extremely huge major political earth changing events that happened recently

>travel bans to major countries where elite would flee to
>national emergency declared which leads to martial law and arrest of deep state actors
>hillary files appeal to TRY to stop court order that she must testify about emails
>congress on break from the 14th to the 22nd
>schools and many major businesses already temporarily shut down for the next month
>entertainment shut down for the foreseeable future leaving plenty of time for people to get caught up on current events
>national guard being activated across the country with major cities already being locked down
>30k US troops deployed to Europe for an "exercise" starting the 15th
>trump making moves against the IRS and FED, while installing those who wish to return to the gold standard
>harvested adrenochrome is manufactured in Wuhan, supply now shut down, possibility it was infected with COVID-19
>adrenochrome, the shape of the molecular compound found to resemble a white rabbit (follow the owl & Y head(rabbit))
>massive number of stars/idols speak and move about after getting sick (coincidence)
>bill gates resigns along with thousands of other CEOs over the last months

these are major happenings
looking stormy outside

Trump also just said
>The coming weeks we will all have to make changes and sacrifices...but the short term sacrifices will produce long-term gain...

continued from the previous thread which hit bump limit:

Attached: 1568782556123.png (608x732, 80.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=Adrenochrome AND wuhan

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wuhan adreno? pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=Adrenochrome AND wuhan

bill gates stepping down? foxbusiness.com/business-leaders/bill-gates-steps-down-from-microsoft-board

hillary trying to appeal? thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/breaking-hillary-clinton-files-appeal-to-stop-her-court-ordered-email-testimony/

trump shit on the fed earlier yesterday? youtu.be/8Ds56JTcBv8?t=802
with fed dropping rates even more he's going to bankrupt them and spend all their money before moving over to the new currency free from usury to the central banking system

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Attached: covid-adrenochrome.png (2267x2304, 3.47M)

Dow -3,000

Attached: 1580070344802.jpg (474x444, 37.16K)

>Bill Gates
>Bob Iger
>Other (((CEOs)))
>Kobe Bryant
>Tom Hanks
>Bread and circus sports
>Educational institutions
>Air travel to flight risk locations
>30K troops/gear to Europe
>Federal Reserve
>Student loans and payroll tax
>National Emergency
>Event 201 Pandemic
>Worldwide Sweeps
>Operation Corona 2020

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Attached: 614oxmqrsDL.png (480x800, 73.64K)

Q autism

here's more information on the federal reserve stuff

return to a gold or crypto backed currency? maybe silver certificates as well like FJK tried?


>Why do you think Trump is revamping the trade deals, using tariffs, cutting taxes to bring back jobs and manufacturing into the country, stimulating the economy, and nominating gold advocates to the federal reserve board? He's attempting to mitigate the inevitable crash and failure of the fiat system. He is preparing to flip from oil to metals, and restructure the federal reserve and fold it into the gov't where it belongs according the Constitution. It will probably happen in his second term.

>Did you see who's portrait Trump chose to have hanging right behind him in the oval office? Andrew Jackson, the man who repealed the Fed's predecessor, the Second Bank of the United States.

he's going to seize the assets of the deep state to pay for it all cause the link above gives him the power to

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Please, explain to me, what shoud I do? I mean, If the things about Q is true, should I panic? i don't know what to do. Im feeling anxious please, also, can someone explain more to me?

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fuck jannies

q means bending down and doing degeneracy with a israeli shlong while saying "trust the plan goy"

>those who saw what was on weiner's laptop threw up
>they have it all, the clinton emails, the foundation emails, the huma emails

>flynn to be pardoned

>It’s time to declassify the last two FISA warrants!

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another celebrity

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Q predicted all of this

So the next few weeks will finally confirm if Q is a LARP or not right?

check these out if you want to know what Q is really about
it's a small group of people close to the president, likely in the NSA


here's some videos to understand what it's really about
remember, if this shit wasn't real then why are shills and the media this desperate?

not the case
they've been called out multiple times by Q as well

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Trump in his presser said measures to combat covid may last til July/August, wtf


>Lockheed Martin CEO just stepped down.

>Universal Music CEO has corona

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Q is a psyop
But on which side, to be decided

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I've been watching, he said that was the tail end of the worst case scenario
everyone else is saying reevaluation every 15 days

unrelated to your post but good info:
>SEVEN Vatican Priests Have Already Dropped DEAD from coronachan



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ok...if nothing happens related to this, OP should be shot on site for spam.

