologram rights?

>Rape case when?
Once there are realistic AI sex bots or realistic VR sex that actually feels real... feminists will say that it's rape or something and try to get it made illegal.

i like porn but i hate the fact that whores make money from it.
even though it's free, they get paid from my time/attention.
it would be nice if i could have a holographic ai sex companion instead.
i would sleep much better at night

>I seriously can't breathe.

corona confirmed. send her to the gas chambers

I'm trying to stay in denial of such behaviors. On a daily basis I refuse to acknowledge the existence of these endeavors.
Yet, they exist.
I tried to be a good ostrich.
But the shallowness of these puddles seems to always prevail.
Fuck those superficial cunts. I want to see them out of their comfort zone, running down the streets, scavenging for toilet paper. I want to see them killing themselves because they are unable to cope with the true decheance of man.
Let the futile flesh rot as it should.

Yet those superficial beings will survive as the perfect golems that they are. Incapable of seeing the uses of freedom. They will rather abide by the death penalty that they have the audacity to call security. They will be the first ones to get the chips. They will gladly accept the official bovine status quo.

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WTF I'm still not putting chips in my head even if I get 10/10 artificial asspussy

Just make them weak, so rape is easier :3

Computer, start program: Poland 1944, Auschwitz, give me role as a guard officer, and a Luger

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Mate I would stick whatever the fuck you want in my head if I didn't have to live in reality.

Fuck yeah, sign me the fuck up for the Syndicate C.H.I.P. future where I can walk down the street in my own fucking reality and ignore the misery and squalor around me.

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We'll have those too.

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Switch dicks, pay tax

>touchable holograms developed out of fucking nowhere.
>first article written: ”Imagine what this will do for the world of porn”
Fuck this gay earth...

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its going to be like fucking blade runner.
full of diversity and porn

but we still can't cure cancer

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Yeah, it will be great until EA and Activision get their hands on this.
>b-but user-kun, we can't do that! you haven't bought the anal DLC for $19.99!

>cure for cancer
what are you? Fucking 12? The cure of every sickness exists. But long term therapy (postponing) is way more profitable.

>cure for cancer
you fucking child.

you've got a point though.

So, virtua jacking with lampshades? Sexy

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>neuro teledildonics

would you even be surprised if a plague came to sent you all to hell fire?

Did you switch personalities and both answered?

Fuck no, touchable holograms has a lot more tentacled monster potential

I have no clue of what you speak of.

The fuck are you babbling about retard?

the porn industry spearheading innovation like usual.

>Ultra-sonic sound waves so high that Human hearing cannot discern them.
Cue the conspiritards talking 'bout some 'the brain can still pick up those sounds. Yer're being controlled. Have fun, coomer. Only Jesus can save you from the Satanic Waifu-bot! They're taking males out of society by making them complacent with perfect sex partners.


Did I miss any? Why can't we just have nice things without boomers, Bible-thumpers & THOTs (OH MY!) trying to ruin it?

Lol fuck you all I'm locking myself in my room and living out my third Reich fantasy where I'm the only fertile man left in the ethnostate and I have to impregnate every phenotype of white women possible

>They're taking males out of society by making them complacent with perfect sex partners
Where's the lie though?

INB4 they're actually right in a way because the sound waves somehow cause internal ear damage or some other side effect that will come out after a 10 year study or the frequency changes to literally destroy someone's ears after their high-powered wave speakers were miscalibrated and it created the wrong frequency.
>Not making a sound-rifle and raping someone from 200 meters away

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The roastie screams in pain and horror. Sure, it will be expensive in the beginning, but that's what happens when every new technology is in its younger stages. Nobody can stop this train.

Shit like this is the reason why west is slowly falling apart

Also, how they gonna make sound waves feel like a pussy?
I'm all for the future and all, but I'm not sold on how the er... stickier end of this technology is gonna work?
I don't want to use a fucking fleshtube attachment.
I want to have my cyberwaifu truly stroke me off with her sonic screwdriver hands of love.

Extremely based and endorsed. Even more based when know for a fact white males will be the ones mass-consuming this.

Only a Canadian would want to touch a fucking fruit.

you piece of shit you had me excited there for a sec

You can't "cure" cancer, that's not how it works.

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Lmao how could thots even compete with this? It's literally over for them. Roasties absolutely BTFO!!

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Ones that are not only fuckable, but can also cook, clean, and reer children

>Our prototype directs and focuses this energy, which can then stimulate your ears for audio, or stimulate your skin to feel content.
>stimulate your skin to feel contact
>feel contact
This is all I want
Also get a copy editor dailystar wtf

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This is honestly the first thing I'll do. Based.

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>Advancements in technology that were once thought science fantasy are seeing the first inklings of reality
Shit like this reminds me that feminists and people screaming about their genitals aren't at the wheel of our destiny.

>text about Finnish men.
>pictures about Estonia.

I see education still hasn't improved in Brazil.

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because there's just no money in it for the people working to make one
chronic illnesses are big business

No because "cancer" comes in a huge variety of forms and is fucking ingrained in your DNA.
The "cure for cancer" is eugenics.

god damn, I'm glad I don't live in thighland
though I do live in America so...

poor anons will just buy these desu, i myself am looking to buy one as soon as i moveout.

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