Female Unshodism also known as the Deshodding Movement are 21st Century reactions to not only consumerism but consumerism's haphazard intersection with slavery, sex trafficking, exploitation and destruction.
Unshodism critically examines women's shoes as symbolic for both those terrible practices as well as the social conditioning programmed into modern women to support any lucrative fashions no matter how illegal, unethical or harmful.
How can you support Deshodding and Unshodism?
>Celebrate barefoot women in art, media
>Establish and defend the preference for unshod women (remember, it's the pre-capitalist norm)
>Introduce positive aspects of barefoot women in everyday conversation
>Invent new idioms and stories defining the advantages and wisdom of unshod women
>Compliment and support unshod women
>Public shaming of shoe whores, flat-flappers, heel-danglers, flip-flop fidgeters
>Public shaming of the men parading slave-made shoes on their women's oppressed feet
>Protest women shoe stores that sell any shoes beyond those intended for wear inside a domesticated home (e.g. slippers).
>Remind women and men of the evils of shoe supply chains, shoe designers and shoe brands
>Ignore shoe shills and their tiddy and assmen-junkies
The best way to return to traditionalism in society is for the unshodding of women
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate women
What this is:
>This is a movement in order to simply remove all footwear from women, as it would prevent them from going in the workplace, and to encourage them to stay at home and retain the family unit, which is smallest possible unit of national identity. Women's shoe apparel manufacturers artificially created a degenerate culture, founded by (((them))), and ran almost exclusively by homosexual men (who have no interest in women), around the time of the Women's Suffrage Movement, in order to empower women, cripple their feet in unnatural ways, and as a status symbol for degenerate promiscuity. Barefoot women were often looked up to with attraction, and were preferred in the arts and media prior to the 20th century, as it pertains to their natural beauty, submissiveness, and humility, as can be seen today when women would often subconsciously make men want to notice their feet, such as paint their nails, make suggestive movements, and to keep dry or cracking skin from forming.
What this is NOT:
>This is in no way to be confused or mistaken with paraphanilia regarding women's feet. This is also in not intended to be a short-lived fashion trend, and is not only to be restricted to just young, attractive women. Anything regarding that as such would be considered degenerate, and counteractive to this movement. This is also in no way to be marketed in a way to be monetized in any possible way.
>Women would be kept out of the workplace and workforces, as they were prior to the 20th century, and would have men provide the finances for the sustainability of the family as a whole.
>Women's feet would be healthier and naturally shaped.
>Anti-American (and Anti-Western) women's shoe manufacturers would all go bankrupt, as well as women saving up their money for more meaningful possessions.
>In order to protect women's feet in urban areas, cities would start aggressive ordinances to clean up the sidewalks and streets, thus reducing pollution and disease.
>tfw no barefoot tradwife
Isn’t this kind of a cart before horse type thing? I approve but like they can’t stop wearing shoes until AFTER they leave the work place and join healthy homes
Would that be to their their excess on vanity rather than practicality?
You cannot spell vanity without "vain".
This proposed movement would destroy that Leftist degeneracy, and put traditionalism back in working order.
It's not the most retarded thing I've ever heard but it's close
Curious as to what you would do about the likelihood that women would develop a lot more callus issues and less "feminine" feet due to this.
I can see this not being an issue in places with green, but in urban black top hells the sidewalks would be harmful much of the year simply for heat reasons.
>implying redditcucks can get a tradwife
>Curious as to what you would do about the likelihood that women would develop a lot more callus issues and less "feminine" feet due to this.
As I stated above, women want their feet to be noticed, and attractive to the male eye. They would still get pedicures and would clean their feet often to prevent the building up of calluses. This would still be the best thing for all of society in general.
I think the idea is that women shouldn’t be out and about in urban places at all. Only reason they would be is to work or be sluts
That made me fully erect
>Return to tradition
>By women taking off their shoes
This is the most vapid and superficial understanding of tradition that I've ever come across, unironically. I don't even have to look at your flag to know you're a burger. Literally only an American would make this post.
Nice feet
Oh look it’s an actual faggot
more pics please
Ok seriously now Yas Forums has unironically made me get a foot fetish and I fucking hate it
it's the most common male fetish user
don't hate
By removing their only means of the feeling of empowerment by removing their barriers to the vulnerabilities of the world is a vapid and superficial understanding?
we live in a hellscape. i aklmost knocked my wine over in typing this,.
Checked, imagine the smell
But why tho, I used to not find feet arousing at all but now I suddenly do for some reason
Trad women often worked on their homesteads and that required them to wear boots.