Ill admit the cohencidences have reached an extreme level. Trump is even making tweets that vaguely reference Q.

But also Qtards are referencing Q posts from 2018 and acting like they are brand new. Also they are some grade AAA autists who are capable of connecting the dots, but what it these dots dont actually exist?

Either this is real and we are in for the happening of the millennium, or else if it is fake then Trump is knowingly going along with this shit and leading on a huge chunk of his most loyal supporters who will become very disillusioned without some resolution.

so either way this is going to a huge impact on voter turnout in november, im sure a lot of Qtards wont even bother showing up to the polls if this all turns out to be fake and they will lose their faith in trump.

Hopefully its all real and come november we are living in the start of the new golden age with release technology that will be extremely beneficial to humanity, and we will be free from bondange of the jewish banker debt based fiat currency system.

surely will
going to save this thread to make sure



deep state money systems are collapsing

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bunkers are stupid, you run out of air, you can get cornered easily and if someone turns on a hose over you, you drown

send sauce lad

it's what the elite used as a drug
the way they got it was through torturing children before ritually killing them
this was done to produce blackmail on people who wished to seek power

once trump got into office the supply lines for these began to be cut off
they had to find a source of it or face withdrawals
when you're rich and powerful you don't just ween off you find a new source

the new source happened to come from wuhan
which happened to be the lab funded by soros and bill gates
which also happened to be where corona virus broke out

here's proof and more if you have the attention span

it's a ritual
it's to get blackmail
it's to find those who are willing to do unsung acts in order to gain power
this allows them to operate behind the scenes without ever putting themselves in the public eye

think CEOs getting arrested for what the investors made him do while the investors keep making money

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Trump said today is a ZERO DAY
Q related post just FYI

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does anyone have this image?
they shut down the server
it was about Israel children farm

>pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=Adrenochrome AND wuhan
What do they say the chemical or medicine is used for? That site is greek to me.

top running theories are
they could be thinking that they're following deep state orders to crash the economies and send people into a spiral that will cause massive unrest as well as hinder chances of re-eelction
they had their gambit turned against them

It was released by the deep state but its being used against them just like every other attack
The Mueller hoax turned against them
The impeachment hoax turned against them
The virus is being used against them
Now the stock market crash will be used against them

How do you think he maneuvers through all of this unscathed
4d chess or something more

it was their plan but it has been turned against them
they wanted it to end the world, instead now it's just a flu

there's most likely two strains, one in the adrenochrome from the wuhan lab and another that they were planning on using to depopulate the earth and cause massive unrest

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probably nothing, but that number really stands out to me, especially when it's catholic priests. Seems very fitting

Don’t know but bump

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Why did Q-shit become a schizo/numerology cult? These threads are a mess.


That's a big 'yikes' from me, buddy.

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The question is how much more dangerous is it than other virus epidemics we've seen over the years? How many of the reported cases and deaths are false positives from faulty test kits?
And it's already been reported that there's 2 strains and that it's mutating rapidly. Some here think there's a mild public strain that infects the general public, intentionally released by deepstate to put everyone into panic, and maybe the second strain was released to counter that and target adrenochrome users only?
There's certainly something going around, but how much of the pandemic is really a result of the virus, and how much of this crisis is a cover for other operations?
The hospitals being overwhelmed makes sense if every person who gets sick and shows some of the very generic symptoms (fever, cough, potential breathing issues) are all rushing to the hospital at the same time seeking treatment due to the panic.
The scariest things about this virus right now are the lack of information about it and the governments' reaction to it. When people see the whole world shutting down and are told to be scared of it, a lot of people that wouldn't otherwise seek medical attention for flu-like symptoms are now panicking and going to get tested.

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Threadly reminder that adrenochrome can be easily made in a lab by oxidizing epinephrine with silver oxide.

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>Trump and Pence doing a decent job answering questions and putting people at ease
>that one gay journalist screaming at people and using the opportunity to attack trump
>media quickly use whatever negative things he said to reinstate panic

Enemy of the people.

unironically kill yourselves

Congress is not on break right now. It is in session:


>Senate meeting over coronavrius bill despite warning against large gatherings

>The Senate will convene Monday to hear an urgent Coronavirus stimulus package — defying warnings against large gatherings and presenting an immense risk to the health of elderly lawmakers.

