Guys, we're fucked

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Other urls found in this thread:

What game is this?

Based Madagascar will save us though.

Plauge inc you plebian fuck

Fuck not Greenland! It was all fine until now but goddamn GREENLAND GOT IT FUCK! What the hell is the word gonna do?!

I-is that...
a bi-yearly WHO-sponsored VIRUS HYSTERIA????
Oh my god, it's gonna

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Pandemic II, fucking retarded ZOOMER

What about Madagascar?

does the Wyoming-Montana area just have mounted cowboys around the state borders?

just madqgascar left and we win

you can't seriously be retarded enough to bait about a pandemic can you?

>the world goes on total lockdown over a pandemic bi-yearly

God I hope this blessed virus wipes everyone out.
Thank you Corona-chan, I love you.

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Hi guys! Friendly reminder to wash your hands frequently! Soap and hot water!

Please avoid touching your face!
Cover your sneezes and coughs!
And disinfect commonly touched surfaces, if you can!

Avoid groups of 10 or more, if possible!

And for the latest guidelines, check out! Bookmark it!
Stay safe and help others stay safe!

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>my face when my country hasn't closed its borders yet even though it should

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Dont call me a zoomer while you're shilling shitty flash games you zommer

I just want to say that this is all China and Italy's fault and they need to pay heavily for what they've caused.

i don't want people to die though
human suffering is bad

Trump is doing a really shitty job too

Someone post the template

Even Tromsø has it?

The coronavirus is actually the 5G radio towers killing people


Is this video games?

A woman literally died from corona in my area, shut the fuck up

Why contain it?

who cares

Here ya go

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Plague inc real life edition

It's a plauge inc joke so yes it is

Alcohol poisoning is a thing

Wtf why is California so fucked? How many fucking east Asians did we fly in?

>have sore throat and fever
>forced to go to work anyways

>touched everything and shook hands with 15 different boomers

how am i doing

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You can't play video games if you're dead.

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This is Plague Inc discussion, but irl.

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is this autism?

The people that want the Video Game board to be about Video Games care. Now off back to hoarding your anti bac handwash, you subhuman.

You're doing something that could potentially directly result in the death of other people
That's murder


Good good, keep spreading the word my brother

Let’s see, there’s 7bn+ on the planet and 180k have colds. Hmmm

Start spitting on stuff too
Godspeed, user

someone dump more of these
i know one of you fuckers has a shit ton of them

>implying the WHO hasn't consistently been downplaying the severity of the virus so it can suck off China

This is video games you fuck

Go home bro, stay home my dude

Same. Us all dying would be the best thing for the universe.


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Hopefully more days off of college for me

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No it isn’t, and no amount of you saying “Y...yes it is you f...fuck!” will change that. This is the last (you) you’ll be getting from me, my little Under-21 user. Now off back to hoarding your anti bac handwash, as I said before.

WHO have been trying their fucking best to kiss China's ass over this for as long as they can and not treating it as anything serious.

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>The people that want the Video Game board to be about Video Games care.

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Only thing I’m worried about is buying shit.
Panic buying is fucking me up more than illness outside of possibly killing a grand parent
More like manslaughter

>there are people in this very thread not taking the opportunity to profit from this pandemic
Stay poor and virgin playing your little games I guess

Nah, it's just your typical byproduct of being a lemming and amplifying/repeating the stuff you hear in media. It's the birds in a bush effect.

Came here to post this.
We're fine as long as Madagascar endures.

I visited SF last year and it was basically China. I bet millions fly in and out every day.

Some guy who was talking to my dad that's lost business to China says he hopes the WuFlu "wipes the fuckers out"


>touched everything and shook hands with 15 different boomers
Good work user.

for free

how i feel right now

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The eternal jannygger strikes again

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why is madagascar so important?

the survival of the entire human race will be safe if they've closed their borders

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If both Madagascar and Greenland get infected before closing their shit it means the entire world is most likely already CORONA'd too, so all that's left is to make your virus as deadly as possible to end this gay Earth

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They are the last line of defense


A bit off-topic, but apparently the Nazis nearly moved all the Jews to Madagascar:


I’m guessing this was posted on Yas Forums, because they have the worst mods and jannies on the entire website

If Madagascar goes down its over

Ding ding ding ding ding

>work in a warehouse with at least 60 people there at any given time
>productivity starts to collapse on days we have less than 50 people come in
>every main section of the building has more than 10 people per group
can't wait to see it collapse when they start sending people home for no good reason and send the wrong people

>trying to get parasites into Madagascar
I can see why it didn't work.

but why? is it more like an inside joke?

jesus christ hombre lurk more

Play Plague Inc. my dude


Read the thread