I bet Yas Forums will celebrate this

I bet Yas Forums will celebrate this.

Fucking sociopaths.

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we're waiting

Good. archive this shit and let's move on to more pressing matters


Don't go getting my hopes up now.

I hope so. Niggers are a plague much worse than corona-chan.

>I bet Yas Forums will celebrate this.

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Everyone laughs but we will end up paying to save them. We wont even be through the worst of it and we will be sending billions in aid.

please God let it be true

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Its the simple thing that make a man happy

Even if 500 million die within a year it still would be meaningless because of the high birthrate. The actual nigger counter would remain the same.

So, we shouldn't have artificially inflated their population via "charity and altruism" Perhaps if apartheid had never happened their would be a country in africa that would actually be capable of a response. Reap and sow.

Reddit will probably defend faggot OP

oh no

liberals will lose a lot of potential voters

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if only it'd hit Israel

>following basic precautions
sounds like Africa alright

this will be kino, can't wait

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niggers destroy societies. wanting dead niggers means better societies and social bonding. Hence, praying for dead niggers is the exact opposite of being a sociopath you moronic faggot.

we will, nigger.


Yes, and the sky is blue.

You're god damned right i'mma celebrate niggers dying.

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I'd be happy with a 10% cull.

Haha. Yeah we’re fucked.

>Fucking sociopaths.
Game theory optimal empathy implies extending it to those who can and will reciprocate it. Anything else is like playing prisoner's dilemma and always cooperating no matter what the other player does.

Man, those African countries sure get my sympathy.

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>wash your hands

fair summary, however muh outliers exist.

Very nice, mazal tov


>Africa gets cleaned
>Low on population, needs immigration
>Europe full of niggers ready to go
>Europe gets cleaned

Nah only pussy ass white bois get the coronas.

To all people cheering ITT:
You are retarded, if the vestige of economy that is black africa collapses, there will be tens of millions more on their way to Europe.

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Niggers have had time since the beginning of self-conscience to build a functioning society, they should be fine

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Probably not going to happen.

Africa had a low population density and their simplistic societies ensure minimal contact between tribes


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Only because Europe lets them in. Back when we didn't take 3rd world immigrants we had no problems with starving African people

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Great more of my taxes going to niggers

wtf I love Coronavirus now

Lol wat. Clean the food first stupid

please. I want to see Madagascar get infected.

Ye my country is being hit hard. Our numbers are spiking just after one week. To be honest though I haven't noticed much through all the murders, loadshedding, corruption, rape, aids, niggers, carjackings, riots and niggers. Feels like everyday life. This might spice things up a bit.

Wtf am i watching ???

Call it a merciful act.
They will no longer need to go through all that suffering that is inflicted on them when they have to leave their home to go to Europe.

Why Madagascar?

I love this memerino

because Greenland was confirmed today.

Wypipo don't season their food
African culture

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lurk the fuck moar

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This. Praying for their deaths is the responsibility of all patriots

That’s the spirit.

There's too many isolated pockets of jungle coons, these niggers survive malaria, denge fever , ebola, lasso, this shit is nothing but a bitch cough to them.

"Oh no, not Africa!"

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>taking the bait


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Paradoxically it's because they became wealthier and much more niggers can afford long distance transportation now. Not to mention ease of access to information over internet (and niggers DO have smartphones).

this is how you get radioactive aids niggers

And nothing of value was lost.

The only solution is closed borders and forceful removal of blacks. I vote for selling them to Libya since they've implemented slavery once more.

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I thought blacks were immune?

>israel creates vaccine
>sell it to europe
>only way to save africans is if they move to europe to get vaccinated
we're fucked

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>I thought blacks were immune?
They are. The article is trying to divert attention from this fact, acting as a smokescreen so that people don't build a resentment towards Africans.

Holy shit what's the sauce on this

I’d rather it wipe out all the spics.

Scientist agree!
If they dont like it the can ask wakanda for wakawaka tech

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It was supposed to kill them and the streetshitters first.

Is that a anti-goon squad at work? What am I seeing?

All the weak will die, this will only make the african race stronger.