Ressession food

I've recently had to cut back on my store purchases because of the recession. What is Yas Forums eating in this trying time?

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The only thing left on the shelves

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Ramen noodles, you can dress it up with a lot of cheap stuff.
I like to cook it with fresh veggies, or frozen veggies if money's tight. I'll usually only use a small portion of the seasoning packet, and use garlic powder + ginger + seaweed for the rest.
Scrambled eggs on top is best. If I can afford it, I will also add shredded chicken. Usually I have some frozen chicken stocked in the freezer.

What a sad country, don't Americans have tomato sauce?
Not the first time I've seen motherfuckers dump ketchup on their food instead of sauce.
Actually sad existence.

Eggs are cheap as fuck, you can eat them with every veggie and it tastes good, just get some beans and you're set

>What a sad country, don't Americans have tomato sauce?
what the fuck do you think ketchup is if not tomato sauce?

The sad part is there are plenty of tomatoes...this is a sad case of Mutts Law as much as much as I hate to admit

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Old boomer here. I'll be grilling up yet another tasty steak from Snake River Farms. Buttery texture, complex flavors, subtle sweetness, and a lingering finish. I can't wait. Afterwards, a Scotch and cigar. Quite honestly, nothing has changed.

Same as always. I don't understand what has changed to make me eat differently

Looks pretty tasty. You could have sliced some banana or pineapple there to make it tastier and more nutritious.

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and disgusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook food that was previously in cans. You're a joke dude, and I'm dead fuking serious. gert a real family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a million dollar house on the beach, I'm seriously... dont ever post your poverty dinner on these forums ever again bro.

Nice obscure copypasta

Make your own sauerkraut from cabbage and salt. It's cheap, probiotic, and lasts a long time.


Kek. Usually no one gets that one.

Same shit I always eat. High value meat like liver and fatty fish, and shitloads of various greens and veggies, with cabbage and potatoes for filling out calories. Also oats and barley for breakfast cause it's good.
All of which I can easily obtain or readily produce on my own for minimal currency.

Rice, beans and sardines.

>Recession food
You wish this was only a recession

You eat that shit every day you'll get weak and sick real soon

Rice, Beans, and Deenz*

A steady diet of Luxury Soups

my life is a recession

But, I've been eating that for years. Plus oats for breakfast. Am I a poor?

Oatmeal, canned cream, & brn sugar
>>Keeps you full a long time/tastes good


Egg, rice, onions sauce

I'm a prepper, a fat guy, a seafood enthusiast, and a hobbyist cook. My kitchen has the stores and tools to replace most capabilities of restaurant kitchens, at minimal cost (and albeit at far reduced capacity). I honestly expect to feed others if it comes to that.

I'm on bag 2 of both quinoa and the walnuts

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lol youre dead pal

I'm down to a jar of pickles, one loaf of bread (frozen) and 5 extra large cans of Chef Boyardee TM. Will I make it?

Hardtack with fatback and home churned butter and home pressed cider from my apple orchard.

>cut back on purchases because of recession

Prices haven't gone up though

I hate 6 hot wings and a wrap with some beer


unironically this. They may be garbage equivalent of food but they can go with almost anything. Eggs and stirfry veggies with onions makes for a pretty tasty and cheap meal especially if you go for frozen veggies.

I need a recipe for ends meat

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misc right?

>it's like people have never experienced a little hardship
"senate" soup is dirt cheap and tasty as hell.
grampa used to keep a crock going pretty 24/7the time.

then there's basic bitch cabbage soup w whatever meat you can toss in is a fine staple
french version is smoked pork belly - bacon ends same thing.

peasant cooking is legit.
you eat that pretty much all week and splurge on sunday/saturday with roasts, steaks, lasagna, fancy dishes or whatever

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I had a deep breath for dinner

I just spent $70 on Japanese cuisine


Quinoa has every essentially amino acid. Walnuts are high in fat. I'm not gunna need protein sitting on my ass

The big tub is minced onions

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i wonder where the fuck thats sold. ive nver seen twinky cereal at my grocery store

Bean and sausage soup. Add a can of tomatoes, one onion, garlic, seasoning.
Lasts for days. When the sausage runs out I've got a pantry full of spam.

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Also I look like this. I can run a marathon and do 27 pull ups. 6ft tall

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found the zoomer

get a pressure cooker. buy huge cuts of shitty meat most people wont look twice at. Make an amazing meal with it for a few dollars a meal.

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>spaghetti & ketchup

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You know what works with that and hear me out.


Peas and carrots

Slim Jim's or canned ham

Then a little honey mustard

Some squeeze cheese and like a quarter of the actual seasoning packet

Flaming hot Lays.

I've also got some 250-300 sheets of nori. Each sheet contains 140% a daily recommended B12 dose and a 50% daily recommended dose of iodine. Tastes like sushi rolls

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Damn you boomers!

>27 pull ups.
Why do so many burgers bullshit so much about absolutely insignificant things, you would have to weigh like ten pounds for it to be manageable before failure, I don't even think chris heria can do that many.

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Pickled herring on ryebread with horseradish and capers

Pickled herring on ryebread with eggs and horseradish

Fried herring in vinegar with potatoes, parsley sauce, 12 pack of Carlsberg and a pack of Prince cigarettes

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Deenz on rice with tomatoes and mushrooms and some mixed vegetables.

A big spoon or horse radish to top it off