Women can wear shoes, and while the image of the unshod traditional woman is attractive for a variety of reasons this idea is more like a chainsaw when a scalpel is needed.
oh fuck off smell fags
Why the fuck is this bitch telling me about her normal day to day work?
I expect laundry done, bed made, etc. I don't want to be fucking told it's done every single time, that it was done is a matter of course.
she's voting for what i tell her to until we can overturn suffrage.
I hadn't watched the whole thing, that bitch goes off to vote?
>women having votes
>trad wife
Pick one, and only one.
the brain areas associated with genitalia and feet are adjacent to each other in the brain's body image map
was maintaining composure until :20
Yes. Completely vain, superficial and materialist in its presuppositions. The problem isn't the footwear, dummy. It's the spiritual and moral fabric of society.
Sauce pls?
Fuck off, leaf. What would you lot know about anything? All you know how to do is sift through Uncle Sam's shit for your next "Canadian content" quota filler.
am i supposed to walk in mud and snow barefoot you absolute buffoon
Post feet pls and a woman shouldn’t do that anyways since her place is in the kitchen
imagine taking a baby when it is born, and before it even grabs stuff, parents put gloves on it's hands. imagine the parents putting gloves on every day. that what shoes are like. it is a barrier to feel and experience. it hinders a natural stimulation and interaction of the world that we are meant to experience.
VS Ramachandran "Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind"
pretty wild. A foot fetish isn't aberrant.
You're right. Go obtain your revolutionary utopia by removing footwear. How could I ever be so foolish as to think the problem starts with the spiritual state of mankind, not their material possessions.
Such a ludicrous slave to sociopathy OP is. Completely whipped and spineless, broken of the will to represent empathy.
i feel you brother, i'm honestly starting to lose my composure as well, it's all falling apart
also causes a shit ton of health conditions during life. We use them for comfort and utility only to gain discomfort. Often we dont wear proper fitting shoes as well.
Not how to do it. Make evolutionary, aka traditional, lifestyles fashionable.
Post more barefoot tradwifes
How based is this?
Ah you're back user.
As a newly feetpilled user, I support this bread's message. It is natural, healthy, and comfy.
Even children have a preference of going barefoot. It is something imposed on society. For a man to wear shoes, it would be different, because men are supposed to go into rough places where injury is common. Women on the other-hand, are delicate creatures that must be protected at all costs, including the health and shape of her feet. The home is the safest place for anybody to be.
Unfortunately, due to women's empowerment, and the artificial status caused by high-heels, women are leaving the home, and handing their children directly to the State for globalist indoctrination.
I wish the jannies would do something about these shit threads.
Dear janny: it's not a political thread. He just words it as such to avoid getting hammered. It's just a fucking retarded footfaggotry thread. There are plenty of porn boards for him to make his feet bullshit. Please get this shit off pol. ty
>brown void eyes
>shitposting capital of the world begs jannys for cleanup
you're a disgrace, strayafag
Stop posting tradthots and attention whores.
>goblina and botoxed stacy
>both spackled with makeup and clad in polyester chinese rags
Whose going to eat all of these cats now?
Very. I would love to have a girl like her as a wife.
Canadians will simply NEVER get it. EVER.
>tfw Yas Forumstard manages to push his fetish as a political agenda
Never change, Yas Forums
Canadians get OUT.
Gotta completely exterminate women from social media and literally be casted out from politics. Everyone here knows the massive, unimaginable damage this has cause to the fabric of society.
You see, these ppl I don't consider women they are whores. All the feminists, e-girls, SJW, all of these women are whores.
Women have become autonomous, the jews simply put this idea of feminism and empowerment inside their heads and BAAM that was it. The kikes don't have to do anything anymore, women are constantly propagating ideas of "all men are rapist, racist, close-minded homophobics" and all this shit. Also, because of these whores, our civilizations stopped advancing they way they did because you have to include women on anything now, so they have slowed down mankind lineal progress that got to this point only because of men, but hey, at least the evil of "patriarchy" has ended, right?
>You're not a materialist, neo-liberal like us
>But why tho, I used to not find feet arousing at all but now I suddenly do for some reason
Youre feetpilled now bro, youre awake.
They all elected this guy.
The Day of the Rake is coming
>he wants a make-up spackled 'christian' ethot for a wife
women are to be silent in the churches. They are not permitted to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.
-1 Corinthians 14:34
St. Anthony, father of monks, the first NEET
A true inspiration for all of us
>"I folded your laundry"
>it's some faggot ass graphic weeb shit
Well I guess the kikes know their target audience lmao