
she’s beautiful

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No you are

tribute thread when?

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no she's literally not

but he's a brazilian pedo

Pedofag, KYS.

Imagine watching her get mating pressed and inseminated by a Somalian refugee

ehmm gguyss

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Death to pedo fucks.

You bastards need to be lucky every time.

We only need to be lucky once.
You will be found and you will be a part of the example.

Soon, you can have her, OP

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She’s cute.

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rather not take climate advice from some chrome deficient zog kween

You have no taste

She's legal in Germany tho

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She's a cutie

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I want to submit to her and lick her feet

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An angel for climate.
Makes my BBC hard. Such a goddess.

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Imagine the smell

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Ya gotta admit, she's kinda cute...

This is the first time I've heard of Uncle Ted.

>censored version
c'mon son

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Based positivity poster.

She is. When she speaks English and is overacting phrases like "how dare you", it sounds obnoxious. But today I have heard her in her native language. She sounds really nice and sweet then. If she'd sit on my lap and would ask in Swedish if she could please ride my cock, it would make me so hard I could cut diamonds.

this warmed my hearth

She doesn't wash to conserve water. I'd lick them clean because it's sustainable

She looks good in some pictures but terrible in others
It sucks being ugly and good looking on different days

"If I see you using a plastic straw I'm shoving it down your urethra user"

She has such a sweeeeeeeeeet smile

Someone posted this in another thread. I am absolutely in love with girls sitting on the toilet, but this shop is not accurate to Greta's body type so I can't jerk off to it. Can someone find a source image with someone of Greta's small, malnourished, vegan body sitting on the toilet in this position for me to shop later? That or do the shop for me and recieve bonus points. Thank you.

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Hnnnng post more rare Greta's... I'm gonna coom.. of fuck.

Yas Forums be like
>hurr durr why are all wahmen roasties where are all the trad waifus
also Yas Forums
>mmmmm she so cute i bet her panties smell like strawberry with vanilla i cant wait for her porn oh look a femanon post tits post feet

Whitley Strieber wrote about her.

Are you a roastie? Post your breasts!

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Tradcon Nazi LARPers who make threads about Jewish pedos promoting degeneracy while they jack off to lolicon and trap porn will forever be a Yas Forums staple.

Sam is ready

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She is kind of cute. But also ugly.

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Disgusting fuck.

Nigger cant see the difference between bonding with a girl and marrying rather than ficking her to drop her like a jew.

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no tits for you wankers
too bad i can't find a place without those subhumans

She is very white

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I heard she only has one leg.

Having only one wife instead of a harem is pretty cucked tbqh

Hair is to dark.

then GTFO scum, back to the kitchen with you

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you should see her sister

So you are a roastie. Kill yourself. If I ever find you in real life I'm going to rape you and then slash open your throat and rape you again while you die.

Based & Redpilled

>too bad i can't find a place without those subhumans
maybe your attention whoring subhuman peabrain will one day posess the mental capacity to compute the deeper meaning otf the prompt "tits or gtfo"
maayyybe not
its rule 31 you are disobeying
you have to lurk for two years minimum to post here

Attached: 31.jpg (1920x356, 116.93K)

>Frumpy-looking girls grow up to be attractive
>Pretty girls usually grow up to be meh-tier
Why nature do that?

Nah I stay good in living room
try to if you want to end up without neck

I wasn't asking. Kys.

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Imagine thinking a 17 year old is a child.

Literally autism shoes

She looks like Kelsey Grammer

>roastie tripfag
>demanding that site staples such as cunny love to begone
you're the one that doesn't belong, GTFO subhuman whore

yeah I mean george soros knows how to pick em I'll tell you that much


She is much better without makeup. This causes burthurt in the ugly and artificial roasties.

That's not attention whoring just your simp genes getting activated when you see or hear something feminine.
no u
i belong here since i'm white not like you

dirty fuking nonce
remember boys, he has a name and a address
in minecraft of course


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>watching porn & asking for tits = sleeping with 20+ men by the age of 20
yeah totally equivalent degeneracy

>mfw this virus is helping fight climate change

Greta is winning, bros...

exactly totally equivalent of degeneracy since both have no actual purpose for sex like showing your love to your soulmate through this and reproducing

Go away roastie
This is a greta appreciation thread

If you are not a virgin people here would rather fuck a nigger than you, roastie.

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