What's the constant shilling of nurses being heroes?
Majority of these foids just stand around and now that they're actually put to work they are being hailed as saints. Most of these people are just instagram thots.
What's the constant shilling of nurses being heroes?
Majority of these foids just stand around and now that they're actually put to work they are being hailed as saints. Most of these people are just instagram thots.
Women need validation.
Doctors are actually doing shit. Neets have been in self isolation since elementary school. No one is thanking them
You wouldn't last a day in their shoes faggot.
this. Most these nurses are just sorority thots who got in to nursing because it pays well. they're in for a rude awakening
Nurses work hard as shit
Kek based
Coombrains on lockdown
>Epidemiologist: this is gonna be bad.
>Virologists: This is gonna be very bad.
>Pulmonologist: We are screwed if we don't get control of this
>ER Doctor: We are so fucked if this peaks early.
>Community clinic nurse: This virus is a big nothing burger! I read in a magazine once that flu kills more people!
Nurses just take readings and wipe asses not much to it we could probably train retards to do it.
>A team of Australian researchers say they’ve found a cure for the novel coronavirus and hope to have patients enrolled in a nationwide trial by the end of the month.
>University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research director Professor David Paterson told news.com.au today they have seen two drugs used to treat other conditions wipe out the virus in test tubes.
>He said one of the medications, given to some of the first people to test positive for COVID-19 in Australia, had already resulted in “disappearance of the virus” and complete recovery from the infection.
>One of the two medications is a HIV drug, which has been superseded by “newer generation” HIV drugs, and the other is an anti-malaria drug called chloroquine which is rarely used and “kept on the shelf now” due to resistance to malaria.
>“Our doctors were very, very surprised that a HIV drug could actually work against the novel coronavirus and there was a bit of scepticism,” he said.
>“That first wave of Chinese patients we had (in Australia), they all did very, very well when they were treated with the HIV drug.
>“That’s reassuring … that we’re onto something really good here.”
how do you know those girls aren't doctors?
>Majority of these foids just stand around and now that they're actually put to work they are being hailed as saints. Most of these people are just instagram thots.
This is a purely Anglo phenomenon.
If you ever worked you should know. Just the standing, even if doing nothing can be fucking tiresome.
A very large proportion of them are risking their lives (and the lives of their families) trying to save lives. It IS part of their job, yes. But they are much more vulnerable than many others. Not all of them (and the same goes for doctors) are as diligent reg. hygiene, sanitation, etc. as they should be, regrettably, and depending on place, a few of them may very well have evil intentions and do evil actions. But still. Being a nurse is extremely demanding, risky and bitter at the moment, and they deserve great praise and support.
Ever noticed how any occupation, any club or group, any area that is run by or mostly occupied by females is always an absolute hell hole with tons of drama and shit working conditions for no fucking reason?
Oh, gee whiz, just look at the demographic of nurses...
>single mothers
>hospital bills are insane
Wow, what a fucking coincidence.
It's almost as though females are leeches and can't do anything efficiently or well...
You would be surprised how many nurses do meth
>No sick time
>Mandatory overtime
>Immune systems shot to hell from overexposure, stress, and fatigue
Nursing is the profession of choice for stacies and beckies who party relentlessly from 18-25 while neglecting education, realize that they are closer to 30 than 20, and they need a grown up job for the future.
>how do you know those girls aren't doctors?
Doctors in general are too busy doing government/insurance comp/malpractice lawyer mandated documentation to pose for a photo shoot.
Now that's shitposting. Strayas take notice.
Sleeping on the floor isn't really hygienic so hopefully this is just an attention grab.
>sleeping on the job
you think nurses are worthless, try an APRN. holy fuck are these people imbeciles
My girlfriends a nurse and all she does is bitch, complain about everything, and expect massages when she gets home. I've served the long nose tribe and saw 18 year old girls rucksack 10 miles and not complain as much.
Also this
>It pays well
Are you retarded?
Average for RN is $68k you moron.
Fuck you. Both my wife and mother are doctors, many of the people are know are nurses. They are working their asses off right now at great personal risk because they have compassion in their blood. I got all kinds of shit for not wanting to let them go to work. So yeah, as far as I'm concerned they are heroes.
Fuck off leaf, at least they're doing something other than moaning about some shit that doesn't affect them on the internet.
Tradr workers do the same hours but twenty times the physical work. Only difference is construction workers aren't attention whores. Fucking nurses arent shit without power and water.
Nurses here make bank.
Nurses are pretty much all wackos. My cousin is graduating as a nurse this year, she's pretty insane
Rn are unironically the hardest working people in the hospital. Depends on which unit, psych nurses and rehab units don't do much
Is an aprn an agency nurse?