>Congress is scrambling to pass the bill, which includes urgent relief for those affected, including paid sick leave and free testing for all Americans, as the country goes into lock-down over the COVID-19 pandemic.

Will be fun when normies understand that corona is sort of like an agressive flu, but not a big deal. The reason why they say it's like ebola is because they don't want people to be in big crowds. They don't want people to be shot at like they did in Las Vegas and all the other hundreds of places while they take down the elites. This timeline is by far the best timeline. History is in the making. All we can do is to grab popcorn and not be in their way.

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>Why did Q-shit become a schizo/numerology cult?
never, some people just like numerology and there's plenty of dots to connect with numbers

some choose dates
other just use the information in the post

all kinds of ways to connect

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>He isn't in

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I want to believe the future is bright

>leading on a huge chunk of his most loyal supporters

There's maybe 15k avid Qanon supporters around the world, a portion of which who don't even live in the US.

Trump has no justifiable reason to continuously appease such a small group of people via five years worth of coincidences in his tweets and having his kids wear Qanon pins on national television unless this shit was actually real.

we'll all be indoors safe and sound for the show

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Will not just to drive you crazy
Pic not related

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hello wayne?


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The View bitch leaves, too. Add this Jew to the list
Joy Behar taking time off from 'The View' due to coronavirus ...thehill.com blogs in-the-know in-the-know 487356-joy-behar...
4 days ago - Behar, 77, reportedly announced that she would be taking time off from the show at a Thursday taping of an episode that will run Friday. Like several other live shows, "The View" has chosen to not allow studio audiences until the spread of the virus subsides. “I’m in a higher ...

>There's maybe 15k avid Qanon supporters around the world, a portion of which who don't even live in the US.
dude qanon videos get 100000 of views

guess who's sick guys
new meaning to
>these people are sick

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You're going to love this trust me.

This is a happening and this is a happening ascended past a happening or you could just call it a Super Happening 2

Who dis MILF?

>a rock will stand on seven hills

it's on the horizon

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Donald Trump doesn't even have a long enough attention span for prayer, let alone going to church.

If nothing happens will you people stop coming here and go back to plebbit ?

>pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=Adrenochrome AND wuhan
That site specifically doesn't talk about any applications of the chemical. It just shows the chemical structure and composition, as well as other things like where it can be supplied from.

The things to note about it are that the chemical structure looks like a rabbit (white rabbit referenced in Q post and other things like podesta emails) and that the source of it is the lab in Wuhan near the outbreak


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>Goth milf
Pity she fucks kids though, I'm probably too old.

president trump is that you?
t-thank you galactic emperor

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Still at it? 3 dollars made.

Necklace soo bootiful


You're forgetting the key to all of this


kek I seriously can't stop reading that in his voice

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fuuuuuucccck this will be bad

Donald Trump was born to accomplish God's purpose in this time. He will finish what God has tasked him with.

not the hecking bullerino

She looked better with shorter hair.

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schizos think the deep state is in shambles because their source of baby-torture adrenochrome has been cut off by Trump and his team of obese military patriots, and that coronavirus is the cover for their withdrawal symptoms. Even if you're odd enough to entertain that idea, it falls apart when you realize that adrenochrome can be made in a lab from easily available materials (silver oxide and epinephrine)

a fucking dead leaf

>Super Happening 2
The Electric Boogaloo

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Bro anything of substance
To boost morale

Yeah I got the memo. Still no reason to fuck kids. That's stupid and you're a moron if you actually act out your urges.

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Im not Merkel seemed absent and a lil weird in the press stuff she did yesterday but yeaaaaaah....

Tony prob does, maybe she left him because she found out?

it's happening

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brightly colourful

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Bump for great justice

it's very bright for us
for the bad guys, pic related

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Shill IP farming link don't click

>they could be thinking that they're following deep state orders to crash the economies and send people into a spiral that will cause massive unrest as well as hinder chances of re-eelction

You are such a typical trump circumcised mutt maga faggot it's not even funny. The elaborate retard "scheme" you described could've been done in a much more elegant way.

It's called "voter fraud". No? No. Better execute order MAGAFAG and cue the "elaborate virus timeline".


Kek me neither.

Obviously something weird happened. That's all I know, the rest is hearsay and a few dodgy paintings.
But they did lead to actual digs on real pedos with legit proof.

Blackmail is a bad thing.