Wake up bitch!
Figures a canadian wouldn't understand how stressful healthcare work is, lmfao.
Wonder what people would think if they knew what nurses actually have to say about patients lol. Nurses are huge scumbags
They deal with the degenerates and scum of the earth MINUS the enforcement power of cops....in fact they have to pretend they care otherwise they lose their job. AND most are forced into a union. So you have a bunch of old nurses who need to retire dictating how to run things. Young competent nurses are heroes. Old nurses riding on the unions coattails instead of caring for the patients hold the entire system back.
dont redpill women on nursing, someone needs to clean up shit and piss and it's better if the women do it
>You wouldn't last a day in their shoes faggot.
He might have small feet.
In the UK they tend to work long hours and have low wages.
They are surrounded by sick or dying people, and often have to deal with the emotional families of such people.
Nurses are great.
Do you want feminine women? When nursing is just about as suitable a profession for women as you can get. No offence intended to male nurses.
If they're flips or POC yea but would you expect otherwise? Also the old, unionized, unfireable white nurses don't give a fuck about actual nursing either.
Oh I know. And to be honest can you blame them? When you have to tell some bitch she needs to lose weight cause her chunk is killing her and get accused of being a bigot. Yeah, you'd say shit too. And that's one of the best scenario situations.
It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest given hat I myself say about my shitty clients, and I don't even have to wipe their ass, or stick a tube where the sun don't shine.
wearing scrubs doesnt automatically mean you are doing medicine. hospitals have fucking receptionists in scrubs now.
That beta male is trying to get some nurse pussy
real Docs are way too busy to be posting dumb shit like this. most are legit autists too
t. work in medical office field
because its mainly women, and theres a inferiority with nurses because most of the time their doctor is a man, so they are shilled as being extremely important. Garbage collection is more important, but nobody cares because its men.
I use to work at a hospital and would sneak off and bang this big ass latina in the storage closet after slipping down her scrubs
Why haven’t you done it, retard?
My sister works 12-16 hours shifts in Washington State. It’s a rough job when everything is going well. It’s a fucking nightmare when there is a pandemic
What is it with Americans and their hero complex? Every profession is some kind of hero that will 100% have a mental breakdown unless you give them validation
Theyre all gonna die
You too
Before ebola, I thought people were crazy for working in healthcare
Now I know that theyre retarded too.
storage closet was your office pedro?
Nurses pat each other on the back like no other profession. Their job is important and difficult but if you listen to them talk you would think they do literally everything and the doctors just wear a labcoat collect a paycheck.
kek - you are an idiot
My sister is a nurse and they are literally vital to a hospital system. You need someone with a moderate degree of medical training to take care of many tasks. Doctors can’t do everything
IDK. Everyone wants to be some sort of fuckin hero here.
I worked in the kitchen through college
latinas love white boys regardless of what they say on twitter
This. There are many perks to being a doctor or nurse. Working during a fucking pandemic is NOT one of them
I am a 21 year old banging a 26 year old nurse.
I love nurses
try teachers
>Most of these people are just instagram thots.
How accurate.
Plentiful Nurses Delay Death in a Paitent long enough for the Limited amount of Doctors to sucessfully treat them, go and research the Spanish Flu they pretty much are the Limintanae of Medicine if you get the reference...
I work as a tech, and 90% of the time the Nurses(RN’s) are on Facebook/phone lmfao. Yet they get paid insane amount of money. Lazy fucks
When you go to the doctor in the US, you have to go through five different nurses who take your paperwork, pressure, temperature, etc.
Then the actual doctor sees you for like two minutes.
After that you get a huge bill because you have to pay all of their salaries.
No patients are huge scumbags.
>standing around
>spending 30 seconds talking to people to make sure they're not pissed off
>ask co-workers about x case
>yeah, good, okay
This is literally every healthcare job in a hospital now. Kill me.
nurses do more than doctors.. show them some respect
Anyone else noticing that even in Italy, there's no leaked footage of doctors, nurses and managers have full on breakdowns at the situation?
Are there even images on non-Chinese hospitals extremely overcrowded with patients having to be treated on hallways floors?
Stfu little Bitch, Hope you get an Corona and Nobody Cares for you!
there seems to be a new cure every day and yet nothing happens. I hope this one is real
True, I'm a technician for a med company, and I wear scrubs when I need to service equipment in theatre. Scrubs aren't a status symbol.
most nurses iv been around have been cunts once you actually observe how they treat patients over a period of time. my cousin who is an RN chose to work in another field (using her degree as leverage) just so she didnt have to be around them.
I never claimed to be a doctor. I'm a logistics autist.
Nurses are pieces of shit. They are overpaid and under worked.